day : 13/07/2012 2 results

Sunny Eggs with Greens and Mushrooms

This easy breakfast, brunch or lunch is super-delicious and nourishing. Pasture-raised organic eggs taste great with fresh greens and crumbled Vegan Cream Cheese (or use soft goat cheese). I make this for special occasions and guests because it has an epicurian flavor, and it's incredibly quick to make. ...

Dark Sprouted Rice, Superior Nutrition Food for Humans

  One of the oldest staples in the world, rice is the life-sustaining food for 2/3 of the world’s people. That makes me want to bow down to the rice gods and to all the rice farmers who work tirelessly so we can be nourished. We are grateful for the nourishment it provides us. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look. I wonder – does our modern culture have it right? The research for this article has been deeper and more complex than any article I’ve ever written. My questions ...