Dairy 3 results

Top 12 Acupressure Points to Recharge Your Energy in 5-Minutes

Let’s take five minutes to re-charge your energy! The simple act of pressing these TOP 12 POINTS will reset your body so that Qi, health, and happiness can flow more easily. It’s a quick way to restore balance to all physical - emotional issues. It’s even more important during times of stress. And it’s FREE! These are the 12 points universally needed by almost EVERYONE on EARTH. Just a few minutes will unblock your muscles release emotions, and give you mental clarit...

Raw Milk a Superfood? My Udder Surprise!

You might wonder - what's a Paleo enthusiast doing with milk? As a firm dairy-free advocate, I've been reading studies about the immune boosting properties of raw milk. Could it be true or hype? So I decided to try it. To my total and "udder" surprise, almost immediately I noticed a higher energy level. My skin was smoother. Little skin spots vanished. I slept ...

Are There Any Almonds in Your Almond Milk?

Have you ever wondered how many almonds are in your almond milk? I compared four brands to find the number of almonds used. The results are astonishing. This won't be my most popular post. There are only 9 to 14 almonds in 2 cups of commercial almond milk. A profitable business model indeed! ...