Movement 21 results

MYTHBUSTING: Does Too Much Salt Cause Hypertension? MAYBE NOT!

I was recently SHOCKED on a trip to a small grocery store for SALT. When I asked for SALT, I was given LOW SODIUM SALT. There was no other salt available. The grocery manager said it is BETTER THAN SALT, as it PREVENTS HEART DISEASE. Yikes! Really? Now I see low-sodium salt is a popular alternative. Low-sodium salt has some of its sodium replaced with potassium chloride. Let's take a look at the heated debate! Do you believe excessive salt causes Hypertension and CVD?  Study ...

How to Release Stress – Video Instructions

Our world invites us to participate in constant stress, which sometimes can accumulate inside us. We can just let it go. Stress creates emotional highs and lows. This exercise allows us to let it go and balance the nervous system in a few minutes Many people live in a constant state of Flight-Flight, because our entire culture is focused into stress. Continuous tension builds tremendous suffering in the mind, emotions, and body, bringing us constant ups and downs. How wonderful would it be to ...

VIDEO: Detox & Vitalize Your Body Lymphatics

The best way to optimize your health is to watch the water! Why? Because your body fluids hold the key to wellness. Our bodies are 70 - 90% water. So, it’s no surprise that a clean lymphatic system is a top priority for wellness. These techniques will make you young for many years. If you wish to be truly alive and ascend to higher states of consciousness, then these detox tips for a healthy lymph system will prove even more essential. Your life force is electric. So, you'll feel more energy ...

3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Arteries Sparkling Clean

Heart Disease is the top cause of death worldwide. This is especially critical in the light of medical treatments. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, is entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible. It turns out nutrient deficiency in our modern diet is the first and root cause. Today I'm excited to share the precise medical explanation by Dr. Linus Pauling, 2X Nobel prize winner and biochemist. He brilliantly discovered the specific cure to Heart Disease decades ago, and it ...


DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a "Perfect Storm" for Depression. What are the ...

Kidney – Adrenal Tips for Luscious Hair & Thick Eyebrows

When times are stressful, everybody needs greater self-care for the Kidney. A few years ago I became very ill with adrenal exhaustion. I had to sell my business (That was a good thing). And I changed my lifestyle habits. When I was sick, I lost my eyebrows, and my eyelashes disappeared. The hair pn my head began to get frightfully thin with more gray hair. I started doing a simple Qigong practice every day, increased my water intake, and became more aware of people, thoughts, and activities ...

Stop a Panic Attack Fast: Managing Transformational Stress

What's a Panic Attack? A panic attack is an episode of paralyzing fear triggered by something small and seemingly insignificant. The average attack lasts about five to ten minutes. A panic attack often seems to begin abruptly and may include rapid heartbeat, chest constriction, difficulty breathing, dizziness, tingling, and anxiety. However, the surging chemicals of panic in your body have been years in the making before they manifest, because their deeper emotional roots may be in a distant ...

Alternate Nostril Breathing: 2-min Balancing

This is the first in a series about OXYGENATION. Are you getting enough oxygen to your cells? If you're feeling tired or on edge, the first question to ask is: How is your breathing? This 2-minute breathing will oxygenate your blood, balance your brain hemispheres, boost brain clarity, and calm your mind. Alternate Nostril Breathing is called Nadhi Shodhana, which means to clean or purify all the nadis, the meridians or energy channels. This is an ancient pranayama exercise you can do by ...

Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically optimize intelligence, body meridians, and organs, allowing us to integrate time, space, and multidimensional realities. Our left and right brain hemispheres have very different abilities. You need both functions in harmony, because together, they can reflect ALL your ...

VIDEO: How to Detox & Balance Your Microbiome Consciously

How does our self-awareness and self-love affect our microbiome? Aha! That's the BIG question. This video is a guided meditation to reset the gut-brain axis and balance the microbiome. In this fast-changing world, we need a smart, multi-dimensional approach to health. Your microbiome is the root of your immune system. It rules your digestion, and therefore your nourishment. That means this tiny environment of bugs effectively determines our health and future happiness! Wow! A new ...

DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) Our biggest killers have no cause and no cure.

Why are NCD's our biggest killers? Non-Communicable Diseases (think Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's) are those common "idiopathic" chronic ailments we see all around us that are said to have no cause and no cure. Now a rising health awareness in the post-Covid era indicates a new positive game is in play. Covid-19 gave humanity a nice big wake-up slap, a reminder to focus on DETOX. Our most important personal responsibility is to protect our DNA by building a resilient microbiome, the very root ...

My Top 12 Anti-Aging SuperHuman Health Tips

Several readers have asked me to share my personal diet and supplements. So, here they are. As you probably guessed, I eat a low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet of lots of coconut oil and butter. I try to have a highly diverse microbiome, with TONS of local leafy greens, yogurt, fermented foods, cheese, eggs, occasional meats, LOTS of beans, garlic, turmeric, and ginger. We eat non-GMO, no flour, no seed oils, mostly organic. We practice intermittent fasting with meals at 10am and 4pm plus a ...

Why Are Idiopathic Diseases Increasing So Rapidly?

1. Idiopathic Disease: A chronic ailments with unknown cause and no known cure. 2. Could Inflammation be a Unifying Theory of Chronic Disease? 3. Metabolism and Micro-biome are Key Roots of Disease. 4. How to measure Inflammation? Hear it from the Doctors. 5. Every Disease Begins in the Gut. No Single Cause. Detox Detox Detox! 6. Where to Begin? Start with these first steps, and you will find your own way. 7. What’s Your Personal Healing Path? Your Mind and Future are in Your Hands....

How Much Sugar Does Your Body Need?

There are just two kinds of food. NUTRITIOUS food and EMPTY food. The simple story this: Nutritious Food has vitamins and minerals directly from nature. Real food gives you a long healthy life. Empty Food is high in sugar. It gives you FAST energy, but soon makes you more tired. What's your metabolic lifestyle? This is a choice we make every day between Fast or Slow energy. Our brain and all our body cells need a bit of sugar to function properly. The brain requires about 130g of glucose per ...

10 Steps to Say Good-Bye to Belly Fat

Is it normal for our bodies to expand every year? I don't think so. Weight gain is NOT not a necessary part of aging. We sometimes think of midriff fat as negative only for outer appearance. But in fact the midriff bulge hides invisible health risks inside your body in both men and women. There are myriad causes and cures for the expanding midriff. It's a poorly understood topic that affects millions. In this heavily researched article I'm offering a multi-leveled approach to causes and ...

6 Ways to Activate Stem Cells Naturally for a Long Life

To discover the secrets to longevity, we need to re-imagine our biology, our health. We can slow aging and heal most diseases with dietary, lifestyle, and specific longevity strategies. We can rebuild our organs, our blood vessels, and our neurons to a superior level of wellness. You can buy expensive supplements too. However research shows countless ways to "hack" the body’s age-clock and activate stem cells naturally. Science continually reveals new techniques to reverse aging, avoid ...

How does the EGO separate the MIND from the HEART?

It’s just a tiny layer.  A mind implant we picked-up in early childhood. This invisible idea separates you from your inner self. Once this mental layer is planted, it tells you that YOU are a separate entity, unique, and that you are the center of the world. It is my opinion that the EGO is an AI Implant that does not belong to humans. When this selfish awareness is OVER-developed, it becomes a dangerous selfish pathology suffered by most of humanity! In beings with higher levels of ...

The Last Forgotten Pandemic: Suicide

When suicides exceed virus deaths, I am concerned. Shall we turn to look at this topic in a gentle and compassionate way? The World Health Organization has estimated that 2.5 million people would take their own lives in 2020. However, it is almost impossible to measure. As suicide is taboo in many cultures, I expect their numbers are understated.   Rising suicide underlines the loneliness and spiritual emptiness that many people ...

Alzheimer’s and Cancer: A Common Cause?

Alzheimer’s Disease affects 50 million people in the world.  This is projected to more than double to 131 million people by 2050. Scientists are calling Alzheimer's Disease "Type 3 Diabetes" because of its link to blood sugar. Let's cut to the chase. Amazingly, we can prevent and even reverse AD if we cut out sugar, refined carbs, add healthy fats, and move the body! The underlying deterioration of the brain in Alzheimer's Disease begins many years earlier with too much sugar, ...

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Walking

Trekking on the Camino in Spain, I learned an important lesson. I walked 125 km of the trail in 8 days, which means about 15 km per day. Some days it was 25 km, some days just 8. My body was weary, however my mind and spirit felt total joy and freedom! My skeleton and musculature were gently realigned each day. Even better, I enjoyed a time of peace, a chance to be with myself away from WiFi, computer, and cell phone. Yes, I was tired, however when I arrived in Santiago de Compostela and the Finisterre ocean at the end of the trip, I felt AWESOME! ...