day : 25/06/2023 2 results

12 Signs Your Liver Wants a Cleanse

 "Cancer cannot get a hold on the body if the liver is healthy."  Dr. Barbara O'Neill.  The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, and the only organ in the body that has the ability to regrow. The liver is the main detoxifier and filter of the bloodstream. The liver must try to cope with thousands of  toxic chemical in our environment.   12 SIGNS of LIVER TROUBLE:    Do you have any of these symptoms?   Digestive issues: Bloating, indigestion, constipation. Skin ...

How Healthy is Your Breakfast Cereal?

A healthy breakfast means a bowl of cereal. Right? After all isn't this an American tradition? Nope. It’s actually a very recent marketing invention. A tiny mistake in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1870 changed the face of breakfast forever. Harvey Kellogg (recognize the name?) was the director of a popular health retreat. Kellogg was said to treat his guests with many bizarre experiments for health improvement. One of his invention was a whole grain corn breakfast cereal served ...