Avoid! Starbuck’s Frappucino with Glyphosate & GMO Sugar

Terrible News! When Starbuck’s ingredients innocently say “sugar”, they mean GMO Beet Sugar, which contains Monsanto’s Glyphosate, a leading cause of weight gain, brain fog, gut imbalance, and auto-immune diseases. 

Guest Post by Food Babe. Top 5 Ways To Get Sabotaged at Starbucks

Trying to navigate through the maze of what is offered at Starbucks can be pretty daunting. I wonder  what’s REALLY in their food and drinks. I couldn’t help but shake my head at the things I uncovered, which had me asking – how many times have people unknowingly gotten sabotaged at Starbucks?

Earlier this year, it was revealed that Starbucks was using crushed up bugs to color their Strawberry Frappuccinos. Luckily, they responded to the public outcry from the vegan community and eliminated that beetle juice (which is linked to allergies). You’d think they would have taken the time to clean up the rest of their menu, but no such luck. Did you know that Starbucks uses ingredients that are scarier than bugs and could even be harmful to your health? That’s where the real sabotage begins…

Trying to navigate through the maze of what is offered at Starbucks can be pretty daunting – hopefully this information will clear up any nagging thoughts about what’s REALLY in their food and drinks. I couldn’t help but shake my head at the things I uncovered, which had me asking – how many times have people unknowingly gotten sabotaged at Starbucks?

Earlier this year, it was revealed that Starbucks was using crushed up bugs to color their Strawberry Frappuccinos. Luckily, they responded to the public outcry from the vegan community and eliminated that beetle juice (which is linked to allergies). You’d think they would have taken the time to clean up the rest of their menu, but no such luck. Did you know that Starbucks uses ingredients that are scarier than bugs and could even be harmful to your health? That’s where the real sabotage begins…



More resources: https://www.drugwatch.com/roundup/glyphosate/More Resouces:



2 Replies to "Avoid! Starbuck's Frappucino with Glyphosate & GMO Sugar"

  • Bernard Gallert March 13, 2022 (7:52 pm)

    No, I’ve had there coffee once and it’s no better than anything else, now I’ve quit drinking it anymore, and I’ve never ate there!

    • Jane Barthelemy April 11, 2022 (5:36 am)

      Hello Bernard, thanks for your comment. Yes, I’m off coffee too, and especially off Starbucks’ GMO sugar. We know what to eat, and what to avoid. Best wishes for your delicious health! Jane

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