Healthy Digestion 103 results

12 Healthy Tips for Enjoying Parties

By Jane Barthelemy. Everyone loves to go out and relax with friends. However when you go to a gathering, do you feel challenged to stay true to your diet and eat healthy? Sometimes we are offered a scary array of delicious food. It's easy to give in to temptation and suffer weight gain or digestive consequences later. ...

9 Secrets to Lick Gluten Intolerance

By Jane Barthelemy. Gluten Intolerance is like an iceberg - 90% is hidden under the surface. Over 200 million Americans are affected by gluten intolerance and celiac disease. We want simple solutions, but there’s more to it. A gluten-free diet alone is unlikely to heal your gut or immune system. Here are 9 secret weapons you'll need to heal yourself and avoid gluten reactions....

Is Sugar Toxic? CBS 60 Minutes

By Jane Barthelemy. Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at the U of C in San Francisco, believes the high amount of sugar in the American diet, much of it hidden in processed foods, is killing us and making us fat. CBS 60 Minutes recently aired new scientific research by Dr. Sanjay Gupta that links high blood sugar to obesity, diabetes...