Myths 88 results

My Biggest “Aha!”, Easy Weight Loss

A few years ago, when I was overweight, diagnosed with cancer, chronic fatigue, adrenal failure, digestive collapse, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, and two frozen shoulders, I began to make changes in my diet and lifestyle, slowly – just one change a week. If I felt better, I would hold onto the change to make it a habit. ...

Are You Alive? A Questionnaire

By Jane Barthelemy. Yes, I'm asking: Are you truly alive? Are you experiencing your life fully? Do your senses fill you with joy? How vitally alive are you on a scale of 1 - 10? This article explores deeply personal questions. Why is that important? Because your health, your success, and your destiny depend on how you answer. ...

How to Speed-Read Nutrition Labels

By Jane Barthelemy. There’s a marketing war going on in every grocery store, battling for your attention and your money. The best advice is to simply eat real, original food, and skip packaged foods altogether. However most of us do eat some packaged foods. If that's you, get ready to put your boots on and shop like a true warrior. Ours is an important battle, where we are defending our right to quality food and to live a healthy life. ...

Healthy Paleo Brownies? A shocking comparison

By Jane Barthelemy. I love all brownies! But hey, they're never what they claim to be. I analyzed three brownie recipes to see which is best. All of them taste great. But which one is healthiest? We believe Paleo brownies are always low-carb and healthy. Right? Nope. Not always. These Nutrition Facts will shock and surprise you!...

Why is healthy food so expensive?

By Jane Barthelemy. We lament the high cost of healthy food. But perhaps there's another way to look at it: Why do we even try to compare original foods prepared with care, to cheap, industrial foods? These are two completely different types of "food", with huge nutritional differences. It makes no sense at all to compare Paleo hunt-and gather foods to factory farmed and junk "food"....

What are the best healthy thickeners?

By Jane Barthelemy. This post is for all you mad scientists in the kitchen! Every chef needs to know the best thickeners. When I was writing my Paleo Desserts book I felt like a blind person searching in the dark. My goal was to re-invent recipes for all our favorite sweets with no gluten, grains ...

Is Sugar Toxic? CBS 60 Minutes

By Jane Barthelemy. Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at the U of C in San Francisco, believes the high amount of sugar in the American diet, much of it hidden in processed foods, is killing us and making us fat. CBS 60 Minutes recently aired new scientific research by Dr. Sanjay Gupta that links high blood sugar to obesity, diabetes...

Avoiding GMO’s? Here’s a Guide.

By Jane Barthelemy. Our health movement is now mainstream! So what is step #1 for your health? Well, I'd say taking care of the food you eat is pretty high. With so many processed ingredients, one of the easiest things to slip through the cracks is GMO's! You're thinking of a chicken salad for lunch? Think again – the chicken will be GMO-fed, and the dressing has GMO canola or soy oil. How about a beef burrito? Nope, the beef is from a CAFO with antibiotics, GMO-feed, and the tortilla is raised with Glyphosate. Okay, so you choose a shrimp wrap. But uh oh! ...