Nightshades 3 results

Beware of Nightshades

By Jane Barthelemy. Do you suffer from gluten or dairy intolerance, mood swings, indigestion, arthritis, or an auto-immune disease? If so, the hidden culprit could be nightshades. Nightshades are a group of vegetables in the Solanaceae family including Tomatoes, White Potatoes, all Peppers, and Eggplant....

Healing the Forgotten Pandemics: Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

This is part four of my video series on how to eliminate the Forgotten Pandemics (which are also the top Covid comorbidities.) This article is about Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis which affect 550 million worldwide. This is all about flour, sweets and sugar. Bone diseases are a major health threat worldwide. Osteoarthritis, means "joint inflammation". Osteoporosis means "porous bones", or low bone density affecting many women. Ancient ...

Are Nightshades Paleo?

By Jane Barthelemy. I adore spicy foods! My favorites are Pizza, Hot Salsa, Eggplant Parmesan, and Ratatouille. Recently I’ve been trying a nightshade-free diet, and guess what? I feel so much better. What’s the real scoop on nightshades? Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peppers, Eggplants....