Seasonal Foods 9 results

Avoid Maple Syrup – Almost 100% sugar!

We LOVE to drizzle maple syrup! We think it's pure sap of maple trees - Right?  Uh Oh!  Sorry to bring sad news! Maple syrup is highly processed containing 50% glucose, 50% fructose. It's almost 100% sugar! WHAT!?!?  Yes! Maple syrup will acidify your body pH and spike blood glucose like sugar. Charts below show high sugar, high calories and carbs! Read the LABEL! As usual, the truth is in the details. This won't be my most popular post. Ha Ha! Here goes! Here's the ELEPHANT in the ...

Winter Self-Care Tips for the Kidney Meridian

Winter is the season of the Kidney. The Kidney energy is the most essential root of your life force. Maybe the hibernating bears are smart to put the wisdom of the ages into practice, and humans should do the same. Wintertime for bears is time to snuggle together to conserve your JING life force. Be quiet, sleep more, eat warming foods, wrap yourself in full insulation of natural fabrics, stimulate the Kidney meridian with accu-tapping points and use warming breathing exercises. When your ...

9 Tips from Chinese Medicine for a Healthy Fall Season

When Fall is in the air, mornings are crisp, and the days are shorter. Personally, I feel a tinge of sadness and even a slight sense of trepidation. For many people it's a time of colds and flu. Some are constantly on the edge of getting sick the whole season. Build resilience in the immune system! Here are a few pearls of wisdom from Chinese Medicine to make the changes easier. 9 Tips for a Healthy Fall Season: Protect the Lungs. Cover up and guard against sudden temperature changes or ...

Stop a Virus with Top 5 Anti-viral Herbs

By Jane Barthelemy. With coronavirus and and other flu viruses floating around, you need to know these natural anti-viral herbs and supplements. Whether it’s a cold, flu, mumps, or ANY virus, the rules for kicking it are the same. These safe plant-based medicines have an important place in your tool chest for basic self-care. I've used this system many times. These are my everyday go-to remedies before doing pharmaceuticals or tests, which may have repercussions. My Top 5 most ...

Why I Became Paleo-Vegetarian

I am a NATURE GIRL. There’s a perfection in NATURE. The complex eco-system of LIFE on our planet is so wondrous, especially the way it is able to maintain BALANCE. Anything leftover, Nature intelligently recycles into herself with ants or bacterial decomposition back into the Earth. So, even if our human activities twist Nature out of whack, the pendulum of fate will always miraculously bring it back to a balanced state. Ha Ha! I'm waiting impatiently for that right now! Why did I become ...

What Are Autumn Medicinal Foods?

It's amazing! 4,500 years ago, the oldest book on medicine suggests we "Heal the body before illness can come." A truly cutting-edge, breakthrough idea! The Yellow Emperor Huangdi (2717 -2599 BCE) said: “In the old days, smart people prevented disease before it began, just as a good leader averts war before it starts. If someone digs a well only when thirsty, or forges weapons during battle, one might ask: Aren’t these actions far too late to be effective?”  Health is Listening ...

5 Steps to a Year-round Herb Garden

Fresh herbs are surprisingly easy to grow, they add aromatic flavor and beauty to your homecooked meals. Another bonus, they contain vitamins and minerals in higher concentrations than many other plants. I find that every dish tastes better with fresh herbs, and the most convenient way to get them is from your own garden, right? ...

Thinking of a Spring Cleanse?

A Spring Cleanse can make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow. Even better, it can boost your energy levels, improve digestion, aid sleep, and help you shed a few unwanted pounds. Spring is the perfect time to start over. But what exactly do you want to accomplish? ...

My Favorite Fall Recipes

Today I felt a huge change in the weather, and my body wants warm foods. No more cold drinks and salads, I'm craving soups, stews, and hot tea. The transition to Fall is hard for many people. As the weather gets colder, the rhythm of the day feels different and somehow strange. I need a jump-start reminder ...