Hi-Protein Strawberry Milkshake

Today I was inspired with fresh organic strawberries, and made this milkshake for breakfast! A super-flexible recipe, cashews and protein powder gave it a creamy texture. High-antioxidant lemon gives it a zingy flavor. Bee pollen is rich in proteins and B-complex vitamins. Beet root is a nutrient-dense, colorful addition that helps lower blood pressure, fight cancer and inflammation, boost stamina, and support detox. Organic strawberries are the only way to go, as these delicate fruits absorb high levels of pesticides, and they’re on the EWG’s bad bad “Dirty Dozen” list unless labeled organic. Optional superfoods include goji berries and maca powder, if you have them, however your smoothie will be delicious without them.

This is also a powerful anti-cancer milkshake! I enjoy fermented dairy with flaxseed oil in my smoothies, especially after learning about the work of Dr. Johana Budwig, a famous German cancer physician. Nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize because of her 95% success rate healing cancer, Dr. Budwig discovered a powerful combination for treating and preventing cancer using “sulphurated proteins” in fermented milk such as yogurt, combined with flaxseed oil. No glycemic sugars are allowed in her recipes, and Dr. Budwig’s work is a powerful guide for health practitioners worldwide. Check out her book “The Oil Protein Cookbook”. Serves one, generously.

Hi-Protein Strawberry Cashew Milkshake



  • 5-6 whole strawberries
  • 1/2 cup Redwood Farms goat kefir or yogurt
  • 5 thin slices beet, raw or cooked
  • 2 tablespoons flax oil
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon bee pollen, local if possible
  • 1/4 cup your favorite protein powder
  • 2 handfulls cashews, soaked if possible
  • 1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons non-sugar sweetener such as
  • 3 slices lemon, peeled and seeded
  • 2 tablespoons goji berries, (optional, they're nightshades)
  • 1 teaspoon maca powder (optional, also a nightshade)


  1. Put all ingredients into any blender or food processor. Blend until as smooth as possible. And drink!

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