Kidney – Adrenal Tips for Luscious Hair & Thick Eyebrows

When times are stressful, everybody needs greater self-care for the Kidney. A few years ago I became very ill with adrenal exhaustion. I had to sell my business (That was a good thing). And I changed my lifestyle habits. When I was sick, I lost my eyebrows, and my eyelashes disappeared. The hair pn my head began to get frightfully thin with more gray hair. I started doing a simple Qigong practice every day, increased my water intake, and became more aware of people, thoughts, and activities that drained my energy.  Although it took a few years to heal, my eyebrows are now thick and hairy. Ha Ha! My lashes came back, my hair got thick and lustrous. Even the hair on my legs is thick. Now my facialist always asks me: “Can I pluck some of these thick eyebrow hairs?” I say “NO!” It reminds me of what it was like to be sick and hairless. Now I am happy to have bushy eyebrows. I know better how to listen to my body to stay healthy.

Radical changes in the world and much new information take a toll on the Kidneys and Adrenals. The body simply can’t be on overdrive and Go-Go Go all the time. One of the first things to suffer is our nerves are on edge, and it’s difficult to relax deeply. When stress increases, our creative juices are reduced, so our productivity suffers. More stress brings brittle, thinning hair, eyebrows begin to disappear, and libido vanishes. This is not natural aging. This is Kidney-Adrenal depletion. Here are some quick tips to stay healthy and weather every storm.

  • 1) Kidneys and Adrenals Control Important Body Functions
  • 2) Kidney Weakness is an Epidemic in Modern Society. Chinese Medicine for Healing Kidney-Adrenal Deficiency 
  • 2) Top Rule #1: Drink More Water, Avoid Soft drinks, Coffee, and Sugar.
  • 4) Herbal Remedies for Kidneys Adrenals available online.
  • 5) RELAX! Healthy Lifestyle for Kidney – Adrenals includes rest, calming your nerves, Qigong, no coffee, no sugar. 
  • 6) What Foods build Libido, Luscious Hair, Thick Eyebrows? 

1. Kidneys and Adrenals Control Important Body Functions

  • Kidneys Store Essential Jing from Your Ancestors
  • Healthy hair
  • Rule growth, development and reproduction
  • Control water metabolism, lymph, and detox
  • Produce Marrow and control bones
  • Control Ears and Hearing
  • Rule Genitals, Sexuality, Libido
  • They house Willpower and determination (Zhi )
  • Nervous system balance
  • Kidneys are affected by fear

In Chinese Medicine, the Kidneys and Adrenals are the root of your existence. They hold your ancestral lineage. They provide high energy when needed, however they often get overworked and tired. In Chinese medicine, the Kidneys are the source of Qi, the root life energy from your ancestors, and the foundation of the immune system and all organs. Do you think your kidneys requires gentle support and periodic cleansing. Yesss!

The Kidney system supplies essence or Jing to all organs. It stores Jing, our congenital essence. It houses the Yang will & Yin will. Generosity, creativity, desire, and libido are all generated by the Kidneys. The Kidney rules the bones, spine, and bone marrow. It rules the ear and hearing. The Kidney provides digestive fire for the Spleen and warmth to the Heart. It generates the brain and nervous system. The Kidney controls hair and graying of hair. It rules the knees. Low Kidney qi can lead to low creativity, libido, and incontinence. The Kidney generates fear, and an awareness when there is danger. Common symptoms of Qi deficiency in kidneys are fatigue and adrenal exhaustion, which often result in dark circles under the eyes.

2) Kidney Weakness is an Epidemic in modern society.

Chinese Medicine for Healing Kidney-Adrenal Deficiency 

In Chinese Medicine, the “three treasures” for health are Jing, Qi, and Shen – loosely translated as our Essence, Energy, and Spirit.

Lao Zi, the Great Taoist sage said:

“The human body is only Jing, Qi and Shen. These are the three treasures that make a complete human being. In order to attain true health and happiness, you must value the three treasures. Without these you cannot live long, and deep attainment cannot be reached in a lifetime. The three treasures must not be wasted. They must be nourished and protected as one’s life.” 

Kidneys control longevity and JING.
If we over-indulge in empty foods, sweets, alcohol, sex, or drugs, we will quickly burn through our lifetime supply of Jing essence. Coffee, excessive work, too much exercise, and stress all deplete Kidney essence. Hair loss, graying hair, weak bones, loss of hearing, dark circles under the eyes and dental issues all signal declining Kidney. The secret to long life is a balanced lifestyle with healthy whole food, sufficient sleep, and low stress. Once we have used up all our Jing, we die.

3) Top Rule #1: Drink More Water, Avoid Soft drinks, Coffee, and Sugar

Since WATER makes up 70% to 90% of your tissues, every part of your body needs it to function properly. Many people are unwittingly dehydrated. Everybody is different, and a good starting point is to drink 2 to 2.5 quarts of clean water every day. Water helps clean the interstitial fluids, which carry away cellular debris. DETOX means cleaning and removing toxins from the lymphatic interstitial fluids and the blood. Without sufficient WATER FLOW, your body simply cannot clear cellular debris to keep your system clean. So toxins will build up and make you sick.

The amazing kidneys role is to drain fluids from the intercellular spaces in the body. This keeps your body clean and oxygenated. The kidney must filter all the body fluids (blood, plasma, lymph) separating them into urine to be eliminated and blood to be recycled through the system. Water is essential to keep your blood vessels flexible and open so that blood can travel freely to your kidneys, and deliver essential nutrients to them. But if you become dehydrated, then it is impossible for this delivery system to work.

4. Herbal Remedies for Kidneys Adrenals Available Online.

Soviet scientists have found that certain adaptogenic herbs can really assist adrenal fatigue. Their magic potion includes Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus sinensis), Manchurian Thorn Tree, Schizandra, Rhaponticum carthinoides, Hawthorn extract, Adjuga turkistanica, Tribulus terrestris, and Echinopanax Elatium, all of which act together synergistically for maximum healing and recovery. Look for these herbs, often available as “Adrenal support”.

Other Herbs for kidney cleansing include parsley, ginseng, dandelion, corn silk, saw palmetto berries, and juniper berries. Schizandra berries, or Wu Wei Zi is a protective herb against leaking energy and essence as an adaptogenic tonic to the nervous system, helping to calm the spirit, treat insomnia and forgetfulness, improve intellectual activity, concentration, fine coordination, sensitivity and endurance, used by many athletes.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, a blend of herbs in formula, can nourish the energy of the kidneys. It can be helpful for dark circles caused by qi deficiency in kidneys. Yang Gan Ju (Chamomile) has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It can help to decrease the dark circles, and also help with temporarily reducing the redness and irritation on eye bags.

How to use: Instead of drinking chamomile tea, place two bags of chamomile tea in boiling water for 2 minutes. Take the tea bags out, wait until they are cool enough, and then place them underneath your eyes for 5 minutes.

Here below are a few general products I recommend for kidney health. Your personal needs are unique. Specific issues will require the guidance of an experienced herbalist. Some of these herbs can be beneficial and delicious for everyday kidney support. Purchase herbs from a reliable herbalist, or online from Dragon or Mountain Rose Herbs. I recommend these 3 combination products below for general kidney support, however not for long periods of time: 

Rehmannia Six Combination by Dragon Herbs

Adapt Care Extract from Mountain Rose Herbs

Coping with the daily aggravations of life, especially work pressures, family responsibilities, financial worries, lack of sunshine, and regular use of caffeine, can take a toll. This synergistic blend of adaptogenic herbs can help support normal adrenal function and restore balance to both body and mind so you can face the challenges of the day with strength.

Organic adapt care tincture blend can be added to juice or water or taken directly on the tongue and includes:

Ashwagandha: This important root has been highly regarded and utilized in Ayurveda for thousands of years. It is considered to be an overall tonic and is traditionally used as an adaptogen and nervine to help cope with stress and support cognitive health.*

Rhodiola: With an extensive history of use in Europe and Asia, this floral scented root has been dated back to the ancient Greeks. Rhodiola root promotes a healthy response to stress and supports adrenal functioning.*

Schisandra: These berries have been revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for ages. Full of wellness properties, this fruit is recognized for its high quantity of antioxidants and for its adaptogenic qualities. Schisandra is considered to contain all basic flavors: salty, sweet, sour, pungent, and bitter.

Eleuthero: An energetically warming root, this eleuthero is employed in TCM to invigorate qi, strengthen and nourish the spleen and kidney, and to balance vital energy. This botanical is also known as Siberian ginseng.

Holy Basil: Referred to as the “Queen of Herbs” and “the Incomparable One” in Ayurveda, this herb has been revered for its energetics and health promoting qualities for millennia. It is often employed as a nervine, adaptogen, and daily tonic. Holy basil supports immune health to help you stay feeling your best.*

Oats: Tender, immature milky oat tops are esteemed by herbalists for their calming, beneficial properties. This botanical is admired for its capacity to restore balance with its nervine qualities. It has an incredibly versatile restorative tonic appeal.

Organic alcohol, water, fresh organic ashwagandha root, fresh organic rhodiola root, organic schisandra berry, organic eleuthero root, fresh organic holy basil aerial portion, and fresh organic milky oat tops.

Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Daily Support from

5) RELAX! Healthy Lifestyle for Kidney – Adrenals include Qigong and balancing activities. 

Adrenal fatigue is your mortal enemy. Our “Go, go, go!” mentality of “Work hard, play hard!”, “Pushing” through with caffeine and sugar, bring kidney depletion. Stressful adrenaline events and longstanding fearful environment can destroy your health. Coffee and sugar squeeze the stored Qi reserves in the Kidneys to fuel your body’s activities in moments of stress. Those energy reserves can be used today or tomorrow, or they could be saved for the future. Your Jing reserves are sort of like a savings account in the bank. When we use caffeine and sugar for quick energy, we’re effectively squeezing from our future reserves in the Kidneys, depleting the stores that we may need for our longevity and balanced life.

Lifestyle changes for healthy Kidneys and Adrenals include:

  • Frequent massages and deep relaxation
  • Swimming in fresh water
  • Baths soaking and relaxing
  • Qigong
  • Yoga
  • Walking outside in Nature

Take a Qigong class online every day. Here is one of my favorites:

6) What Herbs and Foods Build Libido, Luscious Hair, Thick Eyebrows?

Kidney deficiency is usually related to mineral deficiency, which means poor nutrition. for example, the integrity of the hair depends upon adequate levels of zinc and protein. We need magnesium, zinc, and copper in the right balance. Too much supplementation can destabilize the body.

The best way to build Kidney strength is through mineral balance eating unprocessed whole Organic Foods.
Avoid modern foods. Avoid addictive foods like coffee and sugar.
Stay away from sugar, sweets, processed foods, white flour, white rice, bread, crackers, chips, empty foods, sodas, alcohol, GMO foods, and very salty foods.

Foods that specifically nurture the kidney meridian include sprouts, eggs, beans, barley, sardines, cheese, and blueberries. For kidney yin deficiency try kidney beans, black sesame seeds, walnuts, asparagus, sweet potato, string beans, celery, parsley, grapes and plums. If you eat meat, pork is recommended for kidney strength.

Focus on foods that support kidney health and balance yin and yang energies. Don’t skimp on protein. Pork is a good source of protein. Or if you are vegetarian, eat plenty of beans for protein. A varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, while avoiding high-salt, high-sugar is suggested.

Castor Oil for Hair growth
A great short term solution for hair loss and thinning eyebrows is castor oil. Put a few drops of castor oil on your hands. Rub or pat it on your eyebrows, lashes, eyes, and hair. Castor oil is sticky, but will work wonders on making your hair and eyebrows fuller and more beautiful.

Kidneys, Hair, and the Nervous System are Connected!
Our hair is a kind of energy receiving system, linked to the nervous system and the fight-flight fear response. That’s because around the base of each hair follicle in your skin there is a loop of blood capillaries enclosed in connective tissue, called the hair papilla. Atop each papilla there are clusters of epithelial (skin) cells that form the hair shaft. Small bundles of enervated muscles lie around the shaft, which under sudden stress such as cold or fright, cause the hair to stand on end. The arrestor pili muscles at the base of the hair follicle, are responsible at least in part, for helping to hold the hair in place, regulated by the sympathetic nervous system and the kidney meridian. Thus hair loss is closely related to Kidney qi and the emotion of fear. Hair richness, color, and graying of hair are said to be regulated by hormones. Mineral deficiency is endemic worldwide, even in developed countries. So, the modern diet of processed empty foods means poor nutrition, which will effect both hair graying and hair growth.

Thanks for reading!

Jane Barthelemy is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. She has her MBA in financial management and has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of Chinese – Ayurvedic wisdom. She teaches Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”.  She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are and Jane lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D.

1 Reply to "Kidney - Adrenal Tips for Luscious Hair & Thick Eyebrows"

  • On Screen Solution August 2, 2024 (5:59 am)

    Supporting kidney and adrenal health through self-care practices can help rejuvenate your hair and eyebrows, especially during stressful times.

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