day : 22/03/2022 2 results

AVOID! BPA-free Plastics Labeled “BPS”

Yikes! University of Calgary scientists say BPS (bisphenol-S), the new alternative ingredient labeled “BPA-free”, disrupts normal brain-cell growth and leads to hyper-activity in children. Source: Washington Post, By Pulitzer Prizewinning Journalist Amy Ellis Nutt....

AVOID! High Fructose Corn Syrup Renamed “Fructose”, Sold as Natural Sweetener!

Consumers are really getting that the quality of our food affects our waistline and our health. Now High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) can be sold in groceries as a natural sweetener! Healthy Solution: Natural zero glycemic sweeteners. Beware of: ‘fructose’‘fructose syrup’ and 'HFCS-90'. ...