day : 05/07/2022 2 results

Brain Balancing for Mental Clarity

This is your 2-minute self-care moment. Brain-balancing resets your nervous system so you can stay relaxed and grounded all the time. It helps give you access to a larger part of your brain. The video will show you how. Whenever the "Shirt Hits the Fan" or whenever you feel "off", do not hesitate! Do this exercise! It is critical for the left and right cortices of your brain to be synchronized. This immediately boosts brain function, calms emotions, and resets the nervous system. This ...

AVOID: The $100 Billion Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic

OK, I'll tell you what it is. This article is by Dr. Joseph Mercola, who always gets it right for our health. Since I've been saying this for years, let's hear it from him, and maybe more people will understand the risks. We're talking about dangerous seed oils: Soybean oil, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Safflower, and Sunflower oil. Toxic seed oils are perhaps the most poisonous ingredient in the human diet. Here are Dr. Mercola's words: "Many people think it’s sugar, but I believe this ...