day : 30/04/2023 4 results

AVOID: Toxic Brown Sugar with Glyphosate

Bad news! Many people believe brown sugar is healthier, but this is not true. Unfortunately most brown sugar comes from cheap GMO beets with cane molasses added for color. Sadly, all non-organic sugar contains Monsanto’s herbicide Glyphosate, a known carcinogen and root cause of autism, diabetes, celiac disease, ...

AVOID Farmed Fish with Chemical Dioxins, PCB’s, GMO’s.

Hidden toxins in farmed fish include GMO's, Glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, bacteria, chemicals, poisonous dioxins, PCBs, and other pollutants in dry pellet fish feed. Your Healthy Solution: Eat small wild fish such as Alaskan salmon and sardines....

AVOID! Starbuck’s Muffins with GMO Sugar & Monsanto’s Glyphosate

Beware of dangerous ingredients in Starbuck's muffins! They're made with GMO sugar and toxic Glyphosate by Monsanto, a primary cause of autism, nerve degeneration and Alzheimer's. I won't be standing in line there any more. Sadly, every single ingredient in these muffins is from Monsanto except for these four: ...

Avoid! Starbuck’s Frappucino with Glyphosate & GMO Sugar

Terrible News! When Starbuck's ingredients innocently say "sugar", they mean GMO Beet Sugar, which contains Monsanto's Glyphosate, a leading cause of weight gain, brain fog, gut imbalance, and auto-immune diseases. ...