CASTOR OIL – 10 Surprising Health Benefits

Hello Friends, I am just discovering the amazing benefits of CASTOR OIL I am delighted with the powerful healing it brings inexpensively, with no costly pharmaceuticals or side effects. Castor Oil is a smart solution to many modern ailments. My good friend Dr. Jockers offers a complete guide to using Castor Oil on his website here. I highly recommend his information at this link.  I wish I had learned about Castor oil decades ago. As I do my own testing, I am experimenting with all the ways to use it. Let me know your comments below.

TAKEAWAY: 10 Surprising Benefits of CASTOR OIL

  1. Moisturizes the Skin, Cleanses and Scar Removal, Reduces bags under the eyes
  2. Soothes sore muscles, Reduces joint pain, Anti-inflammatory, Eases Menstrual Cramps.
  3. Promotes Lymphatic Drainage, Liver, Kidney, and Gut Detox, as it Dilates the Bile Ducts and thins the Bile
  4. Improves Bowel Motility, Relieves constipation
  5. Reduce Swelling and Edema, Speeds healing of Wounds
  6. Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal Properties
  7. Improves Blood Circulation and Tissue Oxygenation
  8. Supports Healthy Immune Function
  9. Improve Hair growth and health of scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
  10. Organ detox with a Castor Oil Pack

Click here for the Complete article. THANK YOU DR. JOCKERS!!!

Dr. Jockers on Castor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It


2 Replies to "CASTOR OIL - 10 Surprising Health Benefits"

  • Sue Aldridge October 2, 2024 (10:59 am)

    Thank you, Jane….I LOVE your articles….you are the real deal, which is so different from many on the internet pushing their products, true or not. Your articles have always proved to be valuable information–I appreciate your bravery to tell it all like it is!!

    • Jane Barthelemy February 23, 2025 (1:17 am)

      Hi Sue, THANK YOU for your kind words. Yes! Castor oil is so amazing. My husband puts it on his eyes every night before bed. His vision has improved and his cataracts are GONE! Jane

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