Paleo Pumpkin Honey Butter

This creamy mélange is one of the best recipes ever to come out of my kitchen. And easiest! There are so many uses for this luscious spread – starting with the holidays! It tastes amazing on biscuits, hot rolls, apple muffins, even pancakes. Try it with savory dishes, chicken, or pork. Pretty soon, you’ll be putting it on everything, like using it as a topping on ice cream! How about a Pumpkin Honey Milkshake, or luscious Pumpkin Honey Caramel Chai? OMG It’s up to you.

I suggest 100% organic ingredients to avoid industrial chemicals like glyphosate, which accumulate over time. I’ve always considered honey to be a truly sacred food that adds pure delight to everything. However I use it rarely because of it’s high-glycemic qualities. Fortunately there are exceptions to every rule, and I decided this is one of those cases! You’ll need a food processor or good blender such as the BlendTec or VitaMix to make this super creamy and smooth. Have all ingredients approximately at room temperature to avoid temperature shock and separation of oils. Oh, and when you get tired of pumpkin, this recipe also tastes delicious made with sweet potato, rutabaga, or squash. Yum! Let me know what happens! Yield: 1 cup pumpkin honey butter.

Paleo Pumpkin Honey Butter




  1. Place all ingredients at room temperature in a food processor or super-blender. Mix very well until smooth and creamy.
  2. Pour into a serving bowl and eat.

“Be like a child every day. Nothing is impossible…” – Eckhardt Tolle

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