To live a long and healthy life, one of the most important steps is to keep your intestines clean. Certain foods clog up our body and lead to weight gain. An expanded belly can be caused by visceral fat that accumulates in and around the internal organs. We also know that most adults hold from 5 to 20 pounds of indigestible waste (POOP) in the belly. Yikes! I’m betting this will NOT be my most popular post – ha ha! But please read on – – it’s vitally important.
Our food choices are an expression of our self-respect. The biggest step to losing the belly is to think independently. When we are an independent thinker, we are no longer tempted by things that harm us. We just stop following the crowd. Those foods are OK for other people. It’s a very tiny sacrifice. It doesn’t even hurt, because instantly you will feel better following these steps. And you become VERY strong.
Our Paleo ancestors survived hard times precisely because they were able to accumulate fat during times of plentiful food, and lose that weight during seasons when food was scarce. Modern people do not need to store that much fat. Instead, we have other issues, like empty calories, indigestible foods, GMO’s, and pharmaceuticals that clog the belly.
Every person is different. A large belly is not necessarily an indication of poor health. However, the common modern tendency is to accumulate fat due to poor choices. Fast foods, sugars, and refined GMO foods cause toxic congestion in everybody. They will hang around in the body unless we detoxify and get plenty of physical activity to work it off. As we age, our metabolism generally slows down. So, if we eat the same quantity of food, we might accumulate fat around the middle.
For me happiness is simple. Happiness is an even metabolism, smooth digestion every day, and a flat tummy. I’m going to tell you how to do it right now.
10 Steps to Lose a Middle-Aged Belly:
- Eat real food, mostly organic vegetables. This gives you delicious nutrition straight from Mother Earth, along with natural fiber to clean out the intestines.
- Avoid all sugars. This means no sweets, and no sugar substitutes with glucose or fructose. The worst culprits are cane sugar, beet sugar, molasses, brown sugar, maple syrup, coconut sugar dates, rice syrup, agave, and honey.
- Avoid ALL chemicals, GMO’s, pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals. Processed food with chemicals is the #1 culprit in weight-gain and bloating, as it gives you poor nutrition and destroys the friendly gut bacteria.
- NO white rice, no bread, no refined carbs. That means no cookies, pasta, junk, crackers, or chips. Commercial over-processed foods are your deadly enemies. They may taste wonderful for a brief moment, but they give you zero nourishment and destroy your metabolism. Finely ground flours cause slime and plaque to accumulate in the intestines, which makes a big belly.
- NO vegetable oils. GMO soy, corn, canola, even safflower, sunflower and peanut oil are bad for the git. Use coconut oil, which helps weight control. Or use 100% pure un-doctored un-tainted olive oil, which is hard to find. Avocado oil is ok too.
- Eat lots of high-fiber foods to clean the colon. Some high-fiber foods are soaked unmilled rice (brown or dark red), soaked chia seeds, soaked quinoa, raw veggies, whole grain cereals, leafy greens, and squash. See Fiber below. You can do a gentle digestive cleanse, or get a colonic. All this helps to clear old stuff from the intestines.
- Hydrate and Move the Lymph – To lose the belly, you need to drink 2 1/2 quarts of water per day, and then shake it up, to invite your body fluids to flow in a gentle way. Try Qigong Shaking 10-20 minutes a day. See Qigong Shaking below. Do yoga body inversions to turn lymph stagnation upside-down. See Inversions below.
- Aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week. Work your abs, spine, and core every other day.
- Eat on time. Small dinner 3 hours before bed, and after that, no more eating. Limit carbs at dinner, or you’ll put on weight as you sleep.
- Relax and walk outside 30 – 60 minutes every day with deep breathing. Use this as an opportunity to release stress. Stress is your biggest enemy. A gentle walk after each meal helps release tension. It resets your meridians, which helps every function in your body, especially the digestion. It vitalizes your organs and resets your biorhythms.
Eat some high-fiber food every day. High-fiber foods include soaked dry beans, soaked unmilled rice (brown rice or dark red rice), soaked chia seeds, soaked quinoa, raw veggies, whole grain cereals, leafy greens, and squash. These foods create a fibrous layer that moves along your intestines, as it cleans and vitalizes the intestinal wall. Soaking beans and whole grains is important, otherwise they are quite difficult to digest. This important clue seems to have been lost somewhere during the past century. Soaking removes anti-nutrients and indigestible natural chemicals. (These bitter coatings were designed by Mother Nature to protect the seeds, and insure they would pass through animal digestion intact to be planted in the ground in excrement.)
Easy, cheap food is not healthy. Weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure are rising in incidence all over the world. The real victims of empty foods are our children and grandchildren. Over several generations, nutritional deficiencies, stress, and lack of harmony with Nature, all lead to a weakened family line.

White rice is cheaper. It’s easy to digest. Quick to cook. That’s because it’s an empty food! It’s very low in vitamins and minerals. Dark red rice is a nutritious high-fiber food. You’ll eat less, be healthier, and save money!
How to cook dark red rice:
- 1/2 to 1 cup of cooked dark red rice per day helps keep the intestines clean. Milled or polished rice cannot do this.
- Make sure you first soak the rice for 12-22 hours. This raises protein content and lowers carbs. Just like your great grandmother did, soaking is a necessary step. It makes the seed come alive, makes it more digestible, and it cooks quicker.
- Then cook the rice in water until soft.
- I do this every morning by soaking 1 1/2 tablespoons of chia seeds overnight.
- Then add hot water, stir well, and drink.
- Do this away from other foods so that the chia in your intestinal tract can gently clean away old debris.
This is an easy way to move the lymph. It also improves brain function.

To put your body upside down for a few minutes helps to move the lymph system and carry away old debris. Start with an easy position. Hold for 5-10 breaths, it is comfortable.
Take your time. Be persistent and patient.
If you follow these steps and listen to your body, the weight will start to come off. You may notice it disappears in the midsection first, since visceral (internal organ) fat dissolves more quickly than other types of body fat. Enjoy your new body!!
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