Obesity 51 results

AVOID! The Toxic Truth About Stevia

By Jane Barthelemy. Stevia is marketed as a healthy sweetener. But surprising new evidence indicates all stevia sold in grocery stores is highly processed with methyl alcohol or other toxic chemicals. Healthy Solution: Look for my top natural non-toxic sweeteners. Do you know if your stevia is pure? Or is it mixed with other sweeteners, sugars, and chemicals? Do you wonder how your stevia is refined? What does “natural” mean, if anything? Where is your stevia produced? You ...

Time-Restricted Eating for Longevity and DNA Evolution

What is Time Restricted Eating? Exciting new research suggests that Time-Restricted-Eating helps us painlessly eat less food to boost our immune system and extend longevity. When we attune our body to its natural circadian clock, our biological rhythms regulate our sleep-wake cycles through the day. If our sleep - eating patterns work against our natural inborn biorhythms, this leads to illness. When we stay up late, lose sleep, skip meals, eat too much, or eat late at night, this disrupts the ...

How Healthy is Your Breakfast Cereal?

A healthy breakfast means a bowl of cereal with milk and sugar. Right? Isn't this an American tradition? Nope. It’s actually a very recent marketing invention. A tiny mistake in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1870 changed the face of breakfast forever. Harvey Kellogg (recognize the name?) was the director of a popular health retreat. Kellogg was said to treat his guests with many bizarre experiments for health improvement. One of his invention was a whole grain corn breakfast cereal ...

Avoid Maple Syrup – Almost 100% sugar!

We LOVE to drizzle maple syrup! We think it's pure sap of maple trees - Right?  Uh Oh!  Sorry to bring sad news! Maple syrup is highly processed containing 50% glucose, 50% fructose. It's almost 100% sugar! WHAT!?!?  Yes! Maple syrup will acidify your body pH and spike blood glucose like sugar. Charts below show high sugar, high calories and carbs! Read the LABEL! As usual, the truth is in the details. This won't be my most popular post. Ha Ha! Here goes! Here's the ELEPHANT in the ...

What Favorite Foods Convert to SUGAR in Your Blood?

Shall we do some MYTH BUSTING? We all know sugar is BAD. And whole foods are GOOD. Yep, we've got that. But WHY do many people eat a whole food diet but still end up with diabetes and heart disease? Maybe it's not exactly BAD vs. GOOD foods. Maybe it's about HIGH-CARB WHOLE FOODS that CONVERT immediately to sugar in the body? AHA!! These foods may not TASTE sweet, but too much of them CAUSES DISEASE because they IMMEDIATELY become SUGAR. This means we have to re-think the whole food pyramid! ...

Dark Sprouted Rice, Superior Nutrition! It’s all about the MINERALS!

Rice is the main food for 2/3 of the world. Which kind is best?  Check out this nutrition comparison!  It's all about minerals lost in processing white rice. It turns out dark red and black rice are not only tastier, they also provide complete minerals. The only requirement is that rice must be properly cultivated, hulled, soaked, and sprouted. Better quality precision hulling machines don't strip away the dark coating containing the nutrients. Good-bye disease! Red Rice has 5x the ...

The BIG Blind Spot – What is the top carcinogenic food worldwide?

A great big blind spot worldwide is carcinogenic cooking oils: Soybean, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Safflower, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Rice Bran, and Peanut oil. These toxic seed oils, sometimes innocently marketed as "vegetable" or "refined oils", are some of the most poisonous ingredients in the modern human diet, increasing your risk of Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease. The problem is, these inexpensive oils are used in almost all restaurants and prepared foods, but few people understand the ...

5 Top Healthy Sweeteners

Top ratings go to 1) Raw Honey, 2) PureLo by Swanson, 3) Swerve Sweetener, 4) Lakanto, and 5) Raw Stevia leaves, the only healthy sweeteners I can find. My criterion are purity, stable blood sugar, and balanced metabolism. With a world epidemic of diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorder, we need sweeteners that stop the sugar cycle in it's tracks. Sadly, grocery stores do not carry healthy sweeteners, so we buy them online. We don't really need sweeteners, but some of us got used to a ...

Vegetable Oils: Good, Bad and Deadly

Have you ever wondered what's at the root of our world cancer epidemic? Like all disease, there are MANY, MANY contributing factors. However, the elephant in the room I'm highlighting today is our modern synthetic vegetable oils. Does anyone still remember before the 1950’s, butter and lard were the go-to cooking fats in America. Our human diet has changed radically in the past 100 years, not always for the best. Now, GMO vegetable oils are everywhere, in many prepared foods, and so cheap ...

3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Arteries Sparkling Clean

Heart Disease is the top cause of death worldwide. This is especially critical in the light of medical treatments. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, is entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible. It turns out nutrient deficiency in our modern diet is the first and root cause. Today I'm excited to share the precise medical explanation by Dr. Linus Pauling, 2X Nobel prize winner and biochemist. He brilliantly discovered the specific cure to Heart Disease decades ago, and it ...

DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) Our biggest killers have no cause and no cure.

Why are NCD's our biggest killers? Non-Communicable Diseases (think Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's) are those common "idiopathic" chronic ailments we see all around us that are said to have no cause and no cure. Now a rising health awareness in the post-Covid era indicates a new positive game is in play. Covid-19 gave humanity a nice big wake-up slap, a reminder to focus on DETOX. Our most important personal responsibility is to protect our DNA by building a resilient microbiome, the very root ...

How Much Sugar Does Your Body Need?

There are just two kinds of food. NUTRITIOUS food and EMPTY food. The simple story this: Nutritious Food has vitamins and minerals directly from nature. Real food gives you a long healthy life. Empty Food is high in sugar. It gives you FAST energy, but soon makes you more tired. What's your metabolic lifestyle? This is a choice we make every day between Fast or Slow energy. Our brain and all our body cells need a bit of sugar to function properly. The brain requires about 130g of glucose per ...

What is Obesity? An Intuitive Healer’s Perspective

Welcome to my mini-series about “How to Heal the Top 12 Diseases of Mankind”. Obesity affects almost 2 billion people worldwide! Obesity is increasing so fast, especially in children, that experts predict by 2035 there will be over 4 billion people with it, unless we reverse the trend. Takeaway:  What is Obesity? What Causes Obesity?  Obesity, Glyphosate, and Your Microbiome. Obesity has risen exponentially since the introduction of Glyphosate and other farming chemicals. ...

Chronic Disease Rising Fast – Where’s the Missing Data?

A rising health awareness in the Post-Covid era indicates a new game is in play. Covid gave us a big wake-up call, a reminder to focus on DETOX. Now our most important personal responsibility is to protect our DNA and build a resilient microbiome, the very root of our immunity. This article is a bird's-eye overview of global trends in chronic diseases. These top 12 diseases are the biggest killers of humankind. What's happening now and what can we expect by 2050? Three Surprises make this ...

Xylitol, NOT a low calorie sweetener!

By Jane Barthelemy. Is Xylitol a healthy sweetener? Touted as a safe sugar substitute for diabetics in snacks, chewing gum, and baking, Xylitol is NOT the low-calorie sweetener it's cracked up to be. Just look at the nutrition label and you'll see it's loaded with calories and carbs. I don't accept that stripping birch bark and thus killing the tree is sustainable or earth-friendly. How is Xylitol produced? How does it affect the body? You deserve to know the truth to make an informed choice. ...

10 Steps to Say Good-Bye to Belly Fat

Is it normal for our bodies to expand every year? I don't think so. Weight gain is NOT not a necessary part of aging. We sometimes think of midriff fat as negative only for outer appearance. But in fact the midriff bulge hides invisible health risks inside your body in both men and women. There are myriad causes and cures for the expanding midriff. It's a poorly understood topic that affects millions. In this heavily researched article I'm offering a multi-leveled approach to causes and ...

Myth-Busting “Natural” Sweeteners. It’s about FRUCTOSE, darlin’!

BEWARE when a sweetener claims to be "natural" or "low glycemic". Don't be fooled. Sugar is sugar no matter what form it's in. Here's a little-known secret to help you see clearly through marketing hype: The two primary sugars in foods are glucose and fructose. Most sweeteners are a mixture of both. Both fructose and glucose taste fabulously delicious! Yet they're both the toxic root of obesity and metabolic mayhem in the body. Together these two sugars cause or exacerbate most of our modern chronic diseases. ...

12 Signs Your Liver Wants a Cleanse

 "Cancer cannot get a hold on the body if the liver is healthy."  Dr. Barbara O'Neill.  The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, and the only organ in the body that has the ability to regrow. The liver is the main detoxifier and filter of the bloodstream. The liver must try to cope with thousands of  toxic chemical in our environment.   12 SIGNS of LIVER TROUBLE:    Do you have any of these symptoms?   Digestive issues: Bloating, indigestion, constipation. Skin ...

AVOID! Toxic “Natural Flavors”

Beware! When I see “Natural flavors” on a food ingredient label, right away I feel worried, anxious, unprotected, and suspicious. I conjure up bizarre images of chemical experiments in a toxic laboratory. What is the truth about “Natural Flavors”? What does the term actually mean? How can I protect myself from unhealthy ingredients not even listed on the label? Oh dear! The word "Natural" has no meaning. There are thousands of so-called “Natural flavors” used in processed foods ...

Still Counting Calories & Carbs?

We love to measure things. We hope by counting Nutrition Facts we can know how GOOD a food is for us. But how effective is it? What about the vast nutritional gap between the three realms of food: Organic vs. "Conventional" vs. GMO? What's the effect of chemicals on complete nutrition? Obviously, this will vary depending on the type of seed, minerals and microbes in the soil, growing conditions, and freshness of the food. Ha Ha! Did you know that calorie and carb counts are based on average ...