day : 05/04/2023 2 results

AVOID! Glyphosate in Whole Foods Deli Foods

It may be non-GMO, but they don't tell us it's infused with toxic herbicide Glyphosate. Whole Foods Markets recently changed to non-GMO canola oil. A very good move! But they don't mention that the new non-GMO canola is sprayed with Monsanto's toxic Glyphosate during harvesting. It's equally toxic as the old oil! Whole foods knows better. Your healthy solution: Avoid Whole Foods Deli. Ask Whole Foods Markets to use organic oil in all their foods. ...

The Libido Diet: Asian Medicine Secrets

Your sensuality is one of your most powerful resources. Passionate emotion is a strength, not a weakness. I believe "Libido" is not exactly a desire for physical sex. Maybe it's much more vast. Libido is our desire to be ALIVE. It is our roots in the oceans of time, our link to the past and future. It is the source of fruitful imagination and JOY. Sensuality is part of our path to freedom. What are we doing to nourish it? Now's the time for us to support our own balanced health alongside ...