Immune system 93 results

Kidney – Adrenal Tips for Luscious Hair & Thick Eyebrows

When times are stressful, everybody needs greater self-care for the Kidney. A few years ago I became very ill with adrenal exhaustion. I had to sell my business (That was a good thing). And I changed my lifestyle habits. When I was sick, I lost my eyebrows, and my eyelashes disappeared. The hair pn my head began to get frightfully thin with more gray hair. I started doing a simple Qigong practice every day, increased my water intake, and became more aware of people, thoughts, and activities ...

Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty – A Frequency Balancing

We live in a wild world of continually shifting energies. This is a Frequency Balancing to help you raise your vibration, adapt to new energies, and find your human heart. It's a 15-minute practice to help you reset your nervous system, so you can be at ease in in the middle of what seems to be total chaos. Living in the midst of the storm, every day feels different, because it IS DIFFERENT. Many of the new frequencies you will meet are beneficial. And some are not. What if your ONLY ...

BREAKTHROUGH! Retrain Your Nervous System, Reset Your Vagus Nerve to FREEDOM!

Take 15 minutes to kick your stress! How many years have you been under stress? How many years have WE been under stress? Intense stress over time creates fixed patterns of tension in your body, which can build up to insane levels, causing all types of mental and physical ailments. Intense stress such as a pandemic, lockdown, loss of a job, hospitalization, addiction, divorce, death of loved one, surgery, or a high-pressure lifestyle can strain the entire nervous system so that it cannot ...

Stop a Panic Attack Fast: Managing Transformational Stress

What's a Panic Attack? A panic attack is an episode of paralyzing fear triggered by something small and seemingly insignificant. The average attack lasts about five to ten minutes. A panic attack often seems to begin abruptly and may include rapid heartbeat, chest constriction, difficulty breathing, dizziness, tingling, and anxiety. However, the surging chemicals of panic in your body have been years in the making before they manifest, because their deeper emotional roots may be in a distant ...

Top 12 Acupressure Points to Recharge Your Energy in 5-Minutes

Let’s take five minutes to re-charge your energy! The simple act of pressing these TOP 12 POINTS will reset your body so that Qi, health, and happiness can flow more easily. It’s a quick way to restore balance to all physical - emotional issues. It’s even more important during times of stress. And it’s FREE! These are the 12 points universally needed by almost EVERYONE on EARTH. Just a few minutes will unblock your muscles release emotions, and give you mental clarit...

BIOFILM: The ROOT of Chronic Disease?

Three out of five people will die of chronic inflammatory illness worldwide. Why do we see rising chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's? Recent electron microscopy reveals that these chronic diseases are inseparably linked to complex BIOFILM communities of pathological microbes that can hide in the body, become resistant to antibiotics, and cause inflammation. Today we will discuss What is BIOFILM? What ailments are associated with it? How can we AVOID it? ...

What Causes Alzheimer’s?

A major cause of death affecting 50 million people in the world, Alzheimer’s Disease is a is projected to more than double by 2050 to 131.5 million people. Alzheimer's is no longer a mystery. My mother died of it, as did her mother, and her grandmother. Now we know Alzheimer's primary causes. They include high blood sugar, vegetable oils, Acidic pH, microbiome imbalance, heavy metals, Borellia Spirochete Biofilm Amyloid Plaque in the brain, and lack of aerobic movement. AD is a ...

Drinking Fluoridated Water? Check your USA city!

Over two-thirds of US cities add fluoride chemical to drinking water - Click here to find your state and city.  Fluoride is proven to damage the brain and lower IQ in childhood development.  Despite ealier claims that fluoride lowers cavities, new research by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program AND MANY OTHERS, indicate that fluoride should be “presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans." Fluoride is a potent neuro-to...

Dark Sprouted Rice, Superior Nutrition! It’s all about the MINERALS!

Rice is the main food for 2/3 of the world. Which kind is best?  Check out this nutrition comparison!  It's all about minerals lost in processing white rice. It turns out dark red and black rice are not only tastier, they also provide complete minerals. The only requirement is that rice must be properly cultivated, hulled, soaked, and sprouted. Better quality precision hulling machines don't strip away the dark coating containing the nutrients. Good-bye disease! Red Rice has 5x the ...

The BIG Blind Spot – What is the top carcinogenic food worldwide?

A great big blind spot worldwide is carcinogenic cooking oils: Soybean, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Safflower, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Rice Bran, and Peanut oil. These toxic seed oils, sometimes innocently marketed as "vegetable" or "refined oils", are some of the most poisonous ingredients in the modern human diet, increasing your risk of Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease. The problem is, these inexpensive oils are used in almost all restaurants and prepared foods, but few people understand the ...

Alternate Nostril Breathing: 2-min Balancing

This is the first in a series about OXYGENATION. Are you getting enough oxygen to your cells? If you're feeling tired or on edge, the first question to ask is: How is your breathing? This 2-minute breathing will oxygenate your blood, balance your brain hemispheres, boost brain clarity, and calm your mind. Alternate Nostril Breathing is called Nadhi Shodhana, which means to clean or purify all the nadis, the meridians or energy channels. This is an ancient pranayama exercise you can do by ...

Gender Dysphoria Caused by Pesticides?

Three critical articles crossed my desk this week and made a synapse connection. ZAP! It doesn’t take a genius to see that gender identity confusion and chemical exposure are two growing issues for our society today. Are these two issues interrelated? I know that industrial chemicals disrupt our digestion, our nutrition, emotional state, microbiome, and ALL body functions. It could be more than the new pharma gender benders.  Could growing gender confusion in teenagers be related to ...

Adaptogenic Herbs, Nature’s Stress Busters

If you want to reduce stress and feel more energy in your life, these adaptogens are the perfect natural solution. Top trainers and athletes call them "synergistic meds for healthy people" because they can powerfully boost stamina and recovery without side-effects of pharmaceuticals. What's an Adaptogen? Adaptogens are a special class of plant tonifying herbal medicines used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries to promote total wellbeing. In those traditional healing ...

6 Ways to Build Your IMMUNE System

Yep, it's all about BALANCE. Your immune system is EVERYTHING these days, pretty much synonymous to OVERALL HEALTH. But what is the immune system, anyway? What we call the IMMUNE SYSTEM is actually a group of six intimately related body systems that work together to optimize your health: Blood Circulatory System, Bone Marrow, Lymphatic System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Nervous System. How Can we Promote Perfect Balance within these Six Systems? Let's break it ...

6 Ways to Squeeze More Nutrition Out of Your Food Dollar

This won't be my most popular post. However it might revolutionize your health while saving you money! Ten years ago I suffered a terrible loss, and the emotional stress led to total digestive collapse. I'll save you the details, except to say I couldn't digest anything anymore. All the food I ate went straight through me, like into a black hole. I became emaciated, thin, and exhausted for months. Then a miracle happened. I met Will, a 6' 6" weight lifter who enjoyed clean food. It ...

Turmeric: Huge Health Benefits? or Hype?

Turmeric is all the rage. It's in everything from smoothies to chai, curries, and of course Golden Milk. Turmeric is packed with earthy, pungent flavor. This bitter, yellow, peppery root contains the active ingredient curcumin which can support health in many ways. I believe perhaps the modern world is finally rediscovering the value of this plant, used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Turmeric as an herb stimulates blood circulation. It is a powerful anti-inflamma...

How NOT to Surf the Web – Finding TRUTH on the Internet in 2024

Happy New Year! Top internet tools to find to find TRUTH in 2024. Major predictions include: AI expansion, crazy Election on Social Media, Web 3, and "Spatial Internet of Bodies" linking humans to the web (which will challenge everything we know about how to communicate, interact, and control society). As expected, the battle between AI, humans, and the digitized human body WBAN Network will accelerate this year in profound ways.  Suggested DO's and DON'Ts for Finding True Knowledge on ...

Vegetable Oils: Good, Bad and Deadly

Have you ever wondered what's at the root of our world cancer epidemic? Well, the answer is easy to sleuth out. Just look at what's changed in our diet. Disease always has MANY contributing factors. The BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM we're focusing on is our modern synthetic vegetable oils. Does anyone still remember before the 1950’s, butter and lard were the go-to cooking fats in America. Our human diet has changed radically in the past 100 years, not always for the best. Now, GMO vegetable oils ...

How to DETOX Your Inner Eco-System: Parasite Control

DETOX is not something you do once a year. Your body is busy detoxing every day. How can you support it? What's a Parasite?  It is an organism that lives and feeds on (or in) a human, and causes harm. Parasites include: 1) Single-celled (Protozoa), 2) Worms (Helminths), 3) Ectoparasites that feed on the skin (fleas). And now 4) Synthetic Parasites with Artificial Intelligence! Ha Ha! Let’s take a moment to dive into the WILD WILD world of PARASITES! How many different parasites exist in ...

DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) Our biggest killers have no cause and no cure.

Why are NCD's our biggest killers? Non-Communicable Diseases (think Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's) are those common "idiopathic" chronic ailments we see all around us that are said to have no cause and no cure. Now a rising health awareness in the post-Covid era indicates a new positive game is in play. Covid-19 gave humanity a nice big wake-up slap, a reminder to focus on DETOX. Our most important personal responsibility is to protect our DNA by building a resilient microbiome, the very root ...