AVOID! 52 results

Avoid these dangerous items and SHARE to spread the word. Best wishes for your delicious health!

3 Big Causes of Rising Disease, and 3 Antidotes in Your Kitchen Now

THREE PRIMARY FOODS are the roots of almost all chronic disease. These are the 3 BIG BAD FOODS that kill us. Fortunately, their ANTIDOTES are right in front of us. Today I'm looking for a way to describe whole food nutrition in a few words for all people of the world using pictures and infographics. Let me know your thoughts...  (1) GMO & Seed oils are TOXIC! Sadly, these are the main cooking oils in India and Bhutan. AVOID all Refined Vegetable Seed Oils HIGH in Linoleic Acid: Avoid ...

Uh Oh! Favorite Foods that Convert to SUGAR in Your Blood

Shall we do some MYTH BUSTING? We all know sugar is BAD. And whole foods are GOOD. Yep, we've got that. But WHY is SUGAR bad? And why do many people eat a whole food diet but still end up with Diabetes, Heart disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis? Maybe it's not caused by BAD vs. GOOD foods. Maybe it's because HIGH-CARB WHOLE FOODS immediately convert to sugar in the body? AHA!! These foods may not TASTE sweet, but too much of them CAUSES DISEASE because they IMMEDIATELY become SUGAR. This means we ...

AVOID! The Toxic Truth About Stevia

By Jane Barthelemy. Stevia is marketed as a healthy sweetener. But surprising new evidence indicates all stevia sold in grocery stores is highly processed with methyl alcohol or other toxic chemicals. Healthy Solution: Look for my top natural non-toxic sweeteners. Do you know if your stevia is pure? Or is it mixed with other sweeteners, sugars, and chemicals? Do you wonder how your stevia is refined? What does “natural” mean, if anything? Where is your stevia produced? You ...

WiFi Disrupts Natural Sleep Cycles & Brain Biorhythms

Why do many people sleep poorly and don't know why?  But when they turn the WiFi OFF before bed, they enjoy refreshing deep sleep? Aha!  That's because WiFi tells your brain that it is DAYTIME!  WiFi stimulates your pineal gland, brain, and endocrine system to WAKE UP!  Poor sleep always leads to accelerated aging. Are you getting all five stages of sleep at night?  Damaged sleep cycles due to WiFi can increase your risk of disease.  It all starts with poor sleep.  Over time WiFi has ...

AVOID! Genetically Engineered Salmon

Bad news! The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the first genetically modified food animal, an Atlantic salmon that grows twice as fast as natural salmon, with the insertion of genes from Chinook salmon and eelpout, an eel-like fish. Healthy solution: Buy wild Alaskan salmon....

QUIZ: What are the Best Cooking Oils for Long Life?

Rising chronic disease is a global pandemic. What is causing the continuous increase heart disease, cancer, and diabetes? Could the refined oils we eat be a factor in rising disease and accelerated aging? These new oils were recently developed and marketed to the world. Ever since their introduction, we see rising disease incidence and lower healthy life expectancy. Do you trust your life and your family's health to the global food industry? Could money and selfish interest be driving marketing ...

Uh Oh! Coconut Sugar is 100% Sugar!

Terrible news! Coconut sugar is 100% sugar! You won't feel a glycemic rush, as coconut sugar is relatively low in glucose. But here's the rub: The rest of the sugar is fructose! It's 100% sugar! Just like HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), fructose in coconut sugar is a liver toxin that causes high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes (Yup, our top epidemics). Fructose doesn't give you a glycemic jolt. Instead it quietly and insidiously fills your liver with bad lipid (fat) deposits and ...

AVOID! Whole Foods GMO Apple Pie

Whole Foods Markets Apple Pie looks enticingly "home made". But the ingredient list leaves their options open to allow them to use the most toxic, cheap ingredients. When you see "Apples", you can assume it's the new GMO apples. When you see "Sugar", know that it is probably cheap GMO Beet Sugar. When you see "Brown Sugar", you can assume it is GMO Beet Sugar infused with cane molasses and Monsanto's toxic glyphosate. When you see cage-free eggs, know that the hens are fed GMO grains with ...

Avoid Processed Foods and Eat Homegrown! Scary Videos of Graphene Oxide!

A few days ago a friend sent me a video of instant noodles under a microscope. Oh dear! What I saw shocked me and opened my eyes to the brave new world, in which our food, air, water, even our own bodies, blood and DNA are weaponized against life without our consent. The videos I'm sharing below outline the challenges we face. I've always cautioned folks against eating processed foods, however now the situation is more serious. I see clear evidence of toxic nano particles, black threads of ...

Xylitol, NOT a low calorie sweetener!

By Jane Barthelemy. Is Xylitol a healthy sweetener? Touted as a safe sugar substitute for diabetics in snacks, chewing gum, and baking, Xylitol is NOT the low-calorie sweetener it's cracked up to be. Just look at the nutrition label and you'll see it's loaded with calories and carbs. I don't accept that stripping birch bark and thus killing the tree is sustainable or earth-friendly. How is Xylitol produced? How does it affect the body? You deserve to know the truth to make an informed choice. ...

AVOID! Free-Range & Cage-Free Eggs – Do you really want to eat Glyphosate?

Sadly, free-range and cage-free chickens are routinely fed GMO-grains with Monsanto's toxic glyphosate. Yucch! Do you really want to eat this carcinogenic chemical? It's very simple. To find non-GMO eggs, we must first ask "WHAT DO THE HENS EAT?" Healthy Solution: To avoid eggs with GMO-glyphosate, buy certified organic, buy from a local farm you know, or save money by raising hens yourself.  Life is not about money. It's about quality and balance. Please eat wonderful food, live long ...

Avoid Maple Syrup – Almost 100% sugar!

We LOVE to drizzle maple syrup! We think it's pure sap of maple trees - Right?  Uh Oh!  Sorry to bring sad news! Maple syrup is highly processed containing 50% glucose, 50% fructose. It's almost 100% sugar! WHAT!?!?  Yes! Maple syrup will acidify your body pH and spike blood glucose like sugar. Charts below show high sugar, high calories and carbs! Read the LABEL! As usual, the truth is in the details. This won't be my most popular post. Ha Ha! Here goes! Here's the ELEPHANT in the ...

Drinking Fluoridated Water? Check your USA city!

Over two-thirds of US cities add fluoride chemical to drinking water - Click here to find your state and city.  Fluoride is proven to damage the brain and lower IQ in childhood development.  Despite ealier claims that fluoride lowers cavities, new research by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program AND MANY OTHERS, indicate that fluoride should be “presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans." Fluoride is a potent neuro-to...

AVOID! Aluminum: Dangerous Neuro-toxin Linked to Autism & Alzheimer’s

Aluminum has been long known to be neurotoxic, with mounting evidence that chronic exposure and gradual bio-accumulation is a factor in many neurological diseases including Alzheimer's, Autism, ADHD, and Parkinson's disease. The best way to protect yourself is to be careful about your choices in food, personal products, to minimize your use of vaccines and other drugs that are often contaminated with aluminum. Despite the shortage of conclusive studies, mounting scientific evidence really ...

AVOID! Starbucks Cupcakes with GMO Beet Sugar & Glyphosate

Uh Oh! Standing in line at Starbuck's again? Just one cupcake will give you a whopping 35 grams of GMO sugar, which is 3X the sugar in a Krispy Kreme glazed donut! Even worse, you'll get a heavy dose of Monsanto's herbicide Glyphosate, which has been named a root cause of Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer's, ADHD, Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, and Parkinson's. ...

AVOID! Truvia Toxic Sweetener

Uh Oh! Bad News. Truvia kills fruit flies. A not-so-sweet marketing ploy by Cargill, Truvia has zero calories but sadly is loaded with toxins. Ingredients: GMO corn erythritol (with Monsanto's glyphosate), Rebaudioside-A (chemical extraction, nothing to do with stevia.)...

Avoid GMO Beet Sugar in Restaurants

The very worst sugar for your health is GMO beet sugar. Innocently called "sugar", sadly almost all restaurants use it. GMO beet sugar represents 55% of all sugar consumed in the USA. But like a double whammy, it gives you a dangerous blood sugar rush, with a toxic side of GMO's and Monsanto's herbicide Glyphosate. A known carcinogen, Glyphosate has been proven to cause Autism, Parkinson's disease, and Obesity....

AVOID! New GMO Potato Chips

Potato chips, America's favorite high-calorie, low nutrient snack will now be available in a genetically modified version! The all-new GMO potato doesn't turn brown when cut open, which is expected to save food manufacturers $55 million dollars each year! ...

AVOID! Aspartame Re-Named AminoSweet

The Next Chapter in Aspartame’s Dangerous History, from LivingTraditionally.com. It’s important to know that toxic aspartame may be disguised as a new name in your favorite foods – Aminosweet. Healthy solution: Use zero-glycemic natural sweeteners instead....

AVOID! Hidden Ingredients in Boxed Tea!

Beware of undisclosed ingredients in packaged teas in all grocery stores. A recent DNA study found 1/3 of herbal teas contain items not listed on labels. Healthy Solution: Forget boxed teas and tea bags. Use bulk teas with a tea ball like your grandma. Create your own combinations and save money! ...