Paleo Egg Muffins with “Cheese”

Lunch box finger food! If you can eat eggs, but are staying away from dairy, here’s an easy “Paleo” meal everyone loves. It’s a flexible one-dish meal, bag lunch, or finger food. Like an omelet in a muffin, it’s chock full of vegetables, and high in protein too. Kids love to eat them with their hands – no need for a fork. These are delicious hot, cold or at room temperature. I use my amazing dairy-free Vegan Parmesan Cheese. It’s quick to make and store in the freezer, however you can substitute your favorite cheese, or skip it. I’ve found the best eggs are fresh from a friend with chickens, or organic pasture-raised – see my post The Best Eggs are Pasture-raised Organic. If you’re making these for breakfast, consider sautéing the vegetables the night before, so your morning work is quick.

This is a vegetarian recipe, with optional natural Prosciutto cured with salt only, free of the nitrates and sugar found in most ham and bacon. These muffins store well up to a week in the refrigerator or can be frozen. If you freeze them, allow them to thaw slowly overnight in the refrigerator.  For the perfect holiday party finger-food, make them in mini muffin tins! Yield: 12 Regular Egg Muffins, or 36 Mini Egg Muffins.

Paleo Egg Muffins with Cheese



  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • Filling:
  • 3 1/2 cups vegetables, lightly sautéed (Such as diced onion, mushrooms, shredded carrot, shredded zucchini, chopped asparagus, broccoli, peas, leek, green onion green beans, or any leftover veggies.)
  • 4 slices natural Prosciutto, cut into 1-inch squares (optional)
  • 1/2 cup Vegan Parmesan Cheese shredded or chopped
  • Eggs:
  • 12 eggs, organic, pasture-raised if possible. (See my post The Best Eggs are Pasture-raised Organic)
  • Dash unprocessed salt and pepper
  • Garnish:
  • Handful chopped fresh basil


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 12-muffin tin generously with coconut oil.
  2. Fill each muffin tin 2/3 full with vegetables & optional Prosciutto. It’s easy with a 1/3 cup measure. With the handle of a spoon, push the veggie mixture away from the edges in each muffin cup. This will help the eggs to fill in the sides for a nice muffin shape. Sprinkle with half of the shredded Vegan Parmesan Cheese.
  3. Mix the eggs, salt and pepper together in a blender or whisk in a large measuring cup with spout.
  4. Slowly pour eggs into the muffin tins, filling them all the way to the top.
  5. Bake 24 - 28 minutes for regular muffin, 12 – 14 minutes for mini muffins, or until muffins have risen and are slightly browned.
  6. Top with remaining shredded cheese and chopped basil. Serve immediately while they’re poofy. Or cool on a rack. Oh so delicious!

2 Replies to "Paleo Egg Muffins with "Cheese""

  • Lisi August 27, 2021 (10:51 am)

    MERCI BEAUCOUP , pout tout vos truc de cuisine très agréable a découvrir pour…vieillir en santé . Vos recettes sont surprenantes , simples et délicieuses . CONTINUER votre excellent travail .

    • Jane Barthelemy August 27, 2021 (5:31 pm)

      Bonjour ami, Lisi, Je vous remercie de vos aimables paroles. Nous faisons ce que nous pouvons pour nous entraider, n’est-ce pas? Continuez, et meilleurs voeux pour votre délicieuse santé! Jane

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