eggs 98 results

Grain-free Garlic Naan

This easy Middle Eastern–style flatbread is grain-free, yet tastes surprisingly similar to that irresistible garlic naan in Indian restaurants. It’s a tasty wrap for veggies, meats, eggs, or any leftovers. Super-quick to make - just mix the batter and cook like a pancake. Slather it with Avocado Pesto, ...

Sweet Potato Hash – My Favorite Comfort Food!

I can be excited about waking up any morning to Sweet Potato Hash! This is a comfort food for me, and it's the best I've ever tasted. Easy to make, check the step-by step photos below. A great recipe for vegetarian hash is hard to find, AND you can also add meat to this recipe. I made one part with sausage, and a different pan without meat. Both were truly yummy! If you can get your hands on some real Italian Sausage with fennel, the flavor is fantastic with sweet potatoes. I made the hash the ...

Real-Food Paleo Pizza!

Watch out! There's a new Pizza in town. If you have a Pizza Passion like me, get ready. This Paleo Pizza is loaded with flavor and nutrition. It's a real meal. Most pizzas don't excite my senses - they're often tasteless GMO fake food, or overly salted with processed ingredients, acidic tomatoes, and don't satisfy my deep craving. However this pizza is luscious and alive with real-food flavor. A pizza crust should be delicious too! Here's a recipe for easy yeast-free 12" crust. Or take a ...

Luscious Flourless Chocolate Pudding Cake

Here's an easy chocolate treat that looks beautiful and tastes amazing! A luscious moist texture and deep chocolate flavor make it great for holidays and special-occasions. The ingredients may surprise you - shredded coconut, high-anti-oxidant blueberries and apple! It is gluten-free, grain-free, low-carb, Paleo, diabetic-friendly, ...

Baked Eggs in Avocado

Even when you're in a hurry, it's always possible to enjoy a nourishing meal. Simply crack two eggs into a sliced avocado and bake. When you finish getting dressed and checking your messages, breakfast is ready. Wow, was this delicious! Choose a large size avocado with a large seed and hole, so there's room for the egg without spilling over. The best choice is a Hass avocado. Not a Pinkerton or Fuerte avocado - as they have very small seeds, i.e. small holes. You may need to hollow out the ...

Paleo Turkey Tetrazzini

My favorite turkey leftover recipe in the world! Turkey Tetrazzini is NOT Italian. Yes, it was invented by the famous soprano Luisa Tetrazzini. She asked for creamed turkey over spaghetti with Parmeggiano Reggiano, and she got it! Like a true diva, she lived at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, where the chef prepared all her meals. Madame Tetrazzini was 100% Italian, and a feisty lady too! Read a bit of her story below. This holiday, I am CRAVING Turkey Tetrazzini, and I wanted it to be ...

Oven-Baked Logger’s Hash

This favorite one-dish breakfast looks complicated but is NOT. This is an EASY nutrient-dense baked quiche with no crust. Who would ever guess this easy recipe is healthy and dairy-free? It's made with organic sweet potatoes, eggs, mushrooms, coconut butter, optional ham, and an entire bunch of kale! Ha Ha! Just layer them into a baking pan, pour the egg mixture on top, and bake. No need to stand over the stove top. An easy breakfast, lunch, or dinner for family gatherings, you can cut in ...

Best Gluten-free Focaccia

Celebrate with my favorite authentic Italian Flat Bread, an easy comfort food everybody loves. This quick gluten-free, grain-free Paleo Pizza is so satisfying that it transports me to Tuscany. A great crust recipe for your favorite topping, this is delicious with onions, veggies, or even plain. I like to enjoy warm focaccia instead of bread as a quick snack or side dish. The subtle flavors of toasted onion and olive oil were a hit! No equipment needed. Makes a 12-inch focaccia. [amd-zlrec...

Baked Egg in Delicata Squash

Delicata squash is a mouth-watering, nutrient-dense meal. It has a yummy hollow center that's just begging for a filling! This is my favorite squash because the skin is so soft you can eat it! It's a super-easy breakfast, lunch or dinner any season. Just scrub, slice, fill, and bake one for everone in the family. A hand-held meal that is so satisfying. No need to scoop it out with a spoon. Ha Ha! Enjoy! Delicata squash is loaded with vitamins A, B6, and C, folate, magnesium, fiber, ribofla...

Nobody will Guess it’s Cauliflower Fried Rice

I love cauliflower rice when it is barely cooked, because then it has the EXACT texture of real rice. My friends and family all believed it was rice, until I told them! Ha Ha! The only way to find healthy cauliflower fried rice is to make it yourself! As you know, it's almost impossible to find a restaurant meal of healthy, low-carb veggies, and non-GMO!  You won't find this fried rice in Beijing, Chinatown, or Jakarta. Cauliflower rice is easy to prepare in 10 minutes or less. Even better, it ...

Easy Crustless Quiche, Dairy-free

How do you a bake a Quiche with no crust? This is a delicious, gluten-free, dairy-free quiche you can make in just one step. When it bakes, it makes its own magical crust on the bottom, sides, and top. The crust is created by layering these special ingredients: coconut butter, onions, veggies, and pouring batter on top. Then bake, and presto! Your delicious pie is ready. Vary the recipe 1,000 ways - add your favorite veggies, leftover diced meat, and it always comes out yummy! Look for meats ...

High-Protein Quinoa Olive Bread – YUMMY!

Are you sick and tired of high-carb breads that add to your waistline? This easy gluten-free, grain-free bread is just the opposite. It is full of nutrient-dense superfoods and black olives. It's a quick bread with baking soda, so there's no need to wait for yeast to rise. And the main ingredient is quinoa! Other high-protein ingredients are almond meal, chia seeds, hemp nuts, and pumpkin seeds. It tastes VERY yummy with real grass-fed butter, and also with my surprising homemade ...

Fiddleheads! What to do?

Today I had just 10 minutes for lunch. These coiled-up fern shoots showed up at my local organic market. They come up in the forest in the spring. Their taste is sweet - something like wild asparagus and green beans. Since I love asparagus omelets, I thought I'd experiment with fiddleheads, throwing in a few shiitakes and garlic. Yummilicious! A Fiddlehead Shiitake Omelet! If you can scramble an egg, you can make an omelet. And there's nothing comparable to the flavor of fresh wild ...

Grain-Free Paleo Pizza Dough

Here's a quick and delicious gluten-fee, grain-free pizza crust. It has a slightly crispy texture with a rich flavor of garlic and herbs. It's a snap to make, as this pizza dough recipe has no yeast. This saves time, so you can mix it, press it in the pan, and use it! I prefer a no-yeast pizza crust because it's a lot quicker. You can make this pizza crust in either 12" or 16" size. Find the ingredient amounts for both sizes below. A round pizza pan or any flat tray will work fine - just make ...

Paleo Egg Foo Yong in 5 Minutes

My first teenage infatuation was a young Chinese man, an artist and close family friend, Fong Yiu Lee. He painted portraits and taught us to cook authentic Cantonese dishes. Our kitchen was always a creative center of wild experimentation and sumptuous flavors. This is one of my favorite dishes I learned to make at 14 years of age. Egg Foo Yong is a nutritious 5-minute breakfast, lunch, or dinner, with optional meat. It's a great use for leftover veggies, and you won't miss the sticky-sweet sauce. ...

Hi-Protein, Low Carb Breakfast Cookies! Compare the Nutrition

These scrumptious crunchy cookies are a great grab-and-go breakfast, with high-protein, low-carbs, and whole-food nutrition. Breakfast cookies are a dime a dozen. But they're often loaded with sugars and carbs - the kind that add to your waistline and are guaranteed to spike blood sugar.  This recipe makes 20 giant cookies, enough to freeze for a rainy day. To satisfy my curiosity, I compared the nutrition facts of a Conventional Breakfast Cookie #1 with my own healthy Breakfast Cookie ...

Black Bottom Squash Pie

Here's a fabulicious twist on holiday Pumpkin Pie - make it with squash and add a crunchy chocolate crust! Chocolate and butternut squash taste luscious together. Butternut squash is much easier to prepare than fresh pumpkin - just peel, cube, and steam, for an easy pie from scratch instead of canned. Wait a minute! Canned food isn't Paleo, and I'm a proponent of using real ingredients as close to their original state as possible. Truthfully, I prefer the sweet flavor of squash. However ...

Paleo Huevos Rancheros

Paleo Huevos Rancheros are the best Mexican breakfast ever, made with my incredulicious refried sweet potatoes, a new recipe! Then it's topped with fried eggs, avocado, cilantro, and smothered with tomato salsa. Let's talk about the refried sweet potatoes - they're truly yummy!  I wanted to create a soft texture like beans with grated cheese. So I decided to grate the sweet potatoes instead of yellow cheese. Mushrooms add richness and dark color. The lemon, nutritional yeast, and coconut ...

Low-Carb Keto English Muffins!

These classic English Muffins are easy and authentic, you’ll want to make them - and eat them - every day! They look just like store-bought muffins - dense, fluffy, and white. Except they're made without flour! These are super healthy, low-carb, gluten-free, grain-free, GMO-free, and won't cause blood sugar spike or weight gain. Surprise! Their main ingredients are coconut butter and eggs! Toast these babies and spread them with your favorite Paleo Non-Dairy Butter, Paleo Raspberry ...

Easy Paleo Crepes!

I'm totally amazed, these crepes are so quick and easy. Just blend 4 ingredients and presto! Perfect crepes like Julia Child!  Fill them, roll them, fold them, drizzle with your favorite sauce. These babies are Paleo, free of gluten, grains, sugar, tree nuts, soy, GMO's, and nightshades. Hooray! Now you can now make any of these amazing Paleo crepe dishes: ...