Best Dairy-free Parmesan Cheese

This is probably the best recipe I ever created. Since I LOVE Italian food, and I used to be allergic to cheese, I was HIGHLY MOTIVATED to recreate the flavor of Parmigiano Reggiano! This is basically coconut butter “cheese” with a ZING! Once you mix and chill it, you can use it just like parmesan cheese. Grate it, slice it, or cut into chunks. Instead of dairy,  the ingredients are coconut butter, lemon, nutritional yeast, and optional Vitamin C for a sharp, aged cheese flavor.

BTW I healed my cheese allergy! I discovered I can tolerate dairy that’s organic, grass-fed, and unpasteurized. I can also tolerate raw milk now. Since I don’t know ALL the chemicals used in diary farming, I just kept my diet simple. These days I have no allergic reactions if I stay away from chemical-infused, grain-fed, GMO-pesticide-fed and highly pasteurized dairy. Now I enjoy milk, cheese, and yogurt as long as it meets those unprocessed criteria. But I STILL love this coconut Parmesan cheese!

Yep. It is dairy-free and fabulicious! This Paleo vegan Parmesan cheese looks, tastes, slices and grates just like authentic Parmesan. Grate it on salads, stir it into soups, use it in Paleo Lasagna or Zucchini Spaghetti. OK, sprinkle it on everything! It’s very easy to make, just blend and chill. It freezes well and grates best when it is cool.

I suggest you follow this recipe EXACTLY the first time. After that, you will find it is fairly flexible and easy to vary. It’s important to keep it cold, as the coconut oil will soften in the heat of your hands. Store this no-dairy vegan Paleo Parmesan cheese in the refrigerator for about 5 days. Even better, store it in the freezer and bring it to the table ice cold with a micro-plane grater. Enjoy! Makes 1 1/2 cups.

Vegan Parmesan Cheese


Prep Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup coconut butter, softened in warm water
  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast (Yes, that’s right)
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin-C crystals (This is optional for a sharp cheese flavor. Look for "pure ascorbic acid" in powder or crystals in the supplements section of any healthy grocery)
  • 1/2 teaspoon unprocessed salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted by putting the jar in lukewarm water, but not hot.


  1. In any style blender add lemon juice, coconut butter, nutritional yeast, Vitamin C, and salt. Blend well until smooth.
  2. Add the coconut oil last and blend again until smooth. It will be quite thick. Have patience and add a bit more lemon juice if you need more liquid. My blender did OK but I had to help it go around with the corner of my rubber spatula.
  3. Pour into a freezer-safe container and freeze until solid. Chilling in the refrigerator will also solidify it. Enjoy!

8 Replies to "Best Dairy-free Parmesan Cheese"

  • Susie October 14, 2024 (4:27 am)

    This has been my go-to recipe for grateable parmesan for a few years now, not just because I’m vegan, but because this taste like high quality parmesan that would be expensive. I would make this even if I wasn’t vegan, because why not…it tastes great, no cholesterol, all the nutrition from nutritional yeast, and has vitamin C!

    • Jane Barthelemy February 23, 2025 (1:13 am)

      Thani you Susie, Ha Ha! I agree with you! Definitely my favorite parmesan. Jane

  • Jane Heath July 3, 2024 (6:56 am)

    Hey Jane, I’ve been using this fabulous recipe since you first released it a few years ago. It’s wonderful and an amazing addition to other foods. I love grating it over wild rice/quinoa pilaf. It also makes a wonderful cheese sauce by adding it to reduced coconut or oat milk. I add it until it reaches the desired flavor. If I don’t have time to reduce the milk for extra flavor and thickness I use arrowroot for thickness. For extra luxurious flavor I add a splash of white, organic wine and some garlic granules to the sauce for extra flavor. It’s so great on eggs, broccoli, you name it. Thanks for all your delicious creations.

  • Linda April 9, 2024 (11:53 am)

    This cheese was Awesome! I made it as I had a friend coming for dinner who could not have dairy, due to health issues. I don’t usually do dairy free myself, & was amazed at how good the cheese was!
    Do you happen to have a recipe for hard cheddar? I would love to have it, if you do!
    Thank you!

    • Jane Barthelemy April 12, 2024 (10:20 pm)

      Hi Linda, Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I’ve tried making hard cheddar. It’s pretty good but not quite perfect, because coconut oil may soften and melt at room temperature. Just search “cheddar” on my website. Here it is….Try it!
      Warmest regards, Jane

  • Nancye Smith October 29, 2021 (10:14 pm)

    Did you like it?

  • Cheryl September 4, 2021 (11:00 am)

    I am trying to convert a “regular” recipe to an AIP version and I need Parmesan cheese for it. Making this today and hoping it’s gonna fill the bill!

    • Jane Barthelemy September 12, 2021 (7:39 am)

      Thanks Cheryl, Did you try it? How’d you like it?
      Best regards, Jane

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