Shall we play a game? In a small bowl mix together a few teaspoons of sugar, a handful of any flour, and a splash of vegetable oil. Add a few drops of water and stir well. Let your slurry sit at body temperature for a few hours. It will harden into a perfect rubbery superglue. These three foods accumulate in your body as sticky mucus that makes you old and tired. THIS is the root of inflammation and auto-immune disease. These three ingredients contain no nutrition, and are the #1 cause of our global epidemic of mineral deficiency.
Four-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling once said:
“Every sickness, every ailment, and every disease can be traced back to an organic trace mineral deficiency.”
The solution is simple. Are you ready to give up all sugars, flours, and vegetable oils in order to have a long, healthy life? The choice is yours. This won’t be my most popular post. If you care about your health, read on. I hope you enjoy my tongue-in-cheek authentic vintage ads. Ha Ha! Yes, I’m joking. However, you know I’m dead serious.
“Mucoid plaque” can congest the intestinal villi, damaging your ability to exchange molecular nutrients into the blood. Tiny fissures or breaks in the intestines may allow larger particles to slip into the bloodstream. When the body tries to defend the blood to isolate the foreign invaders, hard deposits of “fibrin” can form as an enzyme reaction in the vessels creating “arterial plaque”. The body effectively attacks itself to sequester a perceived danger, much like an auto-immune response. Clearly, the healthy solution is to eat consciously and avoid the known culprits in our food. However, these ingredients are found in almost every meal! They’re promoted as NORMAL, and have made their way into our most beloved foods!
Chronic disease worldwide affects far more people than any pandemic. 150 years ago these diseases were unknown. Now Heart Disease is the #1 top cause of death in the world, closely followed by stroke andcancer. Hypertension affects 1.2 billion people (high-blood pressure is the warm-up to heart disease). Arthritis and Osteoporosis bone diseases affect 550 million. Obesity afflicts 480 million, and 470 million people suffer from diabetes. Inflammation affects 430 million people, and 50 million live with Alzheimer’s Disease. Whew! I propose ALL these chronic diseases begin in the gut, and are caused by eating empty foods, accompanied by lifestyle imbalance of mind-body-spirit.

Executive Summary:
- How Do We Get Sick? Inflammation, Microbiome, and Hypertension?
50 years ago our diet consisted of freshly stone ground whole wheat, animal fat, and hardly any sugar. We had our share of health problems, but no a global epidemic of heart disease and diabetes. Nowadays, Sugar, Flour, and Vegetable oil are in almost every meal. They’re high in calories and virtually empty of nutrition. We feel comfortable with them and believe they’re part of a NORMAL healthy diet. Decades of research and thousands of doctors and scientists have warned us these empty foods lead to sickness. A few courageous souls speak against a trillion-dollar industry of advertising and lobbying in government. Our finest doctors have now identified inflammation, poor micro biome, and leaky gut as the first invisible steps to chronic disease. The pattern begins slowly, and appears only after a few years. But then often it is too late to reverse the damage. Sugar, Flour, and Vegetable oil are the indirect root cause of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, nervous disorders, endocrine diseases, cancer, and more. What is the root of chronic disease worldwide?
We need to ask: What has changed in the human diet? And who profits from it? The food industry has invested $trillions to convince us to eat their new diet. They promoted sugars, flours, and vegetable oils designed for profit. They did it brilliantly. Today the global sugar market represents $60 billion per year and is growing 5x faster than population! World wheat is at $160 billion, and the gluten free market growing fast at $6 billion. The global vegetable oil market is at $107 billion per year. Industrial foods also bring toxins, pesticides, and chemicals that damage the micro biome and nervous system. It seems we have followed their diet recommendations to the letter, and our health suffers. This in turn has given rise to a $2 trillion dollar medical industry to care for all the people afflicted with these diseases. Yikes!- Give Me My Sugar Rush!
Sugar is an empty food that we crave. Why is sugar so irresistible? Maybe because it tastes like pure love. However, sugar is the #1 top body acidifier that sets the stage for inflammation, poor micro biome, leaky gut, and all other diseases. Our love for sugar is irrational as it touches the same addictive response in the brain pleasure center called “nucleus accumbens”, like nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. “Just a little bit”, we say. But even a little sugar destabilizes the metabolism, so 24 /7 you are a slave to your cravings. - Flour – The Perfect Sticky Glue in the Gut.
Processed flours are nutritionally deficient and toxic, metabolized in the body as SUGAR. Refined flour gives you a nice SUGAR RUSH, so it is also ADDICTIVE! It’s low in fiber, high in carbs, and raised with chemicals. Whole grain flours are more nutritious, but highly perishable and likely rancid a few weeks after grinding. Flour makes a perfect glue that clogs your gut with rubbery plaque that’s difficult to remove. This contributes to a pattern of body acidification, leaky gut, and auto-immune disease that lasts a lifetime. Even gluten-free flours clog the intestines. If we want to have a clean gut, we must eliminate all refined flour, bread, crackers, chips, and low fiber foods. Included in this is white rice, that processed, high-sugar, low-fiber, low-nutrient, favorite food consumed by 60% of the world, especially Asians. Vegetable Oils Cause Inflammation!
Back in the 1960s the sugar industry asked researchers to take the heat off of sugar’s bad health effects. Their faulty “research” downplayed the risks of sugar, and demonized saturated fat (See vintage ads below). For decades we heard the only way to prevent heart disease was to eat less traditional saturated fat, and instead to eat new polyunsaturated PUFA vegetable oils. We now know this is false. Research confirms that Omega 6 fats (PUFA oils) lead to inflammation, arterial plaque, hypertension, heart disease and more.- SHORTLIST to a Healthy Life.
Hint: It’s About Self Love.
When we eat healthy, it’s an expression of self-love. Disease is an imbalance with multiple causes. Sometimes the roots of illness are emotional and metaphysical. Each of is a unique individual. When we accept and balance the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our life, when we observe our thoughts, disease can vanish. How does this work? Some people eat toxic food their whole life and never get sick. Others fall victim suddenly during a period of stress. The roots of inflammation, heart disease, and cancer are hidden in our thoughts, reactions, and secret cravings. We are each powerful beings with free will, not victims to a trillion dollar industry. We are each able to direct our mind, acknowledge our emotions, and heal ourselves. When we understand this, we will truly have the power to create a new world. Scroll down to the very end to see my SHORTLIST to health. Cick here for a SHORTLIST image to post on your refrigerator.
How Do We Get Sick? Inflammation, Micro biome, and Hypertension?
Systemic chronic inflammation (SCI) is low-grade and persistent irritation in to tissues and organs over time. The consequences of SCI include risk of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, cancer, depression, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease (NAFLD),muscle loss, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases.
Common triggers of SCI are chronic infections, physical inactivity, poor diet, social isolation, psychological stress, disturbed sleep, disrupted circadian rhythm, exposure to pollutants, hazardous waste products, industrial chemicals and tobacco smoke.
Inflammation Leads to Leaky Gut
When your diet includes lots of sugar, flour, and vegetable oil, an imbalance can occur in your micro biome, the precious critters that populate your gut and help you digest your food. This leads to ‘leaky gut’ or a loosening of the normally tight junctions between the epithelial cells lining your intestine. This allows foreign particles, foods, bacteria, and viruses access to your bloodstream. Once these substances get into your body, your immune system activates. This brings on inflammation to fight these foreign invaders.
When inflammation becomes chronic inside the body, the immune system is in a constant state of high alert. The immune system has to continuously release chemical compounds and white blood cells. Over time, this causes cellular damage that can harm healthy tissues and organs.
Research has linked chronic inflammation to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer, arthritis, colitis, and more. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, found that people who eat the most inflammatory foods have almost 50 percent higher risk of developing heart disease.
High blood pressure is characterized by plaque deposits in the arteries, a fatty, waxy substance that forms in the vessel wall. Hypertension is the precursor to heart disease, the top cause of death on Earth. With the introduction of mRNA shots, there is even greater risk to vascular health, damaged blood vessels, hypertension, and death. So, it is essential to recognize the importance of diet to your micro biome.
Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks healthy organs and tissue in the body. When we abuse the immune system with toxins and leaky gut, it can no longer tell the difference between healthy tissue and harmful invaders.
Autoimmune diseases are a huge issue, affecting over 80 million Americans. They include type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and dozens of others, but they all have one thing in common: The body attacks itself. Conventional medicine uses pharmaceutical drugs to treat autoimmune disease but fails to deal with the question: Why is the body out of balance to begin with, and how do we help it regain the proper balance?
Eating sugars, flours, vegetable oils, and industrial chemicals leads to a change in your microbiota. The sugars and refined foods feed unhealthy bacteria. The resulting compromise of your microbiota leads to disruption of your immune system.
Many autoimmune diseases are being studied to look for relationship between compromised microbiome and auto-immune diseases. Though there is clear correlation between changes in the microbiome and autoimmune disease, causation is not yet clear.
Is Hypertension an Autoimmune response? Recent evidence suggested that hypertension may also be caused by an autoimmune response. Blood pressure is known to be controlled in part by angiotensin 2 type 1 (AT1) receptors. When AT1 receptors are activated, blood pressure increases. An autoimmune response and production of antibodies which stimulate the AT1 receptors, is a possible cause for the development of hypertension.
Recently, the potential role of gut micro biome in metabolic diseases has been revealed, especially in cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension is one of the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases worldwide, yet whether gut microbiota dysbiosis participates in the development of hypertension remains largely unknown. To investigate this issue, researchers carried out comprehensive metagenomic and metabolomic analyses in a cohort of 41 healthy controls, 56 subjects with pre-hypertension, 99 individuals with primary hypertension, and performed fecal microbiota transplantation from patients to germ-free mice.
The metabolism changes of host with pre-hypertension or hypertension were identified to be closely linked to gut microbiome dysbiosis.
What Really Causes Hypertension?
You go to the doctor, get a diagnosis, and you take medication for the rest of your life. But the root cause of Hypertension is rarely addressed. The fact is hypertension is a gateway to many other diseases. We’re told to avoid salt, trans fats, saturated fats, red meat, and sugar, as they are said to damage our arteries. But the AMA and AHA recommendations of PUFA’s remain the same. Whom can we trust?
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when the blood vessels are blocked with plaque or debris and have persistently raised pressure. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood through the vessels. The greater the buildup of debris, the higher the pressure, the harder the heart must pump. Soon it gets tired.
- Hypertension, or clogged arteries affects nearly half of adults in the United States (108 million, or 45%).
Hypertension is increasing rapidly since 1979, along with the rise of industrially processed foods. - Having hypertension puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke, which are leading causes of death in the United States.
- In 2017, nearly half a million deaths in the United States included hypertension as a primary or contributing cause, causing over 1300 deaths per day.
- Only 1 in 4 adults (24%) with hypertension have the condition under control.
Let’s look at the three culprits causing inflammation and chronic disease:
Two hundred years ago the average sugar consumption per person in the USA was roughly 5 lbs per year. That’s about 1.2 teaspoons per day. By the 1920’s we were up to 80 lbs per year, or 1/2 cup a day. Nowadays we love sugar so much we consume in the range of 100 lbs sugar per year, or almost 2/3 cups sugar per day!
Give Me My Sugar Rush!
Sugar is an empty food that tastes something like love. Thanks to it’s sweet taste and addictive qualities, sugar consumption has exploded in the world with refined flours, fast foods, breakfast cereals, soft drinks, energy bars, snacks, and ice cream. And so have diabetes and chronic disease followed it’s inexorable climb. Scientific meetings once debated whether or not sugar caused diabetes and heart disease. However, by the late 1970s, sugar had vanished from the discussion. Instead, due to faulty “science”, saturated fats were implicated as the sole cause of heart disease.
Sugar is addictive.
Sugar sets the stage for all other diseases. We love the glycemic rush of sugar, because it stimulates an addictive response in the brain pleasure center called “nucleus accumbens” like nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, and hard drugs. Even though it destabilizes the metabolism, you become a slave to your cravings. Roughly 95% of us are addicted to sugar. How about you? Click here for a quiz.
When I talk about sugar, I mean ALL sugars:
The most common are Cane sugar, Beet sugar, and High Fructose Corn Sugar (HFCS). Even our favorite so-called “natural” sweeteners are high in sugar, as they contain both glucose and fructose. High-sugar, high calorie alternative sweeteners include brown rice syrup, honey, coconut nectar, agave nectar, maple syrup, dates, honey, and Xylitol. Read the nutrition label and you’ll see.
Solution: Use these Healthy Sweeteners:
- PureLo Lo Han Sweetener by Swanson is made from luo han guo, a sweet non-glycemic Chinese herb.
- Swerve Sweetener is a blend of non-GMO erythritol. It has zero calories and does not affect blood sugar.
- Lakanto Sweetener, a non-glycemic sweetener made from Erythritol and Monkfruit.
- Skip honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, brown rice syrup, dates, and agave, which re mostly sugar. Read the label.
Sugar Causes a Lifetime of Damage.
Not a short-term toxin that creates harm over days or weeks, sugar does its damage slowly across decades and generations. I suspect the so-called DNA genetic aspect of chronic disease may be due to a shared micro biome with our mother and nuclear family, along with inherited thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyle.
Sugar is the #1 body acidifier. It plays a role in every chronic disease including heart disease, leaky gut, diabetes, and cancer.
- Sugar is a risk factor for all types of cancer.
- Sugar can cause diabetes.
- Sugar can cause arterial plaque and hypertension.
- High blood sugar is a factor in Alzheimer’s disease.
- Sugar suppresses your immune system.
- Sugar can cause epileptic seizures.
- Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure
- Sugar can induce cell death (aptosis).
- Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
- Sugar can acidify your body.
- Sugar can cause premature aging.
- Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
- Sugar can cause tooth decay.
- Sugar can lead to obesity.
- Sugar can cause arthritis.
- Sugar causes food allergies.
- Sugar can cause fatty liver disease.
- Sugar depletes your bones of calcium, a root cause of arthritis and osteoporosis.
- Sugar destabilizes the metabolism and nervous system causing moody highs and lows.
- Sugar feeds yeast and bad bacteria that damage the intestinal wall, creating leaky gut. This means the chronic, low-grade inflammation that sugar triggers can lead to the transfer of substances from the gut into the bloodstream. This can trigger arterial plaque, allergies, obesity and other chronic, metabolic diseases.
Flour – The perfect sticky glue in the gut.
Processed flours are nutritionally deficient, low in fiber, high in carbs, and raised with chemicals. Whole grain flours are more nutritious, but perishable and very likely rancid after a few weeks. That’s why we remove the nutritious germ and endosperm so they last for months. Flour makes a perfect glue that clogs your gut and creates rubbery blockages that are difficult to remove. This contributes to a pattern of body acidification, leaky gut, and auto-immune disease that lasts a lifetime.
Even gluten-free flours clog the intestines. If we want to have a clean gut, we must eliminate all refined flour, bread, crackers, chips, and low fiber foods.
Flour is absorbed in the body as a SUGAR. The digestion of carbohydrates happens in the mouth and the intestines with the enzyme called “amylase” that breaks down starch into sugar! The lining of your small intestine secretes three enzymes that aid in hydrolyzing complex carbs into monosaccharides, or SUGAR, which is highly addictive.
Wheat was once a highly nutritious grain. Our ancestors mixed it with water, let it rise, and made bread! We’ve been eating bread for thousands of years. But the bread our ancestors ate was very different from modern bread
Flour used to be made by grinding grains between stones. This whole wheat contained all of the seed, including the bran, nutritious endosperm layers, and the germ. But whole wheat bread was dense and hard to chew. Removing the bran and germ made the flour white and the bread softer. White flour was a luxury for kings and royalty—until the late 1800’s, when new faster milling technology changed the food industry.
Stone grinding was the only way to make flour, until the 1880’s when Roller Milling was invented. It rolled the grain very fast at high heat. Fans could separate the grain in layers, so the heavy stuff fell down to the bottom, used for animal feed. But Uh Oh! It turns out that that is the most nutritious part of the grain. We went ahead and took out the bran and the germ, which are are rich in many nutrients and vitamins. The white flour left is mostly carbohydrates, that our digestion converts to sugar. We love that feeling of sugar entering our body. Our brains crave sugar. They live on glucose. That’s the brain’s addictive high-octane fuel.
Even better, the new white flour was very stable. It could last on the shelf indefinitely. Unlike whole wheat flour, it didn’t turn rancid because the germ, which can easily spoil, had been removed.
The new white flour was a great boon for the food industry because, one giant mill could feed millions of people and make flour that would last forever.
The one little problem is, as you remove the nutrients to make the flour last longer, you basically ruin it as a food source, You’re left with starch and a little protein, but you’ve lost most of the vitamins and minerals.
The shift to white flour and processed grains took a big toll on people’s health. By the 1940’a serious diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease were on the rise. But the link between those diseases and people’s diets was unclear until we discovered they were caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals.
The refining process of white flour removes nutrients in it, which makes the blood acidic like sugar. This forces your body to take calcium from your bones, reducing your bone density. High levels of acidity in the body can cause chronic inflammation, the precursor to most chronic illnesses.
So we believed we had to get rid of all wheat and grains. And then they told us gluten-free foods are the way to go. However, these grains are produced in a similar way, they are finely ground, high in simple sugars, and they make a dandy glue in the intestines. So our gluten-free replacement flours are ALSO incredibly unhealthy, since they make visceral fat grow, send blood sugar through the roof, and contribute to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and dementia.
The Flourless Solution:
If you crave bread, try my amazing Dark Rye Flourless Blender Bread, or my Flourless Almond Blender Bread. If you’d like a muffin from time to time without incurring high blood sugar, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions, acid reflux, and increased risk of dementia, here’s what you can do:
Follow my recipes and use this list of flours: Almond meal, ground nuts, coconut flour, ground chia seeds. That’s it. Just search for the desired ingredients here on my website and you’ll find hundreds of delicious recipes.
Vegetable Oils Cause Inflammation!
Back in the 1960s the sugar industry asked Harvard researchers to take the heat off sugar’s bad health effects. Their “research” downplayed the risks of sugar and demonized saturated fats. Their 70-year consensus evolved into government guidelines that the only diet change needed to prevent heart disease was to eat less saturated fat, and to eat the new PUFA Omega-6 vegetable oils. We now know this is not true.
Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids. Consumption of Omega-6, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA’s) has increased in recent decades, with a parallel rise in inflammatory diseases. A high PUFA diet has been linked to low brain function, brain inflammation, mental illness, suicide, and crime.
AVOID These Oils high in Omega-6 PUFA’s:
- Corn oil
- Canola
- Cottonseed
- Grapeseed
- Peanut
- Safflower
- Sesame
- Soy
- Sunflower
- Vegetable (soy)
Dr. Joseph Hibbeln from the National Institutes of Health explains that: “Omega 6 fatty acids from seed oils – eventually the body converts them to arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is good in low amounts but in high amounts it creates inflammatory compounds that make your joints ache, increases inflammation in your blood stream, and leads to arterial sclerosis”.
As you can see, a diet high in PUFA’s (polyunsaturated fatty acid) with Omega 6 fats, is not ideal for optimal health. But most of us were taught to use refined vegetable oils at a young age. Sadly, this has let to the worst epidemic of chronic disease in history, with a global explosion of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
CRISCO, the First Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.
When Crisco launched in 1911, it did things differently. It was the world’s first solid shortening made from a vegetable oil. To solidify the liquid oil, Crisco used a new process called hydrogenation, which Procter & Gamble introduced after years of R&D.
Hydrogenation is a chemical process to turn liquid oil into a solid at room temperature. Hydrogenated vegetable oil was preferred by manufacturers due to its longer shelf life. However, it contains trans fat, that increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Since 2018 hydrogenated oil is dis-allowed by the FDA.
Vegetable oils have eclipsed all other edible fats in the world, to the detriment of our health.
Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908 – 2003), is described as “the world’s leading authority on fats and oils”. She was a seven-times Nobel Prize nominee, a qualified German pharmacologist, chemist, and physicist with a doctorate in physics who worked as the chief expert-consultant for drugs and fats in Germany’s Bundesanstalt für Fettforschung (Federal Institute for Fats Research).
Dr. Budwig studied in-depth the effect of hydrogenated and vegetable fats on human health and found it to be disastrous. She discovered the truly “essential” and powerfully healing nature of essential fatty acids for healing cancer. She challenged and stopped the vegetable oil industry from their slow-takeover of the European oil market. Dr. Budwig’s book “The Oil Protein Diet” is used by many health practitioners and available online.
The Budwig Diet is a natural approach to preventing and helping to treat cancer and other diseases. Benefits include reducing inflammation, supporting heart health, balancing hormones and protecting cognitive health.
The Budwig Diet emphasizes healthy fats, especially omega-3s from nuts/seeds/fish, high antioxidant foods such as fresh vegetables, and fermented dairy products that provide probiotics.
The Important Role of the Gall Bladder in Digesting Fats
The Gall Bladder is a little green sack under the liver that holds bile. The Gall Bladder releases bile into the small intestine to aid digestion and absorption of fats. Bile is a complex fluid and emulsifier that helps break down fats, clean the immune system, and regulate inflammatory cytokines (proteins in the immune system). Bile helps digest sugar, insulin, and to remove toxins and cholesterol.
The Gall Bladder regulates “tight junction” permeability in the intestine. This is critically important because any “tight junction” malfunction or “leak” in the intestinal lining can cause inflammation, triggering allergies and auto-immune diseases in the blood. These functions make the Gall Bladder extremely important in current times. To have a healthy gallbladder with healthy bile, we need to be eating healthy oils regularly.
Eat These Healthy Oils:
- Coconut oil
- Extra-Virgin Olive oil
(Be sure it’s not mixed with cheap vegetable oil) - Avocado oil
- Grass-fed butter
- Ghee, Organic or Grass-fed
The SHORTLIST to a Healthy Life. It’s all About Self Love.
Our Health Is a Mirror of Our Relationship to Self. Eating healthy food is an expression of self-love. When we embrace the nourishment all around us, we are showing self care. The basics of health have never changed. Self love means we nourish ourselves with good sleep, harmony, movement, clean air, pure water, sunlight, mindfulness, meditation, joy, music, and friends.
Any disease is an imbalance with multiple causes. It can be poor food or environmental. It can be karma or destiny. It can be trauma or family patterns. It can even be a lesson. Frequently the roots of illness are emotional or metaphysical. Each person is a unique individual. When we accept and balance the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our life, when we observe our thoughts, disease can often vanish. The root cause of our growing “epidemic” of stress, lifestyle diseases, and autoimmune disease is hidden in our thoughts, reactions, and secret cravings. It’s an epidemic of not loving ourselves. Well, that’s totally curable!
This new perspective on health is not at all mysterious. And it brings the power back to each of us. Your health is a reflection of YOU. I don’t believe any disease is incurable. Every illness is an invitation to change some aspect of your relationship with yourself for the better. Let’s look at some of the unconscious psychological patterns that underly common illnesses:
Unconscious Emotional Roots of Disease:
- Addiction – Running from myself. Fear. Not knowing how to love myself.
- Auto-Immune Diseases – Not loving myself.
- Chronic Disease – A refusal to change. Fear of the future. Not feeling safe.
- Alzheimer’s – Refusal to deal with the world as it is. Feeling hopeless & helpless.
- Cancer – Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Dark secret in the past eating away at my soul. Carrying hatred and fear.
- Diabetes -Longing for what might have been. Need for sweetness. Deep sorrow. “No sweetness left in my life.”
- Heart Disease – “I have no joy in life.” Lack of balance between body and spirit. Focus on money instead of joy. Rejecting life. “I’d rather die than change.”
- Hypertension – Clogging the channels of joy. Fear of accepting joy. Rigid unrealistic pressure you place on yourself. A sense of overwhelm, helplessness, frustration, exhaustion. Cannot trust myself or others.
- Inflammation – Fear, inflamed thinking. Anger and frustration about what you feel unable to do.
- Obesity – Fear. Feel need for protection. Running away from my feelings. Insecurity, self-rejection.
Finally, health is all about loving yourself. It always was. In the case of addictive foods like sugar and flour, our self-induced stress, and our self-rejection shows a lack of value for ourselves. This leads to craving and auto-immune diseases, in which our body attacks itself. The antidote is self care, self-love, taking mindful care of our physical body. We can show respect for ourselves and the people around us through conscious eating, exercising, and working to uplift our own selves and the people around us. Natural foods, movement, and a spiritual openness all help prevent most chronic disease before it even begins.
We are powerful and sovereign, each able to direct our mind, acknowledge our emotions, and heal ourselves. When we understand this, we will truly have the power to create a new world. Here’s my Short List to Health!
Cick here for a SHORTLIST image to post on your refrigerator.
I wish to thank our doctors and pioneers of health who never stop trying to wake us up. Too many names to mention including: Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Robert H. Lustig, Dr. Bruce Fife, Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mary Enig, Sally Fallon, Dr. Nancy Appleton, Dr. Johana Budwig, Dr. Axe, Dr. Michael Lam, Dr. Amy Myers, Michael Pollan and many, many more.
- Is Sugar Bad for You? Here’s How It Destroys Your Body,
- Metainflammation: A Hidden Health Threat, by Dr. Michael Lam,
- Update: Wheat Belly safe flours and meals, Dr. William Davis,
- Pioneering Researcher Alessio Fasano M.D. on Gluten, Autoimmunity & Leaky Gut,
- Chronic Inflammation, Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine,
- Why Oil is Bad for You, Dr. Mark Hyman,
- Is Soybean Oil Bad for You? Benefits vs. Risks,
- Paleo Flour Blend: A Nutritious Paleo Substitute for All-Purpose Flour,
- The Blood Pressure Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman,
- High blood pressure (hypertension) may be an autoimmune disease,
- Could hypertension be an autoimmune disease?,
- Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span,
- The Link Between Heart Disease and Autoimmune Disease, by Dr. Amy Myers,
- Inflammation and Hypertension – Does Inflammation Cause High Blood Pressure?,
- Gut microbiota dysbiosis contributes to the development of hypertension,
- Intestinal Flora Modulates Blood Pressure by Regulating the Synthesis of Intestinal-Derived Corticosterone in High Salt-Induced Hypertension,
- Know Your Fats : The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol, by Mary Enig
- 7 Budwig Diet Benefits for Cancer Prevention,
- The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook, by Johanna Budwig, /0969527225
- How Does Amylase Breaks Down Starch Into Glucose?,
- 141 Reasons sugar Ruins Your Health, by Dr. Nancy Appleton,
- Omega 3’s, EPA DHA and ALA – Where Are You Getting Your EPA DHA From?
11 Replies to "AVOID: Top 3 Foods of Inflammation & Heart Disease"
Christine May 26, 2023 (2:16 pm)
This is a well done article – thank you. Question on flours, how about the AIP friendly flours like Cassava flour, Tapioca Starch, Tigernut Flour, and Arrowroot? Would these flours make the Shortlist?
Jane Barthelemy May 28, 2023 (5:31 pm)
Hi Christine, Thank you for your question. After many years, I have finally come down to the understanding that flours are a “new food” not Paleo in the least, high in carbs, refined, and perishable. I still use a few flours in my recipes and my diet, but I don’t recommend flours anymore. (Although occasionally I break my own rules and enjoy all kinds of flours!) I believe most of our modern diseases are due to a lack of nutrients caused by poor soil, chemicals added, genetic modification, and processing of foods. Even gluten intolerance in most cases is simply an intolerance to glyphosate and industrial chemicals. My advice is to be careful and enjoy your alternative flours sparingly. Best wishes for your delicious health! Jane
Linda Chase May 26, 2023 (8:03 am)
So cassava flour is bad? And buckwheat? You use that in some of your recipes.
Jane Barthelemy May 28, 2023 (5:36 pm)
Hi Linda, thank you for your comment. After years of experimentation in my own body, I’ve eliminated all flours from my “good” list. I finally decided flours are not Paleo, they’re high in carbs, processed, perishable, and they can get stuck in the gut like glue. Almond flour and coconut flour slip are exceptions, so in my own diet, they are somewhat acceptable. My advice: Just go easy on all flours and eat lots of fiber. Even so-called “gluten intolerance” is probably a person’s system rejecting pesticides and herbicides used in modern farming. We all know organic, home-grown foods fresh from the earth are always the best. Best wishes of ryour delicious health! Jane
Lynn May 26, 2023 (7:41 am)
What are your thoughts about Monkfruit sweetener?
Jane Barthelemy May 28, 2023 (5:42 pm)
Hi Lynn, thanks for your question. There are so many “Monkfruit” sweeteners available on the market. Most of them are mixed with other high-glycemic sweeteners and highly processed. For example I discovered a “pure, raw” Monkfruit powder and almost tried to import it from China, but discovered it had “dextrose” added. I felt an instant sugar rush. I have tried so many Monkfruit sweeteners looking for purity, but I found only one “Monkfruit” sweetener that passes my stringent test. It is PureLo Monkfruit sweetener by Swanson. There may be other good ones out there, but please be careful. Best wishes for your delicious health! Jane
Chris.. July 28, 2022 (1:11 am)
What about palm oil? Or modified palm oil?
You never mentioned if palm oil was in the dangerous category or in the safe category..
A lot of chocolates and cookies have modified palm oil in them..
Jane Barthelemy August 26, 2022 (11:01 pm)
Hi Chris, Thanks for your message. Sorry for the delay. Palm oil is not one of the “BAD” oils for inflammation and heart disease. Fortunately Palm oil is very low in Omega 6 PUFA’s. Although Palm oil is not my top choice for oils, I can’t find any reason to call it unhealthy. In fact, it’s fortunate we have it on the planet. Best wishes for your delicious health. Oh, and Check out my article that spells out the PUFA oil issue in more detail:
Lynn December 31, 2021 (10:38 pm)
Great information-thsnks!!
Lori December 31, 2021 (8:21 am)
Where does algae oil fall on these lists?
Lori December 31, 2021 (8:20 am)
Where she’s algae oil fall on the lists?