Vitamin C Powder or Crystals

Find all Jane’s recipe using Vitamin C Powder or Crystals

I sometimes use Vitamin C in recipes to give a tart taste like lemon, tomato, or sharp cheese. If you don’t have it, you can substitute lemon juice.

Pure Vitamin C is the #1 most common vitamin supplement. Also called pure Ascorbic Acid, you can buy it in any grocery in the supplement section. Look for pure white Vitamin C with no other added ingredients. Both crystals and powder are very easy to use and dissolve instantly in water. Be careful, as not all Vitamin C products are pure Ascorbic Acid. Many are made of Calcium Ascorbate which does not work and has a bitter taste.

Vitamin C has many health benefits as an anti-oxidant, anti-histamine, and an aid to the immune system. Heating destroys the beneficial qualities of Vitamin C, however heating does not affect the flavor. If you eat too much un-buffered Vitamin C on an empty stomach, it may cause temporary indigestion, so go easy.

My favorite uses for Vitamin C are in No Tomato SauceVegan Parmesan Cheese, and Gluten-Free No Cheese Crackers. Yummy!

6 Replies to "Vitamin C Powder or Crystals"

  • Nate Larue June 17, 2022 (7:27 am)

    Ignorance on display here. Calcium ascorbate is simply a compound of Ascorbic acid and calcium. Calcium is added to neutralize the acidity making the product easier on the stomach. The Ascorbate quality is in no way diminished. And yes it does work. I’ve been taking 12g a day since the 70’s and increased to 18g Feb 2020 when sarscovid19 hit our shores. No covid, no influenza and no common cold in the past 2 years.

    • Jane Barthelemy June 18, 2022 (5:39 pm)

      Hi Nate, Thanks for your comment. I’m also just learning. How do you suggest I edit the article to be clear and not display my “ignorance”? Thank you, Jane

      • Linda November 5, 2022 (12:25 pm)

        Hi Jane,

        Some people are just so rude (Nate!!).

        You didn’t say Calcium ascorbate is a low quality supplement, you said it has a bitter taste for cook and you’re right. I’ve tried both, and pure ascorbic acid tastes much better in recipes.

        I also add dissolved pure ascorbic acid to my favorite anti-aging creams for increased collagen production.


        • Di March 11, 2023 (2:20 am)

          Oh, cool. Thanks for sharing this info Linda. I should have read down further before bothering Jane. 🙂

      • Di March 11, 2023 (2:18 am)

        Hi Jane.

        Just wondered if you’ve tried Calcium Ascorbate in the recipe? Like Nate I also take Calcium Ascorbate so it would be cool if I didn’t have to buy some Ascorbic Acid. I react to so many things that I’m very reluctant to try new products if I can avoid it.

        Thanks for a very interesting site.

        • Jane Barthelemy April 1, 2023 (1:01 am)

          Hi Di,
          Thanks for your question. I discovered this trick by chance, as I happened to have some pure ascorbic acid on hand, which added a pleasingly sharp, sour flavor to the recipe. It was only later that I discovered that Calcium Ascorbate does NOT taste anything like Ascorbic Acid. However, no need to buy it. This ingredient is optional in my recipes, as the quantity needed is so small. Or you can use a bit of lemon juice instead. Thank you again and best wishes for your delicious health!

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