Optimizing Health 156 results

Good-bye Sugar Cravings. Hello Health!

It's 3:30 pm, your brain is getting foggy, your energy is a bit low, your nerves are on edge, and you need a sweet snack. Sound familiar? Sugar cravings are a very physical reality in our lives. Sugar stimulates the brain’s reward centers through the neuro-transmitter dopamine, just like other addictive drugs. Foods high in fat and sugar stimulate ...

Are There Any Almonds in Your Almond Milk?

Have you ever wondered how many almonds are in your almond milk? I compared four brands to find the number of almonds used. The results are astonishing. This won't be my most popular post. There are only 9 to 14 almonds in 2 cups of commercial almond milk. A profitable business model indeed! ...

Top 10 Ways to Build Your Immune System

By Jane Barthelemy. Your immune system is your most precious resource. In the past century, changes in the global micro-biome have challenged our delicate internal eco-systems, precipitating many of the major health issues we face today. Our environment is continually infused with new chemicals, ...

Paleo Sweets with no sugar spike or weight gain?

Sound too good to be true? Nope, it’s real. My big "aha!" discovery is how to make healthy desserts with no blood sugar rush or added pounds. Let me explain how this is possible. Easy! Simply follow my recipes, using original, unrefined, low carb, low glycemic Paleo ingredients like coconut, almond flour, and chicory root sweetener. ...

End Your Food Cravings & Addictions

By Jane Barthelemy. Something amazing happened last week. My cravings vanished, and my body released all that stress. OMG, this is the happy balance I've been wanting for years! Finally it happened! All week, there was no craving for sweets, no moodiness or familiar addictive message demanding chips or chocolate. Nope. Just quiet balance. ...

Egg Buyers, Beware

By Jane Barthelemy. You're in the grocery store looking for non-GMO eggs, and it's confusing. What is the truth behind these terms: Free-Range, Organic, Cage-free? Are any of these eggs Paleo? While most have legal meanings, the labels are purposely misleading. For example, did you know that pasture-raised hens may receive up to 30% of their diet in GMO grains? GMO grains are NOT Paleo....

A Paleo Traveler’s Secret – Healthy Meals in a Hotel Room

Some people say they can't eat healthy away from home. Every frequent traveler knows the challenge of eating well on the road. If you're doing gluten-free, Paleo, GMO-free, or any healthy diet, you can solve that with a bit of planning. It's all in the preparation. I recently took a trip and photographed my hotel kitchen set up. Here are my 6 steps to eating healthy in a hotel room: ...

Gluten-free Flours, Best & Worst for Weight Gain

By Jane Barthelemy. What are the best gluten-free flours? Which flours are Paleo? Compare these gluten-free flours by carb content and risk of weight gain. Weight gain is associated with carbs, which convert to sugars during digestion. Check it out for yourself. Which gluten-free flours will help you most in weight control?...

Top 10 Triggers for Gluten Inflammation

By Jane Barthelemy. Gluten-free is hot these days. We'd like to blame gluten for all our woes, inflammation, indigestion, headaches, and emotional blues. While it is true that gluten reactions are more common, perhaps we're falling into wishful thinking that simply removing gluten from our diets will solve ALL our problems....

Which Gluten-Free Brownie is Best?

By Jane Barthelemy. Gluten-free is big business now. Every grocery has a gluten-free aisle filled with tempting treats like gluten-free chips, and gluten-free chocolate cookies. But why do doctors say they expect people to gain weight on a gluten-free diet? Weight gain is associated with carbs and sugars. As I read ingredient labels ...

My Biggest “Aha!”, Easy Weight Loss

A few years ago, when I was overweight, diagnosed with cancer, chronic fatigue, adrenal failure, digestive collapse, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, and two frozen shoulders, I began to make changes in my diet and lifestyle, slowly – just one change a week. If I felt better, I would hold onto the change to make it a habit. ...

5 Steps to a Year-round Herb Garden

Fresh herbs are surprisingly easy to grow, they add aromatic flavor and beauty to your homecooked meals. Another bonus, they contain vitamins and minerals in higher concentrations than many other plants. I find that every dish tastes better with fresh herbs, and the most convenient way to get them is from your own garden, right? ...

Are You Alive? A Questionnaire

By Jane Barthelemy. Yes, I'm asking: Are you truly alive? Are you experiencing your life fully? Do your senses fill you with joy? How vitally alive are you on a scale of 1 - 10? This article explores deeply personal questions. Why is that important? Because your health, your success, and your destiny depend on how you answer. ...

Thinking of a Spring Cleanse?

A Spring Cleanse can make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow. Even better, it can boost your energy levels, improve digestion, aid sleep, and help you shed a few unwanted pounds. Spring is the perfect time to start over. But what exactly do you want to accomplish? ...

Are Nightshades Paleo?

By Jane Barthelemy. I adore spicy foods! My favorites are Pizza, Hot Salsa, Eggplant Parmesan, and Ratatouille. Recently I’ve been trying a nightshade-free diet, and guess what? I feel so much better. What’s the real scoop on nightshades? Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peppers, Eggplants....

For MD’s – Preview of my book, Good Morning Paleo

Doctors say a good breakfast is the secret to a great day. But for folks on a Paleo diet, traditional favorites like English muffins, yogurt, oatmeal, toast with jam, or treats like waffles and blueberry muffins are off the menu. Now, Jane Barthelemy, author of Paleo Desserts, has whipped up 165 healthy, luscious, low-carb ...

My Surprising Journey to Health

Why on Earth did I become a Paleo/gluten-free chef? Well, here's my surprising story. I come from a long line of nature enthusiasts, artists, and foodies. I’ve done many creative things in my life – this may be my 9th career – I lost count...

How to Speed-Read Nutrition Labels

By Jane Barthelemy. There’s a marketing war going on in every grocery store, battling for your attention and your money. The best advice is to simply eat real, original food, and skip packaged foods altogether. However most of us do eat some packaged foods. If that's you, get ready to put your boots on and shop like a true warrior. Ours is an important battle, where we are defending our right to quality food and to live a healthy life. ...

My Favorite Fall Recipes

Today I felt a huge change in the weather, and my body wants warm foods. No more cold drinks and salads, I'm craving soups, stews, and hot tea. The transition to Fall is hard for many people. As the weather gets colder, the rhythm of the day feels different and somehow strange. I need a jump-start reminder ...

325 Sweeteners, Which is Best?

By Jane Barthelemy.

I’m passionate about natural sweeteners, and I hope you are too. This is an exhaustive list of 325 sweeteners available in the USA, by yours truly. Gleaned from nutrition labels and supermarket shelves, it’s the most complete list ...