For MD’s – Preview of my book, Good Morning Paleo

Doctors say a good breakfast is the secret to a great day. But for folks on a Paleo diet, traditional favorites like English muffins, yogurt, oatmeal, toast with jam, or treats like waffles and blueberry muffins are off the menu. Now, Jane Barthelemy, author of Paleo Desserts, has whipped up 165 healthy, luscious, low-carb breakfasts free of gluten, grain, dairy, and refined sugar. Created to give greater energy without hunger pangs, feelings of deprivation, blood sugar spikes, or a crash later in the day, these recipes are nutrient-dense and free of the sugars and chemicals that trigger cravings and weight gain.

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Favorite Paleo breakfast recipes include:

  • English Muffins
  • Banana Bread
  • High-Protein Chia-Crunch Granola
  • Chocolate Brownie Superfood Waffles
  • Blueberry Lemon Muffins
  • Bacon Cauliflower Hash with Eggs
  • Cauliflower Tater Tots
  • Cowboy Baked Eggs
  • Mushroom Cheese Soufflé
  • Spinach and Feta Quiche
  • Wild Salmon Cakes with Sour Crea
    and many more…

Finally! Gluten-free Paleo breakfasts compatible to alternative diets
With diet codes on each recipe, and a Chart of Recipes by Diet, all 165 recipes are gluten and grain-free, and celiac-friendly. 164 are dairy-free. There are 79 egg-free recipes, 101 tree-nut free, 131 meat-free, and 57 vegan recipes. In addition, 162 recipes are diabetic, and 152 are candida-friendly. There are 79 high-protein recipes. 68 recipes are super-quick, meaning they can be ready to eat in 10 minutes or less. Each recipe page has a diet code like this:


Why 165 gluten-free recipes?
It is widely known that gluten intolerance, and celiac disease, the acute immune response to gliadin and glutenin in grains, are major public health issues. According to Dr. Alessio Fasano, director of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research, gluten sensitivity affects 6% to 7% of the U.S. population, or 20 million people. A Mayo clinic study suggests that celiac sprue is now over four times more common than it was 60 years ago, and affects about 1% of the population. Untreated celiac disease may be accompanied by osteoporosis, nausea, macrocytic anemia, fatigue, depression, constipation, infertility, malnutrition, and certain cancers. According to Mayo studies, undiagnosed celiac disease can quadruple the risk of death, and increase the risk of renal failure, cancer, and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.

A recent MIT study suggests a cause-effect relationship between the herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, and the widespread increase in celiac disease since 1990.glyphosate-celiac-linkGraph of Celiac incidence and glyphosate used on wheat 1990 -2010

High-Protein, nutrient-dense breakfasts combat disease
Protein is key to a healthy breakfast. Dr. Bruce Bistrian, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Division of Clinical Nutrition makes a powerful case for protein-rich breakfasts. He says: “Protein energy malnutrition accompanying disease remains the single most common condition in hospitalized patients and dramatically impacts morbidity and mortality.
Mark Hyman M.D., author of The Blood Sugar Solution holds that the diet of most Americans is nutritionally inadequate. He states that nearly 30% of American diets fall short in magnesium, vitamins C, E, and A. More than 80% of Americans lack vitamin D. And 90% are deficient in omega-3 fats, a critical key in controlling inflammation and blood glucose levels.

Myriad factors contribute to the nutrition gap.
Processed foods, the wide use of corn syrups, refined flours, and trans-fats crowd out more costly, nutrient-dense foods. A recent report by Colorado State University showed that factory-raised meats are lower in Omega-3 fats, vitamin E, A, linoleic acid, and other nutrients, while being higher in fat and additives than grass-fed meats. Refining food reduces its nutrient value and increases cravings. A landmark study by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that industrial agriculture depletes soil nutrients, and that all vegetables harvested today contain significantly less nutrients than two generations ago.

Good Morning Paleo offers nutrient-dense, real-food breakfasts from the ancestral diet.

Paleo muffins without weight gain?
More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are overweight. Obesity carries with it increased risk of cardiovascular disease, CVA, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, and gout.

Careful control of blood glucose levels can delay the onset and slow the progression of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disorder. However, if not controlled, it can lead to complications such as coronary artery disease, nephropathy, and diabetic retinopathy.

A recent study by the New England Journal of Medicine found that a reduction in dietary carbohydrates improved blood sugar behavior and reduced the tendency to weight gain. The removal of wheat and processed grains reversed elevated blood glucose levels, showing an improvement in insulin sensitivity and triglyceride levels. Many people find that a major benefit of the Paleo diet is to stabilize metabolism and body weight. Good Morning Paleo offers practical recipes for weight control using * low-carb, natural flours and sweeteners:

Sweeteners-Flours-Carbs-CompareHunt-and-gather ingredients are powerful nutrition
The Paleo diet means eating real foods in their original form that a caveman might enjoy.
The diet includes vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, tart fruits, and unprocessed fats.
It excludes refined foods, grains, dairy, beans, extracted seed oils, and sugars.

However with no bagels and cream cheese, no milk, orange juice, croissants, or Cheerios, one might ask: “What’s left to eat for breakfast?” The answer is surprisingly simple. With the elimination of empty calories and industrial foods, what’s left is an almost limitless variety of flavorful, nutritious foods. Here are some of the ingredients used in the book:

  1. High-Omega-3 foods like Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Flax meal, and Wild salmon
  2. Antioxidant berries such as Açaí, Goji, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Cranberries.
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar and Fermented Veggies promote healthy micro-flora.
  4. Bone Broth is rich in protein and minerals that help repair the digestive tract.
  5. Coconut butter used as a flour contains essential amino acids, calcium, and magnesium.
  6. Tulsi Tea, an Ayurvedic herb that cleanses toxins from respiratory and digestive tracts.
  7. Grass-fed, pasture-raised meats and poultry free of antibiotics and industrial toxins.
  8. Healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil.
  9. Breakthrough healthy sweetener options on each recipe include zero-glycemic sweeteners that do not affect  blood sugar levels: Natural chicory root Just Like Sugar Table Top, PureLo Lo Han Guo Monk Fruit sweetener by Swanson, and Swerve sweetener. These sweeteners are available online. Raw honey is the only glycemic sweetener option.

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2 Replies to "For MD's - Preview of my book, Good Morning Paleo"

  • Mary Slanker January 11, 2022 (1:49 am)

    Having a healthy meal is good for overall health, eating food full of nutrients generate antibiotics in the body.

    • Jane Barthelemy January 26, 2022 (12:19 am)

      Thanks Mary, You can say that again! Best wishes, Jane

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