Amazing Flourless Blender Bread

Looks like bread. Tastes like bread. Yet vastly more beneficial nutrients! Did you know that 60% of flours sold are at least partly oxidized and rancid? However this easy bread uses NO FLOUR! Healthy, convenient, and delicious, with no yeast or kneading required. Just blend, bake and enjoy! Ha Ha! Made of whole-grain buckwheat, barley, chia, eggs. Slice it, toast it, and oh my, it tastes wonderful! Try it with Instant Apple Butter, or Pumpkin Honey Butter, or Avocado Pesto! It’s loaded with whole-food nutrition, protein and healthy omega-3’s.

Here’s the secret to healthy grains: When you soak seeds overnight, they begin to sprout and wake up! Sprouted seeds are higher in life force and protein, lower in carbs, easier to digest. Our great grandmothers didn’t have blenders, so they used flour to make bread. However now we have blenders!  Now we can make bread quickly with fresh living ingredients! What a concept! Blending the soaked grains makes a soft porridge. That’s why this old-world bread is an amazing discovery, a boost for health in modern times. Optional pumpkin seeds add crunchy texture and delicious flavor. You can slice and freeze this bread up to 3 months. If you put parchment paper between slices before freezing, they’re easy to separate anytime you need one. Makes a 9 x 5 loaf of bread.

How many years old was the flour used to make the bread in your last sandwich? Sadly, all nuts and seeds begin to spoil and oxidize after they are ground into flour. That’s why our great grandmothers stored whole grains, never ground flour. They had their flour ground in small quantities only as needed. Nowadays, we think we can keep flour for years. We forget the flour sitting on our kitchen shelf is a source of unhealthy rancid fats.

Last week I had to throw away several pounds of expensive almond meal, because it was unrefrigerated and clearly smelled rancid. Old flours lose their vitamin content. Even worse, oxidation creates toxic compounds in flours that are linked to inflammation, cancer, accelerated aging, neurological disorders, and heart disease. Since light and heat can start the oxidative process, if you must keep flours, always store in the refrigerator or a cold, dark place far away from heat. Flours are date-stamped, and this supposedly protects our health. However it is unreliable as the oxidation speed varies depending on where the grain is stored, temperature, and if it is exposed to light. Enjoy this yummy bread!

Amazing Sprouted Blender Bread



    Wet Ingredients
  • 4 large eggs at room temperature 220g out of the shell
  • 1 1/4 cups (230 g) raw whole grain. I used half barley and half raw buckwheat groats (not roasted buckwheat), soaked 8 - 12 hours and very well drained
  • 3 tablespoons unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 6 tablespoons olive or coconut oil, melted but not hot
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons unprocessed salt
  • 3 tablespoons raw honey
  • 1/2 cup (84 g) chia seeds. I used black chia in the photo. For lighter-colored bread, use white chia seeds.
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons fennel seed, coarsely ground
  • Dry Ingredients
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast (optional buttery flavor)
  • 2/3 cup whole pumpkin seeds (for optional crunchy texture)


    Wet Ingredients:
  1. Preheat oven to 350º F. Line a 9 x 5 loaf pan with parchment paper so it hangs over the sides like handles. I secure it with photo clips.
  2. In any blender, add the eggs and soaked seeds or grain, very well drained. Blend until it is almost liquefied and fairly smooth.
  3. To the blender, add vinegar, oil, salt, and honey. Blend well.
  4. Add chia seeds and fennel, and the mixture will begin to thicken. Mix well.
  5. Dry Ingredients
  6. To the mixture in the blender, add soda, nutritional yeast, and pumpkin seeds, Mix very briefly so the pumpkin seeds will stay in big chunks. Pour into the pan quickly (the rising action has started).
  7. Bake a 9 x 5 pan 40 to 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool 20 minutes. Slice and enjoy.



3 Replies to "Amazing Flourless Blender Bread"

  • Dellis March 4, 2023 (11:40 am)

    I really love this recipe. Thank you for sharing. ?Dellis

  • Linda February 3, 2023 (8:43 am)

    Hi Jane,

    Can I use Bob’s Red Mill Pearl Barley? Not sure what kind to use.

    • Jane Barthelemy February 4, 2023 (4:58 pm)

      Hi Linda, thanks for your comment. Yes, if it is organic. You can actually use ANY organic unprocessed grain!! Soak and blend. Delicious! Best wishes! Jane

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