How to DETOX Your Inner Eco-System: Parasite Control

DETOX is not something you do once a year. Your body is busy detoxing every day. How can you support it? What's a Parasite?  It is an organism that lives and feeds on (or in) a human, and causes harm. Parasites include: 1) Single-celled (Protozoa), 2) Worms (Helminths), 3) Ectoparasites that feed on the skin (fleas). And now 4) Synthetic ...

Avoid Processed Foods and Eat Homegrown!

A few days ago a friend sent me a video of instant noodles under a microscope. What I saw shocked me and opened my eyes to the brave new world, in which our food, air, water, even our own bodies, blood and DNA are weaponized against life without our consent. The videos I'm sharing below outline the challenges we face. I've always cautioned ...

Brain Balancing Unifies Science & Spirit

Brain balancing may hold the key to the mysteries of higher awareness. By synchronizing both left and right brain cortices, we are able to re-charge the pineal gland to enliven the "SWEET SPOT" of Zero-Point consciousness. This 2-minute taping merges precise logic on the left with big-picture awareness. It's as natural as breathing. You can ...

Nobody will Guess it’s Cauliflower Fried Rice

I love cauliflower rice when it is barely cooked, because then it has the EXACT texture of real rice. My friends and family all believed it was rice, until I told them! Ha Ha! The only way to find healthy cauliflower fried rice is to make it yourself! As you know, it's almost impossible to find a restaurant meal of healthy, low-carb veggies, and ...

Sweet Rose Hibiscus Honey Bath – A Calming Detox Treat!

Life is a wild ride. And a hot bath is a winter joy! This magical pink bath is 100% natural, designed for you and anyone you love. Oh, please accept this invitation to relax and release all cares. This bath will make a warm loving care package for your favorite people this winter. In ancient Greece, bathing was regarded as a healing gift from the gods. NOW is DEFINITELY the time to revive the timeless tradition of sacred baths. Conscious soaking helps to calm the mind, balance the emotions, and detox the body. Add a few candles and some music! This sweet rose bath will dissolve your cares, uplift your energy, improve clarity, and leave you feeling deeply rejuvenated. ...

Warm Coconut Banana Golden Milk with Bee Pollen

Creamy, smooth, and nourishing, Dairy-free Coconut Golden Milk will stimulate blood circulation, natural immunity, and organ health. Turmeric is not always well-absorbed, so this recipe shows you the ideal ingredients to optimize its benefits.  Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory food that destroys many types of cancer. This delicious Golden ...

Curried Red Bean Dip with Veg Slices!

Everybody goes crazy for this spicy, high-protein dip! At a recent gathering, every person asked me for the recipe - so here it is! Sliced veggies are easy, economical and beautiful in rainbow colors. That's because crackers are not allowed in my kitchen these days, nor are nutritionally empty chips and processed dips. Ha Ha! Instead of dead, ...

3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Arteries Sparkling Clean

Heart Disease is the top cause of death worldwide. This is especially critical in the light of medical treatments. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, is entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible. It turns out nutrient deficiency in our modern diet is the first and root cause. Today I'm excited to share the precise medical ...

Chocolate Pumpkin Sour Cream Waffles

The rich, mellow flavor of pumpkin blends beautifully with chocolate. I heard that waffles were invented in medieval times, when a knight in full armor sat on a cake outside a lady's house in Sweden. What was he thinking? Anyway, somehow Våffels were born! These babies are Paleo, gluten-free, and grain-free. They taste decadently luscio...

Black Bottom Squash Pie

Here's a fabulicious twist on holiday Pumpkin Pie - make it with squash and add a crunchy chocolate crust! Chocolate and butternut squash taste luscious together. Butternut squash is much easier to prepare than fresh pumpkin - just peel, cube, and steam, for an easy pie from scratch instead of canned. Wait a minute! Canned food isn't Paleo, and ...

DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) Our biggest killers have no cause and no cure.

Why are NCD's our biggest killers? Non-Communicable Diseases (think Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's) are those common "idiopathic" chronic ailments we see all around us that are said to have no cause and no cure. Now a rising health awareness in the post-Covid era indicates a new positive game is in play. Covid-19 gave humanity a nice big wake-up ...

Pumpkin Eggnog, Vegan

This creamy spiced eggnog is dairy-free, and guaranteed to warm any holiday gathering. Entertaining is challenging when you're balancing dietary restrictions. However this delicious recipe solves that, as it is compatible with most special diets! Your guests will be guzzling it, and no one will ever guess it's free of gluten, grains, dairy, eggs, sugar, and tree-nuts. ...

Paleo Curried Pumpkin Dip

Try this easy dip for the holidays - I think you'll really like it! I created it in minutes for a party, and it was the biggest hit of the evening! Spicy, creamy, yummy on veggies or crackers. You can save time by using butternut squash, as it's even more delicious than pumpkin to me. This spice mix is very special, since I don't use ...

Spiced Beet Elixir – A Fermented Holiday Treat!

This warm non-alcoholic punch will warm the hearts of a holiday gathering! It's made from spiced ginger tea, pomegranate, and fermented beets! The flavor is exalting, the feeling uplifting and enlivening. Warm spiced punch with cinnamon and cloves is a comfort food for me. This elixir combines delicious flavor and invigorating medicinal qualities. Of course, you can always add your own spirit essence if you like. I made it with fermented beets from my local market, and served it at a holiday gathering. Organic ingredients made it pesticide-free without Monsanto's herbicide glyphosate. Hooray! ...

Bye-bye Colds and Flu, Virus-Busting Garlic Soup

Say hello to delicious wellness! Say good-bye to any virus with this powerful immune-boosting soup. My personal favorite high-potency cold and flu buster ingredients are: Garlic, Coconut oil, Ginger, Reishi, Astralagus, Calendula, Oregano, and Schizandra. This recipe uses the first six, however feel free to make your own variation, as it's very ...

Stop a Virus with Top 5 Anti-viral Herbs

By Jane Barthelemy. With coronavirus and and other flu viruses floating around, you need to know these natural anti-viral herbs and supplements. Whether it’s a cold, flu, mumps, or ANY virus, the rules for kicking it are the same. These safe plant-based medicines have an important place in your tool chest for basic self-care. I've used ...

Top 12 Foods for Your Brain

These top 12 Brain Foods are super-nourishing for your mind and body. Even better, they taste DELICIOUS!  Here are my top 12 Brain Foods: Coconut oil, Wild oily fish, Green leafy vegetables, Avocados, Bone Broth, Broccoli and Cruciferous veggies, 100% Chocolate (no sugar!), Beets, Celery, Fermented foods, Nuts, and Berries! Enjoy these top ...

My Top 12 Anti-Aging SuperHuman Health Tips

Several readers have asked me to share my personal diet and supplements. So, here they are. As you probably guessed, I eat a low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet of lots of coconut oil and butter. I try to have a highly diverse microbiome, with TONS of local leafy greens, yogurt, fermented foods, cheese, eggs, occasional meats, LOTS of beans, ...

My VERY Best Pumpkin Recipes!

Every year when Autumn rolls around, I fall in love with pumpkins. Why is that? Is it some kind of a fairy godmother spell? These are my TOP pumpkin recipes, all ORIGINAL, utterly free of gluten, grains, flour, and processed ingredients! For me a pumpkin symbolizes goodness, imagination, and miracles! We all know a pumpkin can change into ...

Authentic Borscht, Paleo-Style

I'm crazy for beets, a potent immune-building, anti-cancer food. With its rich red color and satisfying Old World flavor, my European friends said they’d never tasted a better Borscht. I guess my old-world roots are coming out today! This is not just a root veggie soup with beets and carrots. It's got surprise additions of sweet potato and ...