Chinese Medicine 23 results

Addicted to coffee? This healthy brew will protect your Kidneys!

85% of Americans use caffeine daily, although coffee is by far the # 1 biggest drain on your Kidneys and Adrenals. In fact, we gulp down over 400 million cups of Joe every day. Our coffee obsession is a roaring $30 billion industry! However, if you're an independent soul like me that wants to be truly healthy, here's a delicious alternative. I'll cut to the chase: Coffee is addictive. It slowly depletes the kidney energy, according to Chinese Medicine, which means it's VERY bad news for your ...

Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue? 6 Natural Solutions to a Global Epidemic

Possible Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Include: Exhaustion, Insomnia, Weakness, Poor immune system, Poor Blood Circulation, Allergies, Apathy, Depression, Hair loss, Food cravings, Mood swings, Skin eruptions, Autoimmune disorders, PMS or menopausal symptoms, Low libido, Lightheaded when getting up, Can't handle stress, Mentally distracted, Brain fog, or Hard to concentrate. QUICK TAKEAWAY: Reduce Stress and Rebalance the Kidney Meridian: Chinese medicine says Adrenal exhaustion is ...

Winter Self-Care Tips for the Kidney Meridian

Winter is the season of the Kidney. The Kidney energy is the most essential root of your life force. Maybe the hibernating bears are smart to put the wisdom of the ages into practice, and humans should do the same. Wintertime for bears is time to snuggle together to conserve your JING life force. Be quiet, sleep more, eat warming foods, wrap yourself in full insulation of natural fabrics, stimulate the Kidney meridian with accu-tapping points and use warming breathing exercises. When your ...

9 Tips from Chinese Medicine for a Healthy Fall Season

When Fall is in the air, mornings are crisp, and the days are shorter. Personally, I feel a tinge of sadness and even a slight sense of trepidation. For many people it's a time of colds and flu. Some are constantly on the edge of getting sick the whole season. Build resilience in the immune system! Here are a few pearls of wisdom from Chinese Medicine to make the changes easier. 9 Tips for a Healthy Fall Season: Protect the Lungs. Cover up and guard against sudden temperature changes or ...


DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a "Perfect Storm" for Depression. What are the ...

Kidney – Adrenal Tips for Luscious Hair & Thick Eyebrows

When times are stressful, everybody needs greater self-care for the Kidney. A few years ago I became very ill with adrenal exhaustion. I had to sell my business (That was a good thing). And I changed my lifestyle habits. When I was sick, I lost my eyebrows, and my eyelashes disappeared. The hair pn my head began to get frightfully thin with more gray hair. I started doing a simple Qigong practice every day, increased my water intake, and became more aware of people, thoughts, and activities ...

Top 12 Acupressure Points to Recharge Your Energy in 5-Minutes

Let’s take five minutes to re-charge your energy! The simple act of pressing these TOP 12 POINTS will reset your body so that Qi, health, and happiness can flow more easily. It’s a quick way to restore balance to all physical - emotional issues. It’s even more important during times of stress. And it’s FREE! These are the 12 points universally needed by almost EVERYONE on EARTH. Just a few minutes will unblock your muscles release emotions, and give you mental clarit...

Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically optimize intelligence, body meridians, and organs, allowing us to integrate time, space, and multidimensional realities. Our left and right brain hemispheres have very different abilities. You need both functions in harmony, because together, they can reflect ALL your ...

6 Ways to Squeeze More Nutrition Out of Your Food Dollar

This won't be my most popular post. However it might revolutionize your health while saving you money! Ten years ago I suffered a terrible loss, and the emotional stress led to total digestive collapse. I'll save you the details, except to say I couldn't digest anything anymore. All the food I ate went straight through me, like into a black hole. I became emaciated, thin, and exhausted for months. Then a miracle happened. I met Will, a 6' 6" weight lifter who enjoyed clean food. It ...

Brain Balancing Unifies Science & Spirit

Brain balancing may hold the key to the mysteries of higher awareness. By synchronizing both left and right brain cortices, we are able to re-charge the pineal gland to enliven the "SWEET SPOT" of Zero-Point consciousness. This 2-minute taping merges precise logic on the left with big-picture awareness. It's as natural as breathing. You can enhance both left and right brain functions, as they both reflect your innate abilities. Breathe quietly as you tap, to align the meridians, and find ...

Stop a Virus with Top 5 Anti-viral Herbs

By Jane Barthelemy. With coronavirus and and other flu viruses floating around, you need to know these natural anti-viral herbs and supplements. Whether it’s a cold, flu, mumps, or ANY virus, the rules for kicking it are the same. These safe plant-based medicines have an important place in your tool chest for basic self-care. I've used this system many times. These are my everyday go-to remedies before doing pharmaceuticals or tests, which may have repercussions. My Top 5 most ...

Is Coffee Paleo?

By Jane Barthelemy. So, is coffee Paleo? Well, the correct answer is NO. Even wishful thinking won't put it in the Paleo era. The bullet-proof truth is that coffee was first cultivated in Ethiopia c. 900 years after Christ, roughly 10,000 years after the Paleo period. One of today's most profitable and addictive habits, coffee was actually banned in Mecca in the 1500's as intoxicating and inciting radical thinking! But royal intervention changed all that, and soon coffee spread ...

6 Keys to Cleanse Your Bone Marrow

Bone Marrow may be your #1 TOP secret to health and longevity. Deep inside your bones is a busy factory of new cells, life-giving health, and rejuvenation. The marrow produces blood cells and stem cells. It creates DNA for new healing and cellular defense. What makes the bone marrow so special? And how can we harness this miracle to improve health and wellness? Executive Summary:  Bone marrow creates new cells. It produces three general types of cells: Red blood cells carry oxygen to ...

What’s Going on in your BONE MARROW?

Could bone marrow hold the secret to longevity?  There's a miracle of life going on in your bone marrow every day. This may be the #1 TOP secret to health, cell regeneration, longevity, and immunity. Medical science is learning fast about DNA stem cell creation, and how healing happens in the body. A great deal of medical industry literature deals with high-priced bone marrow stem cell replacement for the sick. And much genetic research has been devoted to profitable shots in the SARS-Covid ...

The Libido Diet: Asian Medicine Secrets

Your sensuality is one of your most powerful resources. Passionate emotion is a strength, not a weakness. I believe "Libido" is not exactly a desire for physical sex. Maybe it's much more vast. Libido is our desire to be ALIVE. It is our roots in the oceans of time, our link to the past and future. It is the source of fruitful imagination and JOY. Sensuality is part of our path to freedom. What are we doing to nourish it? Now's the time for us to support our own balanced health alongside ...

6 Ways to Activate Stem Cells Naturally for a Long Life

To discover the secrets to longevity, we need to re-imagine our biology, our health. We can slow aging and heal most diseases with dietary, lifestyle, and specific longevity strategies. We can rebuild our organs, our blood vessels, and our neurons to a superior level of wellness. You can buy expensive supplements too. However research shows countless ways to "hack" the body’s age-clock and activate stem cells naturally. Science continually reveals new techniques to reverse aging, avoid ...

How does the EGO separate the MIND from the HEART?

It’s just a tiny layer.  A mind implant we picked-up in early childhood. This invisible idea separates you from your inner self. Once this mental layer is planted, it tells you that YOU are a separate entity, unique, and that you are the center of the world. It is my opinion that the EGO is an AI Implant that does not belong to humans. When this selfish awareness is OVER-developed, it becomes a dangerous selfish pathology suffered by most of humanity! In beings with higher levels of ...

What Are Autumn Medicinal Foods?

It's amazing! 4,500 years ago, the oldest book on medicine suggests we "Heal the body before illness can come." A truly cutting-edge, breakthrough idea! The Yellow Emperor Huangdi (2717 -2599 BCE) said: “In the old days, smart people prevented disease before it began, just as a good leader averts war before it starts. If someone digs a well only when thirsty, or forges weapons during battle, one might ask: Aren’t these actions far too late to be effective?”  Health is Listening ...

My 6-Step Paleo-Meridian Weight Loss System

By Jane Barthelemy. Can the Paleo Diet and the ancient Chinese calendar hold the secrets to weight control? Guidelines for human health were encoded in our DNA thousands of years ago. Ancient Chinese texts describe the ideal method to optimize health, by harmonizing with Nature's cycles. Using the Paleo Diet together with the Chinese 24-hour meridian clock, can help you to not only lose ...

End Your Food Cravings & Addictions

By Jane Barthelemy. Something amazing happened last week. My cravings vanished, and my body released all that stress. OMG, this is the happy balance I've been wanting for years! Finally it happened! All week, there was no craving for sweets, no moodiness or familiar addictive message demanding chips or chocolate. Nope. Just quiet balance. ...