Immune system 90 results

10 Steps to Smart Anti-Viral Foods & Lifestyle

By Jane Barthelemy. Our immune system is our most precious resource. In the past century, changes in the global micro-biome have challenged our delicate internal eco-systems, precipitating many of the major health issues we face today. Our environment is continually infused with new chemicals, viruses, ...

Sugars and Refined Carbs, the Root of Body Acidity and Bone Disease

By Jane Barthelemy. Viruses thrive in an acid environment. Millions of people suffer from acidic body ph, which make them more at risk for coronavirus. Sugar and refined carbs are the #1 contributor to body acidity. This article explores the specific link between sugars, body acidity, and bone maladies. Arthritis affects 1 in 5 adults. Bone loss, or osteoporosis affects approximately 54 million Americans. Studies show that both these bone diseases are directly linked to chronic acidic body pH.  This article highlights the root causes of bone disease, which sadly many doctors do not address, ...

What is the Immune System Anyway?

By Jane Barthelemy. When millions of viruses are present for all, why do some people tend to come down with an illness? Why are certain people always the first to catch a bug? Coronavirus is a modern variation on the common cold. Our common understanding of the immune system is mostly based on traditional beliefs, our doctors advice, our parents, the media, pharma ads, and anecdotal sources. This article explores Chinese medicine on the immune system. Moreover, an exciting new world of ...

Coronavirus Precautionary Measures

Hi everybody. Since I'm traveling in Asia this month, I'm researching virus precautions. I want to share my findings with you regarding how it is spread, and how to clean surfaces. I hope it's helpful. Most important of course is to wash hands and do not touch the face, mouth, ears, nose, or the eyes. Avoid stress, get plenty of liquids, and rest. As always, build your health and immune system so you are strong. Check out these four articles on how to be well-defended against any virus: 10 ...

Raw Milk a Superfood? My Udder Surprise!

You might wonder - what's a Paleo enthusiast doing with milk? As a firm dairy-free advocate, I've been reading studies about the immune boosting properties of raw milk. Could it be true or hype? So I decided to try it. To my total and "udder" surprise, almost immediately I noticed a higher energy level. My skin was smoother. Little skin spots vanished. I slept ...

Vanquish a Virus with Food & Lifestyle

By Jane Barthelemy. Did you know there are over 400 different viruses that can affect your health? And over 200 viruses that can cause a common cold? No matter if you have the flu or another virus, there's a LOT you can do to build your immune system and eat in ways that will clear a virus. Other virus-based illnesses include chicken pox, mumps, hepatitis, ...

Preventing Parkinson’s and Neuropathy

By Jane Barthelemy. Over one million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease. An additional 100,000 are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, with countless cases unreported. Worldwide, 7 to 10 million people live with ...

Food affects your body, mood & life quality!

Guest post by Dr. Eva Selhub, MD, Harvard Health Publications. I'm glad the research is finally IN! Yes, think about it. Your brain is always “on.”  It takes care of your thoughts and movements, your breathing and heartbeat, your senses — it works hard 24/7, even while you’re asleep. This means your brain requires a constant supply ...

Top 10 Ways to Build Your Immune System

By Jane Barthelemy. Your immune system is your most precious resource. In the past century, changes in the global micro-biome have challenged our delicate internal eco-systems, precipitating many of the major health issues we face today. Our environment is continually infused with new chemicals, ...

End Your Food Cravings & Addictions

By Jane Barthelemy. Something amazing happened last week. My cravings vanished, and my body released all that stress. OMG, this is the happy balance I've been wanting for years! Finally it happened! All week, there was no craving for sweets, no moodiness or familiar addictive message demanding chips or chocolate. Nope. Just quiet balance. ...