Myths 82 results

Why I Became Paleo-Vegetarian

I am a NATURE GIRL. There’s a perfection in NATURE. The complex eco-system of LIFE on our planet is so wondrous, especially the way it is able to maintain BALANCE. Anything leftover, Nature intelligently recycles into herself with ants or bacterial decomposition back into the Earth. So, even if our human activities twist Nature out of whack, the pendulum of fate will always miraculously bring it back to a balanced state. Ha Ha! I'm waiting impatiently for that right now! Why did I become ...

Still Counting Calories & Carbs?

We love to measure things. We hope by counting Nutrition Facts we can know how GOOD a food is for us. But how effective is it? What about the vast nutritional gap between the three realms of food: Organic vs. "Conventional" vs. GMO? What's the effect of chemicals on complete nutrition? Obviously, this will vary depending on the type of seed, minerals and microbes in the soil, growing conditions, and freshness of the food. Ha Ha! Did you know that calorie and carb counts are based on average ...

Why Would Anyone Censor the Web?

I'm passionately interested in health, and I use the internet for research. While I don't consider all web info reliable, many studies and research articles are fine sources. I use a variety of search engines: Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yandex, Brave, and Gibiru. I like to compare results on different search engines - and recently noticed huge differences! What's really happening there? I'm not sure yet, but my eyes are open, so I'm sharing it with you all. How would a search engine try to ...

Best SEARCH ENGINES for Independent Thinkers

    We live in a world on fire with differing opinions. What do you look for in a search engine? If you're intent on seeing all sides of an issue to make up your own mind, you'd better be VERY selective. Are you guided by your own inner compass and integrity? Or do you prefer a "sanitized" search that follows the government or MSM party line?  I'm keenly interested in health. When I'm doing in-depth research, which search engine should I use? I value my personal thoughts. I ...

BOMBSHELL! INFLAMMATION Causes Disease, NOT Cholesterol

WHY do so many people eat a "healthy" diet yet have high cholesterol? What exactly is cholesterol, anyway? Is it BAD, BAD, BAD like we hear? Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by every cell of the body. It holds our cell walls firm. In fact, without cholesterol we would be soft and fall apart. One of cholesterol's roles in the body is to travel to inflamed areas to repair tiny breaks or lesions that irritate tissues, internal or external. For example, cholesterol makes a hard scab on ...

Are You Taking Your Mineral Drops?

People with diabetes often have a deficiency of chromium and zinc. Low magnesium has been linked to myocardial ischemia and cancer. Microbiome imbalance is everywhere inside us and around us. Much of this comes from chemicals in industrial food and soil. Minerals are often a forgotten element, yet they are fundamental requirements for life. Years ago, our soil was rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes. Modern chemical farming kills soil microbes and depletes minerals in plants. To make ...

Cancer Maps and Glyphosate in the USA – Zach Bush, MD

Zach Bush, MD is a brilliant cancer researcher connecting the dots in our health issues. I'm sharing his 4-min. video, because I believe he's put his finger on the problem. His intelligent sleuthing reveals cancer maps in the USA can be directly matched to runoff from thousands of farms into the Mississippi River and its tributaries, all the way down to the dead zones in the Gulf. Glyphosate in the runoff, in the rain, and in our water is affecting every American's health. Glyphosa...

Vanquish Obesity & Diabetes, 6 Steps

Like two sides of the same problem, Obesity and Diabetes have similar roots. The six primary culprits work together to perpetuate a cycle that's tough to break. This article outlines the six culprits, and how to break them. These are the 6 roots of Obesity and Diabetes: Low fiber diet, High blood sugar causing glucose addiction, Refined grains (simple carbs = sugar), Empty foods, Mineral deficiencies from packaged industrial foods, Mental exhaustion, Emotional craving for ...

High-Sugar Forbidden Fruits, Which Ones Make You Fat?

What's the worst food for weight gain? Sugary fruit! Surprising new studies show high-fructose fruits are top culprits in weight gain. Due to a genetic mutation 40,000 years ago, the fructose you eat goes immediately to fat. To lose weight, skip these high-sugar fruits: Bananas, Grapes, Pineapples, Mangos, Oranges, Dried fruits, Raisins, Dates, Melons, Peaches, Sweet apples and juices. Instead eat tart low-sugar fruits: raspberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, strawberries, and ...

Time-Restricted Eating for Weight Loss & Anti-Aging

Did you know the best way to detox the body and get rid of spike proteins is through Time-Restricted-Eating? We already know WHAT you eat is important. WHEN you eat is equally important for health. Also called "Intermittent Fasting", it boosts immunity and allows the body to detox naturally. The modern lifestyle accumulates toxins. But detox is not a complicated process. The body naturally gets rid of debris and spike proteins through a process called autophagy. The cell places unwanted ...

Brain Balancing for Mental Clarity

This is your 2-minute self-care moment. Brain-balancing resets your nervous system so you can stay relaxed and grounded all the time. It helps give you access to a larger part of your brain. The video will show you how. Whenever the "Shirt Hits the Fan" or whenever you feel "off", do not hesitate! Do this exercise! It is critical for the left and right cortices of your brain to be synchronized. This immediately boosts brain function, calms emotions, and resets the nervous system. This ...

GMO’s & Glyphosate in Whole Foods’ Meats?

At Whole Foods Markets, trusting folks spend top dollar for meat raised with animals’ wellbeing in mind. Their “5-Step Animal Welfare” program rates animal treatment, and this is positive. However they conveniently ignore GMO’s, Glyphosate, and toxins in animal feed. This loophole can cover up a lot of toxic foods sold to trusting customers, while quietly protecting suppliers committed to chemical farming. Why not protect their consumers and also check for clean animal feed?...

Tea Tree Oil – My Everything Remedy!

I love to simplify. Now my kitchen has just one cleaner. It's in my bathroom too. And the medicine cabinet. And the first-aid kit. Yep, my go-to non-toxic pharmaceutical. It's my ONE EVERYTHING REMEDY for cleaning, prevention, healing, beauty, and body care. Yes, amazing TEA TREE OIL!  Even better, research shows that a simple diffuser with tea tree oil can purify the air in your home of bacteria and viruses in a few minutes. Tea Tree Oil is one of the world's most useful essential oils. ...

What’s Electro-Magnetic Hypersensitivity?

Electro-magnetic Hypersensitivity is affected by all the electronic gadgets around us such as cell phones and 5G. EMF's are a threat to DNA, and children are especially vulnerable, since young tissues absorb radiation more than adults. This modern ailment is linked to stress and is tricky to diagnose or measure, affecting more people than we know. As the symptoms of EMF poisoning are the same as Covid-19 or the flu, it’s hard to tell the difference....

Chronic Disease is Just Nutrients Lost in Processed Food

Four-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling once said: “Every sickness, every ailment, and every disease can be traced back to an organic trace mineral deficiency.” And it’s still true. What is ONE SINGLE thing that could end chronic disease? All of them: Diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, malnutrition, etc? It is THIS: Eat whole foods, unrefined. Instead of processed grains, eat dark rice and whole wheat flour. Forget white rice and white flour. This study below shows ...

Are You Taking Your Pine Tea?

Hello friends, this is excerpted from the article: PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission, by Dr. Ariyana Love.  Last April front line doctors and medical experts dropped a bombshell regarding spike protein transmission. It seems those people who have received the medical therapy, are able to transmit it to those who have not, causing adverse reactions in people who did not take it. Experts revealed that transmission is happening at a rapid rate and without skin to ...

Warning! GMO-Free Foods Contain Glyphosate

Eating GMO-free? That's great! But if non-GMO is your main guide, here's a wake-up call flying under the radar. Surprise! A whole new generation of fake foods certified GMO-free has just arrived in your favorite grocery. Learn these four food types and how to recognize them: GMO foods are to be avoided of course. To learn them see the graphic below. These contain genetically modified ingredients, Glyphosate and the most chemicals. Glyphosate foods are toxic everyday foods, some ...

Will the true Paleo Diet please stand up?

What is the authentic Paleo Diet? Myriad interpretations, diverse rules, and disagreements surround the oldest diet on the planet. Other "Paleo experts" relax the rules to the point where we lose the benefits altogether. Perhaps the whole point of Paleo is to be inspired by our ancestral diet, to take the positive points as wisdom and leave the rest. Many people ask me questions: What kind of flour should I use? Are sweeteners that raise blood sugar Paleo-approved? Why aren't grains and legumes ...

How Much of Your Food Do You Actually Absorb?

You spend time and money on the healthiest foods. But how much of it do you actually absorb into your cells? Turns out food combining has a major effect on your digestive efficiency. Foods that digest well together make for a healthy inner ecology. Smart food combining makes your tummy happy. Poor food combining is a major cause of sluggish brain, heartburn, GERD, flatulence and emotional stress. If you want to optimize your health and save money, food combining is your secret friend....

The Last Forgotten Pandemic: Suicide

When suicides exceed virus deaths, I am concerned. Shall we turn to look at this topic in a gentle and compassionate way? The World Health Organization has estimated that 2.5 million people would take their own lives in 2020. However, it is almost impossible to measure. As suicide is taboo in many cultures, I expect their numbers are understated.   Rising suicide underlines the loneliness and spiritual emptiness that many people ...