Optimizing Health 161 results

For MD’s – Preview of my book, Good Morning Paleo

Doctors say a good breakfast is the secret to a great day. But for folks on a Paleo diet, traditional favorites like English muffins, yogurt, oatmeal, toast with jam, or treats like waffles and blueberry muffins are off the menu. Now, Jane Barthelemy, author of Paleo Desserts, has whipped up 165 healthy, luscious, low-carb ...

My Surprising Journey to Health

Why on Earth did I become a Paleo/gluten-free chef? Well, here's my surprising story. I come from a long line of nature enthusiasts, artists, and foodies. I’ve done many creative things in my life – this may be my 9th career – I lost count...

How to Speed-Read Nutrition Labels

By Jane Barthelemy. There’s a marketing war going on in every grocery store, battling for your attention and your money. The best advice is to simply eat real, original food, and skip packaged foods altogether. However most of us do eat some packaged foods. If that's you, get ready to put your boots on and shop like a true warrior. Ours is an important battle, where we are defending our right to quality food and to live a healthy life. ...

My Favorite Fall Recipes

Today I felt a huge change in the weather, and my body wants warm foods. No more cold drinks and salads, I'm craving soups, stews, and hot tea. The transition to Fall is hard for many people. As the weather gets colder, the rhythm of the day feels different and somehow strange. I need a jump-start reminder ...

325 Sweeteners, Which is Best?

By Jane Barthelemy.

I’m passionate about natural sweeteners, and I hope you are too. This is an exhaustive list of 325 sweeteners available in the USA, by yours truly. Gleaned from nutrition labels and supermarket shelves, it’s the most complete list ...

14 Fabulous Birthdays, Paleo & Gluten-free!

By Jane Barthelemy. When people invite me to birthday parties, I always ask to bring the cake. Oh yes, I love to cook, but I also LOVE TO EAT. Most cakes are simply not safe to eat - they contain sugars, processed ingredients, and flours that make people sick. Commercial or cake-mix cakes may look beautiful, but they have no life force or nutrition in them. ...

Free eBook: Energize Your Salads!

Do you want to lose weight, increase energy levels, reduce stress, enjoy your life more, and generally look and feel healthier? You’ve come to the right place. Click Subscribe to receive my free e-Recipe book Energize Your Salads! It's a revolutionary new approach...

Pros & Cons of the Paleo Diet

By Jane Barthelemy. As interest in the Paleo Diet grows exponentially, it is evolving into more of a Lifestyle than a Diet. When people ask: "What are the Pros and Cons of Paleo?" I say that it depends on your personal interpretation. Many popular authors advocate different versions of the ancestral diet. For some it's a low-carb diet. Others say it means no grains or dairy. M...

Your Body Never Lies

Our Paleolithic ancestors had to hunt and gather for their food – it wasn’t always within reach. In modern times, we are surrounded by food and in some ways it has become a kind of entertainment. We have separated ourselves from Nature and from our most basic physiological needs....

My Best Breakfast Parfaits!

It's a tough job, writing a book, inventing 165 original recipes with pure and simple foods. But hey! Someone has to do it. The truth is, I never had so much fun. Today I made Breakfast Parfaits! It was an unforgettable day, and felt like I was on a roll. The recipes are available in my book Good Morning Paleo. ...

Traveling on a Healthy Diet?

By Jane Barthelemy. Anywhere you travel, whether it's London, or Los Angeles, eating healthy is a challenge. If you’re on a special diet, or if you just like to eat decent food, planning ahead is a requirement! Tomorrow I'm flying cross-country to a family reunion. I have just a few minutes to prepare a good meal...

Healthy Paleo Brownies? A shocking comparison

By Jane Barthelemy. I love all brownies! But hey, they're never what they claim to be. I analyzed three brownie recipes to see which is best. All of them taste great. But which one is healthiest? We believe Paleo brownies are always low-carb and healthy. Right? Nope. Not always. These Nutrition Facts will shock and surprise you!...

Why is healthy food so expensive?

By Jane Barthelemy. We lament the high cost of healthy food. But perhaps there's another way to look at it: Why do we even try to compare original foods prepared with care, to cheap, industrial foods? These are two completely different types of "food", with huge nutritional differences. It makes no sense at all to compare Paleo hunt-and gather foods to factory farmed and junk "food"....

12 Healthy Tips for Enjoying Parties

By Jane Barthelemy. Everyone loves to go out and relax with friends. However when you go to a gathering, do you feel challenged to stay true to your diet and eat healthy? Sometimes we are offered a scary array of delicious food. It's easy to give in to temptation and suffer weight gain or digestive consequences later. ...

Who Needs Paleo Desserts?

Paleo Desserts are for Everybody. They taste delicious, just like your favorite sweets. And they're healthier for everyone. How many people do you know that are on a special diet? My Paleo Desserts book is great for folks who eat gluten-free, dairy-free, diabetic, low-carb, non-allergenic, ...

My Trip to the Just Like Sugar Factory

Everybody asks me: "What's in the chicory root sweetener?" Last week I paid a visit to the Just Like Sugar factory to give their CEO, Mike Sylver, a signed copy of my book Paleo Desserts. I had already done an enormous amount of research comparing hundreds of sweeteners on the market and I compiled...

Lick the Sugar Habit without Deprivation

By Jane Barthelemy. Many of us crave sweets, like Brownies and Chocolate Fudge. They taste wonderful in the moment, but when your blood sugar plunges a few minutes later, and you suddenly gain 5 pounds, it’s a bad day. Sugars and carbs are the problem with most sweets, causing a spike in blood glucose that destabilizes metabolism, and weight gain. ...

9 Secrets to Lick Gluten Intolerance

By Jane Barthelemy. Gluten Intolerance is like an iceberg - 90% is hidden under the surface. Over 200 million Americans are affected by gluten intolerance and celiac disease. We want simple solutions, but there’s more to it. A gluten-free diet alone is unlikely to heal your gut or immune system. Here are 9 secret weapons you'll need to heal yourself and avoid gluten reactions....

Is Sugar Toxic? CBS 60 Minutes

By Jane Barthelemy. Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at the U of C in San Francisco, believes the high amount of sugar in the American diet, much of it hidden in processed foods, is killing us and making us fat. CBS 60 Minutes recently aired new scientific research by Dr. Sanjay Gupta that links high blood sugar to obesity, diabetes...

All About Nuts, Soaking and Toasting for Health

By Jane Barthelemy. I love almonds, pecans, and walnuts. Nuts are a true Paleo food, gluten-free, rich in proteins, healthy fats, and enzymes. However many people have difficulty digesting nuts. And tree-nut allergies are becoming more common. How can we enjoy nuts without digestive problems? Like all seeds and grains, nuts often contain natural coatings that are digestive inhibitors (lectins, saponins, protease inhibitors, and phytates) that make the nuts slightly bitter and more ...