Simplify 83 results

Adaptogenic Herbs, Nature’s Stress Busters

If you want to reduce stress and feel more energy in your life, these adaptogens are the perfect natural solution. Top trainers and athletes call them "synergistic meds for healthy people" because they can powerfully boost stamina and recovery without side-effects of pharmaceuticals. What's an Adaptogen? Adaptogens are a special class of plant tonifying herbal medicines used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries to promote total wellbeing. In those traditional healing ...

6 Ways to Build Your IMMUNE System

Yep, it's all about BALANCE. Your immune system is EVERYTHING these days, pretty much synonymous to OVERALL HEALTH. But what is the immune system, anyway? What we call the IMMUNE SYSTEM is actually a group of six intimately related body systems that work together to optimize your health: Blood Circulatory System, Bone Marrow, Lymphatic System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Nervous System. How Can we Promote Perfect Balance within these Six Systems? Let's break it ...

6 Ways to Squeeze More Nutrition Out of Your Food Dollar

This won't be my most popular post. However it might revolutionize your health while saving you money! Ten years ago I suffered a terrible loss, and the emotional stress led to total digestive collapse. I'll save you the details, except to say I couldn't digest anything anymore. All the food I ate went straight through me, like into a black hole. I became emaciated, thin, and exhausted for months. Then a miracle happened. I met Will, a 6' 6" weight lifter who enjoyed clean food. It ...

How NOT to Surf the Web – Finding TRUTH on the Internet in 2024

Happy New Year! Top internet tools to find to find TRUTH in 2024. Major predictions include: AI expansion, crazy Election on Social Media, Web 3, and "Spatial Internet of Bodies" linking humans to the web (which will challenge everything we know about how to communicate, interact, and control society). As expected, the battle between AI, humans, and the digitized human body WBAN Network will accelerate this year in profound ways.  Suggested DO's and DON'Ts for Finding True Knowledge on ...

VIDEO: How to Detox & Balance Your Microbiome Consciously

How does our self-awareness and self-love affect our microbiome? Aha! That's the BIG question. This video is a guided meditation to reset the gut-brain axis and balance the microbiome. In this fast-changing world, we need a smart, multi-dimensional approach to health. Your microbiome is the root of your immune system. It rules your digestion, and therefore your nourishment. That means this tiny environment of bugs effectively determines our health and future happiness! Wow! A new ...

How to DETOX Your Inner Eco-System: Parasite Control

DETOX is not something you do once a year. Your body is busy detoxing every day. How can you support it? What's a Parasite?  It is an organism that lives and feeds on (or in) a human, and causes harm. Parasites include: 1) Single-celled (Protozoa), 2) Worms (Helminths), 3) Ectoparasites that feed on the skin (fleas). And now 4) Synthetic Parasites with Artificial Intelligence! Ha Ha! Let’s take a moment to dive into the WILD WILD world of PARASITES! How many different parasites exist in ...

Sweet Rose Hibiscus Honey Bath – A Calming Detox Treat!

Life is a wild ride. And a hot bath is a winter joy! This magical pink bath is 100% natural, designed for you and anyone you love. Oh, please accept this invitation to relax and release all cares. This bath will make a warm loving care package for your favorite people this winter. In ancient Greece, bathing was regarded as a healing gift from the gods. NOW is DEFINITELY the time to revive the timeless tradition of sacred baths. Conscious soaking helps to calm the mind, balance the emotions, and detox the body. Add a few candles and some music! This sweet rose bath will dissolve your cares, uplift your energy, improve clarity, and leave you feeling deeply rejuvenated. ...

DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) Our biggest killers have no cause and no cure.

Why are NCD's our biggest killers? Non-Communicable Diseases (think Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's) are those common "idiopathic" chronic ailments we see all around us that are said to have no cause and no cure. Now a rising health awareness in the post-Covid era indicates a new positive game is in play. Covid-19 gave humanity a nice big wake-up slap, a reminder to focus on DETOX. Our most important personal responsibility is to protect our DNA by building a resilient microbiome, the very root ...

Stop a Virus with Top 5 Anti-viral Herbs

By Jane Barthelemy. With coronavirus and and other flu viruses floating around, you need to know these natural anti-viral herbs and supplements. Whether it’s a cold, flu, mumps, or ANY virus, the rules for kicking it are the same. These safe plant-based medicines have an important place in your tool chest for basic self-care. I've used this system many times. These are my everyday go-to remedies before doing pharmaceuticals or tests, which may have repercussions. My Top 5 most ...

My Top 12 Anti-Aging SuperHuman Health Tips

Several readers have asked me to share my personal diet and supplements. So, here they are. As you probably guessed, I eat a low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet of lots of coconut oil and butter. I try to have a highly diverse microbiome, with TONS of local leafy greens, yogurt, fermented foods, cheese, eggs, occasional meats, LOTS of beans, garlic, turmeric, and ginger. We eat non-GMO, no flour, no seed oils, mostly organic. We practice intermittent fasting with meals at 10am and 4pm plus a ...

Why Are Idiopathic Diseases Increasing So Rapidly?

1. Idiopathic Disease: A chronic ailments with unknown cause and no known cure. 2. Could Inflammation be a Unifying Theory of Chronic Disease? 3. Metabolism and Micro-biome are Key Roots of Disease. 4. How to measure Inflammation? Hear it from the Doctors. 5. Every Disease Begins in the Gut. No Single Cause. Detox Detox Detox! 6. Where to Begin? Start with these first steps, and you will find your own way. 7. What’s Your Personal Healing Path? Your Mind and Future are in Your Hands.Â...

9 Tips from Chinese Medicine for a Healthy Fall Season

When Fall is in the air, mornings are crisp, and the days are shorter. Personally, I feel a tinge of sadness and even a slight sense of trepidation. For many people it's a time of colds and flu. Some are constantly on the edge of getting sick the whole season. Build resilience in the immune system! Here are a few pearls of wisdom from Chinese Medicine to make the changes easier. 9 Tips for a Healthy Fall Season: Protect the Lungs. Cover up and guard against sudden temperature changes or ...

Chronic Disease Rising Fast – Where’s the Missing Data?

A rising health awareness in the Post-Covid era indicates a new game is in play. Covid gave us a big wake-up call, a reminder to focus on DETOX. Now our most important personal responsibility is to protect our DNA and build a resilient microbiome, the very root of our immunity. This article is a bird's-eye overview of global trends in chronic diseases. These top 12 diseases are the biggest killers of humankind. What's happening now and what can we expect by 2050? Three Surprises make this ...

What is Cancer? An Intuitive Healer’s Perspective

Welcome to my mini-series on "How to Heal the Top Diseases of Mankind". In a very real sense Cancer is the #1 epidemic of our times, a disease of modern society. There are about 20 million new Cancer cases per year worldwide. This year 10 million people will die of it, or one in every 6 deaths. We know what causes Cancer. We know how to prevent and heal it. We all have abnormal cells in our body, so in a sense we are all carrying the seeds of Cancer. Today I'd like to explore Cancer with a ...

Top 24 Delicious Foods that Dissolve Cancer Stem Cells!

Do you enjoy green tea, apples, and blackberries? Or would you rather buy online a bottle of softgels with Epigallocatechin-3 EGCG from Walmart? Ha Ha! Take ginger root for example. Wouldn't it be far more delicious to just chomp on real ginger? But now you can go online to Amazon or RiteAid to buy capsules of pure dried ginger powder from China. It's laughable! The list goes on. As Big Pharma races to patent expensive new anti-cancer drugs, a recent study just made our healthy ...

Change Your Thoughts, Heal Your Life

Our emotions and past traumas are in our memory forever. These are just energy patterns, and they DO affect our physical body. That is why an EMOTION is at the root of every disease. "DISEASE" is a puzzle that always has many contributing "causes". Clearly, our emotional history is an important part of the solutions. If we can change thoughts at their root, if we can dissolve the burden of buried trauma, can we heal our disease?  Louise Hays left us a legacy of tools to heal ourselves. One ...

10 Steps to Say Good-Bye to Belly Fat

Is it normal for our bodies to expand every year? I don't think so. Weight gain is NOT not a necessary part of aging. We sometimes think of midriff fat as negative only for outer appearance. But in fact the midriff bulge hides invisible health risks inside your body in both men and women. There are myriad causes and cures for the expanding midriff. It's a poorly understood topic that affects millions. In this heavily researched article I'm offering a multi-leveled approach to causes and ...

WiFi Disrupts Natural Sleep Cycles & Brain Biorhythms

Why do many people sleep poorly and don't know why?  But when they turn the WiFi OFF before bed, they enjoy refreshing deep sleep? Aha!  That's because WiFi tells your brain that it is DAYTIME!  WiFi stimulates your pineal gland, brain, and endocrine system to WAKE UP!  Poor sleep always leads to accelerated aging. Are you getting all five stages of sleep at night?  Damaged sleep cycles due to WiFi can increase your risk of disease.  It all starts with poor sleep.  Over time WiFi has ...

Just Like Sugar – Natural Chicory Root Sweetener, Out of Business

Just Like Sugar Table Top was once my preferred natural sweetener by far. After testing hundreds of sweeteners, I used it in my books because it dissolves easily, it tastes delicious, and is easy to measure cup for cup like sugar. Even better, it has zero-calories and zero-carbs, os it does not raise blood sugar. People love the taste of SWEET, and Just Like Sugar filled the role. It gently sweetened everything, and I got no sugar rush or aftertaste from it. The Table Top version was the ...

5 Doctors Say Uric Acid Caused by Fructose

These five important doctors say Uric Acid is a main player in our epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disease. They say there are three things that raise uric acid levels: #1 Top offender is FRUCTOSE. #2 is ALCOHOL, and #3 is PURINES. However, by far the biggest challenge is FRUCTOSE, due to its overpowering presence in our diet. Many of our chronic diseases are associated with high uric acid levels. According to Dr. David Perlmutter, Uric Acid is a common thread linking our ...