
Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie

Jane-Icon-2This pie looks complicated, but isn’t. Instead it will send you right over the edge with joy! Pumpkin and chocolate are a beautiful swirl of flavors when marbled together. Try my Perfect Chocolate Coconut Piecrust! Holiday desserts should be luscious tasting, high in nutrients, low in carbs and sugars. 

This recipe won’t raise blood sugar or cause weight gain if you use the suggested zero-glycemic sweeteners. And it tastes even better with Instant Coconut Whipped Cream. If you’re feeling creative, you can also make this recipe with squash, sweet potato, or yam instead of pumpkin. Yield: One 9 1/2-inch pie. Serves 8-10 people.


Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie



    Pumpkin Filling:
  • 1/2 cup medium to thick unsweetened coconut milk, such as Native Forest organic Full-fat coconut milk
  • 2/3 cup sweetener to taste such as Just Like Sugar Table Top natural chicory root sweetener, or 2 tablespoons PureLo Lo Han Sweetener by Swanson, or 1/2 cup raw honey, or your favorite sweetener. Consider using half Just Like Sugar Brown natural chicory root sweetener, for a deeper brown sugar flavor.
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon unprocessed salt
  • Zest of 1/2 orange
  • 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 2 cups pumpkin or squash (400 grams) baked, and cut in coarse chunks
  • Chocolate Swirl:
  • 1/2 cup sweetener such as Just Like Sugar Table Top natural chicory root sweetener, or 4 teaspoons PureLo Lo Han Sweetener by Swanson, or 1/3 cup raw honey, or your favorite sweetener.
  • 1/4 cup warm filtered water
  • 1/4 cup softened coconut butter (57 grams)
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons pure cacao powder
  • 1/4 heaping teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon Mt. Hagen organic decaffeinated coffee crystals (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 300°F. Prepare the Perfect Chocolate Coconut Pie Crust and place in a 9 to 9 1/2-inch pie pan. Pre-bake for 10 minutes, then increase the oven temperature to 350°F.
  2. Pumpkin Filling:
  3. In a food processor or a high-speed blender, place the coconut milk, sweetener, eggs, vanilla, salt, orange zest, nutmeg, and coconut oil. Mix well until smooth.
  4. Add the pumpkin last and process until smooth and creamy. Sweeten to taste and adjust the spices so you love them. Pour into the pre-baked pie shell.
  5. Chocolate Swirl and Bake:
  6. To make the chocolate marble: In a heat resistant bowl or 2-cup measuring pitcher, add sweetener and warm water. Use a spoon or small whisk to stir well until sweetener is liquefied. Add coconut butter and mix again until smooth. Lastly, add vanilla, cacao, cinnamon, and coffee, if using. Stir well until velvety smooth.
  7. Pour the marble filling in a heavy spiral around the surface of the filling. Use a small spatula to make small swirly designs vertically into in the chocolate marble. Just don’t scoop so deep as to damage the crust underneath. I find that infinity signs work well.
  8. Bake for 45 for 55 minutes. Let cool for 1 hour on a rack. Or chill to make it easier to cut servings with neat edges. Serve at room temperature with Instant Coconut Whipped Cream.

2 Replies to "Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie"

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    Dawn November 27, 2021 (8:38 am)

    Hi Jane – For years, I’ve loved making your wonderful recipes, but it’s become impossible to find Just Like Sugar. Where do you buy it? I’ve clicked on some of your links, but the website appears moved or inactive. Thanks!

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      Jane Barthelemy November 27, 2021 (4:30 pm)

      Hi Dawn, Thanks for your message. Just Like Sugar has been the target of an organized betrayal for decades by the Grocery Associations, Whole Foods Market, and Splenda. The strong folks at Just Like Sugar stood up for our health for many years, and then the virus hit. Now I can’t find Just Like Sugar either. Maybe they’ll be back. Who knows? In the meantime for your health, I recommend you forget about sweet foods. We don’t really need them, it’s just a nice pleasant experience to eat them. Or check out my articles on alternative sweeteners I can recommend: 5 Top Paleo Sweeteners: https://janeshealthykitchen.com/5-top-paleo-sweeteners/
      Best wishes for your delicious health! Jane

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