Obesity 50 results

Which Gluten-Free Brownie is Best?

By Jane Barthelemy. Gluten-free is big business now. Every grocery has a gluten-free aisle filled with tempting treats like gluten-free chips, and gluten-free chocolate cookies. But why do doctors say they expect people to gain weight on a gluten-free diet? Weight gain is associated with carbs and sugars. As I read ingredient labels ...

My Biggest “Aha!”, Easy Weight Loss

A few years ago, when I was overweight, diagnosed with cancer, chronic fatigue, adrenal failure, digestive collapse, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, and two frozen shoulders, I began to make changes in my diet and lifestyle, slowly – just one change a week. If I felt better, I would hold onto the change to make it a habit. ...

For MD’s – Preview of my book, Good Morning Paleo

Doctors say a good breakfast is the secret to a great day. But for folks on a Paleo diet, traditional favorites like English muffins, yogurt, oatmeal, toast with jam, or treats like waffles and blueberry muffins are off the menu. Now, Jane Barthelemy, author of Paleo Desserts, has whipped up 165 healthy, luscious, low-carb ...

My Surprising Journey to Health

Why on Earth did I become a Paleo/gluten-free chef? Well, here's my surprising story. I come from a long line of nature enthusiasts, artists, and foodies. I’ve done many creative things in my life – this may be my 9th career – I lost count...

How to Speed-Read Nutrition Labels

By Jane Barthelemy. There’s a marketing war going on in every grocery store, battling for your attention and your money. The best advice is to simply eat real, original food, and skip packaged foods altogether. However most of us do eat some packaged foods. If that's you, get ready to put your boots on and shop like a true warrior. Ours is an important battle, where we are defending our right to quality food and to live a healthy life. ...

Healthy Paleo Brownies? A shocking comparison

By Jane Barthelemy. I love all brownies! But hey, they're never what they claim to be. I analyzed three brownie recipes to see which is best. All of them taste great. But which one is healthiest? We believe Paleo brownies are always low-carb and healthy. Right? Nope. Not always. These Nutrition Facts will shock and surprise you!...

12 Healthy Tips for Enjoying Parties

By Jane Barthelemy. Everyone loves to go out and relax with friends. However when you go to a gathering, do you feel challenged to stay true to your diet and eat healthy? Sometimes we are offered a scary array of delicious food. It's easy to give in to temptation and suffer weight gain or digestive consequences later. ...

The Skinny on Obesity – Video Series

By Jane Barthelemy. The data is in. Sugar causes fat deposits and obesity. Sugar causes diabetes. It's that simple. Here's an amazing new video series from the U of C showing clear scientific evidence that obesity, diabetes, and many diseases are caused by sugar and ...

Who Needs Paleo Desserts?

Paleo Desserts are for Everybody. They taste delicious, just like your favorite sweets. And they're healthier for everyone. How many people do you know that are on a special diet? My Paleo Desserts book is great for folks who eat gluten-free, dairy-free, diabetic, low-carb, non-allergenic, ...

Lick the Sugar Habit without Deprivation

By Jane Barthelemy. Many of us crave sweets, like Brownies and Chocolate Fudge. They taste wonderful in the moment, but when your blood sugar plunges a few minutes later, and you suddenly gain 5 pounds, it’s a bad day. Sugars and carbs are the problem with most sweets, causing a spike in blood glucose that destabilizes metabolism, and weight gain. ...