AVOID! 50 results

Avoid these dangerous items and SHARE to spread the word. Best wishes for your delicious health!

AVOID: Top 3 Foods of Inflammation & Heart Disease

Shall we play a game? In a small bowl mix together a few teaspoons of sugar, a handful of any flour, and a splash of vegetable oil. Add a few drops of water and stir well. Let your slurry sit at body temperature for a few hours. It will harden into a perfect rubbery superglue. These three foods accumulate in your body as sticky mucus that makes you old and tired. THIS is the root of inflammation and auto-immune disease. These three ingredients contain no nutrition, and are the #1 cause of our ...

Avoid Starbucks Double Chocolate Brownie with Monsanto GMO Sugar & Glyphosate

Uh oh! Sugar shock! Here's a snack loaded with 30 grams of sugar! This baby will spike your blood sugar sky high, even higher than a Krispy Kreme Glazed Donut! Even worse, Starbuck's Double Chocolate Brownie is made with Monsanto's GMO beet sugar which contains Glyphosate, a toxic herbicide linked to Autism, Parkinson's, ADHD, and Diabetes. ...

AVOID: Toxic Brown Sugar with Glyphosate

Bad news! Many people believe brown sugar is healthier, but this is not true. Unfortunately most brown sugar comes from cheap GMO beets with cane molasses added for color. Sadly, all non-organic sugar contains Monsanto’s herbicide Glyphosate, a known carcinogen and root cause of autism, diabetes, celiac disease, ...

AVOID Farmed Fish with Chemical Dioxins, PCB’s, GMO’s.

Hidden toxins in farmed fish include GMO's, Glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, bacteria, chemicals, poisonous dioxins, PCBs, and other pollutants in dry pellet fish feed. Your Healthy Solution: Eat small wild fish such as Alaskan salmon and sardines....

AVOID! Starbuck’s Muffins with GMO Sugar & Monsanto’s Glyphosate

Beware of dangerous ingredients in Starbuck's muffins! They're made with GMO sugar and toxic Glyphosate by Monsanto, a primary cause of autism, nerve degeneration and Alzheimer's. I won't be standing in line there any more. Sadly, every single ingredient in these muffins is from Monsanto except for these four: ...

Avoid! Starbuck’s Frappucino with Glyphosate & GMO Sugar

Terrible News! When Starbuck's ingredients innocently say "sugar", they mean GMO Beet Sugar, which contains Monsanto's Glyphosate, a leading cause of weight gain, brain fog, gut imbalance, and auto-immune diseases. ...

AVOID! Glyphosate in Whole Foods Deli Foods

It may be non-GMO, but they don't tell us it's infused with toxic herbicide Glyphosate. Whole Foods Markets recently changed to non-GMO canola oil. A very good move! But they don't mention that the new non-GMO canola is sprayed with Monsanto's toxic Glyphosate during harvesting. It's equally toxic as the old oil! Whole foods knows better. Your healthy solution: Avoid Whole Foods Deli. Ask Whole Foods Markets to use organic oil in all their foods. ...

AVOID! These Foods Contain Monsanto’s Glyphosate

Ever since the World Health Organization called Monsanto's herbicide Glyphosate a probable carcinogen in 2015, several courageous scientists have documented its specific effects on human health, clearly correlating it to increases in autism, gluten intolerance, ...

AVOID! Monsanto’s Glyphosate Contaminates Organic Wheat

by Guest Writer Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News Editor. Think you can avoid toxic glyphosate by buying organic? Think again. A new investigation by Tropical Traditions reveals that many US organic grains contain glyphosate residue at almost the same levels as conventional grains. ...

AVOID! Toxic “Natural Flavors”

Beware! When I see “Natural flavors” on a food ingredient label, right away I feel worried, anxious, unprotected, and suspicious. I conjure up bizarre images of chemical experiments in a toxic laboratory. What is the truth about “Natural Flavors”? What does the term actually mean? How can I protect myself from unhealthy ingredients not even listed on the label? Oh dear! The word "Natural" has no meaning. There are thousands of so-called “Natural flavors” used in processed foods ...

Living with Nano Bots. How to AVOID and CLEAR them!

More and more people are waking up to the realities that our modern world, our weather, food, air, water, and medicines are not what they used to be. How can we inform ourselves carefully without getting overwhelmed with fear and trepidation? It is now crystal clear that nano-particles are here in our bodies and our everyday environment. Since this topic is well over my head technically, I am posting a few videos and a composite article from The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.  It contains ...

High-Sugar Forbidden Fruits, Which Ones Make You Fat?

What's the worst food for weight gain? Sugary fruit! Surprising new studies show high-fructose fruits are top culprits in weight gain. Due to a genetic mutation 40,000 years ago, the fructose you eat goes immediately to fat. To lose weight, skip these high-sugar fruits: Bananas, Grapes, Pineapples, Mangos, Oranges, Dried fruits, Raisins, Dates, Melons, Peaches, Sweet apples and juices. Instead eat tart low-sugar fruits: raspberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, strawberries, and ...

AVOID: The $100 Billion Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic

OK, I'll tell you what it is. This article is by Dr. Joseph Mercola, who always gets it right for our health. Since I've been saying this for years, let's hear it from him, and maybe more people will understand the risks. We're talking about dangerous seed oils: Soybean oil, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Safflower, and Sunflower oil. Toxic seed oils are perhaps the most poisonous ingredient in the human diet. Here are Dr. Mercola's words: "Many people think it’s sugar, but I believe this ...

GMO’s & Glyphosate in Whole Foods’ Meats?

At Whole Foods Markets, trusting folks spend top dollar for meat raised with animals’ wellbeing in mind. Their “5-Step Animal Welfare” program rates animal treatment, and this is positive. However they conveniently ignore GMO’s, Glyphosate, and toxins in animal feed. This loophole can cover up a lot of toxic foods sold to trusting customers, while quietly protecting suppliers committed to chemical farming. Why not protect their consumers and also check for clean animal feed?...

AVOID! BPA-free Plastics Labeled “BPS”

Yikes! University of Calgary scientists say BPS (bisphenol-S), the new alternative ingredient labeled “BPA-free”, disrupts normal brain-cell growth and leads to hyper-activity in children. Source: Washington Post, By Pulitzer Prizewinning Journalist Amy Ellis Nutt....

AVOID! High Fructose Corn Syrup Renamed “Fructose”, Sold as Natural Sweetener!

Consumers are really getting that the quality of our food affects our waistline and our health. Now High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) can be sold in groceries as a natural sweetener! Healthy Solution: Natural zero glycemic sweeteners. Beware of: ‘fructose’‘fructose syrup’ and 'HFCS-90'. ...

Aluminum, Heavy Metal Toxicity, and Alzheimer’s?

When the Alzheimer’s Association of America says: “…few experts believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.", I REALLY want to believe them. But is it true? Not according to Dr. Chris Exley, PhD, of Keele University in UK, an expert on aluminum toxicity. Dr. Exley has been studying the impact of aluminum on the human body since 1984 and states: "There has been a strong link between human exposure to aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease for half a century ...

What’s Electro-Magnetic Hypersensitivity?

Electro-magnetic Hypersensitivity is affected by all the electronic gadgets around us such as cell phones and 5G. EMF's are a threat to DNA, and children are especially vulnerable, since young tissues absorb radiation more than adults. This modern ailment is linked to stress and is tricky to diagnose or measure, affecting more people than we know. As the symptoms of EMF poisoning are the same as Covid-19 or the flu, it’s hard to tell the difference....

Warning! GMO-Free Foods Contain Glyphosate

Eating GMO-free? That's great! But if non-GMO is your main guide, here's a wake-up call flying under the radar. Surprise! A whole new generation of fake foods certified GMO-free has just arrived in your favorite grocery. Learn these four food types and how to recognize them: GMO foods are to be avoided of course. To learn them see the graphic below. These contain genetically modified ingredients, Glyphosate and the most chemicals. Glyphosate foods are toxic everyday foods, some ...

AVOID! Grated Parmesan Cheese Contains Wood Cellulose

Uh Oh! Your grated Parmigiano Reggiano could contain more wood pulp than parmesan cheese, studies suggest. The FDA allows cheese to contain up to 4% cellulose. By Guest Writer Fiona MacDonald, ScienceAlert.com. Healthy Solution: Buy hard cheese and grate it yourself. Even better, try my dairy-free, vegan, Paleo Parmesan Cheese. You won't believe how delicious it tastes!! ...