Time for a New Food Pyramid?

What’s the BEST diet for ALL humans? Are we all different? Or should we LISTEN to the body, to discover what it needs every day?

Should we all jump on the most recent diet craze? How about the latest US Food Pyramid? Is a Vegan diet healthy, or will it make you weak? Should we consider the Paleo Diet? Or is it Vegetarian best with eggs and dairy? What percentage of your food should be leafy green veggies? How much fat is best? How much meat should we eat if any? What about organic foods vs. pesticides and chemicals? Are processed foods part of a healthy diet? Or should we eat FRESHLY PICKED? What BAD foods should everyone avoid?

While every person’s optimum diet is unique, a few simple guidelines work for most every-body.

We’re all different. 
In my clinical experience doing hundreds of Food and Nutrient Sensitivity Tests with electronically imprinted vials, I find that every clients’ body chemistry is different. There are certain foods someone may not tolerate, and others that they need to consume more. Some people love the Paleo Diet, and interpret it like a general template to accommodate their own needs. Others feel better eating Vegetarian. When we find a diet that works for our own body, we sometimes want everybody else to follow it too. But remember, we’re all different. I believe it’s a mistake to try to apply rigidly specific dietary rules to everybody.

Having performed hundreds of Food and Nutrient Sensitivity Tests, I’ve observed some very surprising things. My job with a client is to listen to his or her body, to determine what’s truly best for each person without introducing my own opinions or beliefs. Some people do best with no animal products whatsoever. Their bodies have somehow adapted to a perfect balance on a Vegan diet. Other people require meat. Some clients have vitamin deficiencies, tree-nut allergies, amino acid imbalances, hypoglycemia, low digestive enzymes, hydration issues, allergies to onions, or an infestation of parasites, which each require specific dietary attention.

Yet we have a lot in common.
Over time, I’ve also noticed that in spite of the obvious differences, in general our optimum diets have a great deal in common. There are a few things I observe that are the same across the board in every test. While the intensity of the intolerances may vary, I find in every single test that certain foods are NOT positive in an optimum diet. As an intuitive, I thought – what if I ask what is the optimum diet for ALL of humanity? As if everybody on the planet were right here in my clinic with the electronic vials? So that’s exactly what I asked, and these are the answers that came through. This is a general AVERAGE diet for humanity. It is not a rigidly specific diet or list of approved foods. There will be individual differences that you’ll need to refine to fit your specific needs. If you’re under a doctor’s care or following a special diet, or eliminating certain foods, please observe it until your doctor releases you or your condition is healed. Remember, I’m an intuitive. I can’t prove this diet scientifically. Take it for what it’s worth. I hope you find it useful.

Optimum Human Diet for Mostly Every-Body:

  • 24% Leafy Green Veggies –  Fresh, fibrous, fermented or mostly cooked.
  • 19% Fats – Animal fats, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Omega-3 flax, avocado, ghee, fish oil, etc., all fresh.
  • 18% High-Carb Veggies – Fresh, fibrous, fermented, or lightly cooked.
  • 18% Fruits – Low sugar, whole, fresh, raw, fibrous.
  • 13% Seeds, Nuts, Grains, Legumes – Soaked or sprouted, lightly cooked, fresh, fibrous.
  • 8% Proteins – Meat, Fish, Poultry, Eggs, Raw Dairy, Bone Broth, fresh.

A Pretty Good Dietary Breakdown for Most People:

Skip or Minimize These Non-Foods:

  • Forget low nutrient foods such as all sugars, honey, breads, crackers, chips, cookies, cake, sweets, energy bars, and extruded foods (such as processed breakfast cereals).
  • Forget all flours (even gluten-free) and all finely ground foods.
  • Avoid Alcohol, Coffee, Tea, fruit juices, refined, highly heated, fried or processed foods.
  • Avoid Alcohol, Beer, and all addictive substances.
  • Stay away from GMO foods, GMO-fed animal products, and foods treated with chemicals.
  • Avoid old or moldy foods (like peanuts) and foods low in life force energy.


LISTENING to your Body is IN.

Forget This Old Food Pyramid. It’s OUT:


Keep it Simple. As Michael Pollan says:
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” 


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