Biggest Culprits 125 results

5 Doctors Say Uric Acid Caused by Fructose

These five important doctors say Uric Acid is a main player in our epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disease. They say there are three things that raise uric acid levels: #1 Top offender is FRUCTOSE. #2 is ALCOHOL, and #3 is PURINES. However, by far the biggest challenge is FRUCTOSE, due to its overpowering presence in our diet. Many of our chronic diseases are associated with high uric acid levels. According to Dr. David Perlmutter, Uric Acid is a common thread linking our ...

Uh Oh! Coconut Sugar is 100% Sugar!

Terrible news! Coconut sugar is 100% sugar! You won't feel a glycemic rush, as coconut sugar is relatively low in glucose. But here's the rub: The rest of the sugar is fructose! It's 100% sugar! Just like HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), fructose in coconut sugar is a liver toxin that causes high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes (Yup, our top epidemics). Fructose doesn't give you a glycemic jolt. Instead it quietly and insidiously fills your liver with bad lipid (fat) deposits and ...

12 Signs Your Liver Wants a Cleanse

 "Cancer cannot get a hold on the body if the liver is healthy."  Dr. Barbara O'Neill.  The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, and the only organ in the body that has the ability to regrow. The liver is the main detoxifier and filter of the bloodstream. The liver must try to cope with thousands of  toxic chemical in our environment.   12 SIGNS of LIVER TROUBLE:    Do you have any of these symptoms?   Digestive issues: Bloating, indigestion, constipation. Skin ...

How Healthy is Your Breakfast Cereal?

A healthy breakfast means a bowl of cereal. Right? After all isn't this an American tradition? Nope. It’s actually a very recent marketing invention. A tiny mistake in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1870 changed the face of breakfast forever. Harvey Kellogg (recognize the name?) was the director of a popular health retreat. Kellogg was said to treat his guests with many bizarre experiments for health improvement. One of his invention was a whole grain corn breakfast cereal served ...

Addicted to coffee? This healthy brew will protect your Kidney Jing!

85% of Americans use caffeine daily. We drink 400 million cups of Joe every day. Our coffee obsession is a roaring $30 billion industry! However, if you're an independent soul like me that wants to be truly healthy, here's a delicious alternative. I'll cut to the chase: Coffee is addictive. It slowly depletes the kidney energy, according to Chinese Medicine, which means it's VERY bad news for your creativity, long life, and your S.E.X drive, I mean your libido. Yep. Are you addicted?  Do ...

6 Keys to Cleanse Your Bone Marrow

Bone Marrow may be your #1 TOP secret to health and longevity. Deep inside your bones is a busy factory of new cells, life-giving health, and rejuvenation. The marrow produces blood cells and stem cells. It creates DNA for new healing and cellular defense. What makes the bone marrow so special? And how can we harness this miracle to improve health and wellness? Executive Summary:  Bone marrow creates new cells. It produces three general types of cells: Red blood cells carry oxygen to ...

AVOID: Top 3 Foods of Inflammation & Heart Disease

Shall we play a game? In a small bowl mix together a few teaspoons of sugar, a handful of any flour, and a splash of vegetable oil. Add a few drops of water and stir well. Let your slurry sit at body temperature for a few hours. It will harden into a perfect rubbery superglue. These three foods accumulate in your body as sticky mucus that makes you old and tired. THIS is the root of inflammation and auto-immune disease. These three ingredients contain no nutrition, and are the #1 cause of our ...

What’s Going on in your BONE MARROW?

Could bone marrow hold the secret to longevity?  There's a miracle of life going on in your bone marrow every day. This may be the #1 TOP secret to health, cell regeneration, longevity, and immunity. Medical science is learning fast about DNA stem cell creation, and how healing happens in the body. A great deal of medical industry literature deals with high-priced bone marrow stem cell replacement for the sick. And much genetic research has been devoted to profitable shots in the SARS-Covid ...

The Libido Diet: Asian Medicine Secrets

Your sensuality is one of your most powerful resources. Passionate emotion is a strength, not a weakness. I believe "Libido" is not exactly a desire for physical sex. Maybe it's much more vast. Libido is our desire to be ALIVE. It is our roots in the oceans of time, our link to the past and future. It is the source of fruitful imagination and JOY. Sensuality is part of our path to freedom. What are we doing to nourish it? Now's the time for us to support our own balanced health alongside ...

AVOID! Toxic “Natural Flavors”

Beware! When I see “Natural flavors” on a food ingredient label, right away I feel worried, anxious, unprotected, and suspicious. I conjure up bizarre images of chemical experiments in a toxic laboratory. What is the truth about “Natural Flavors”? What does the term actually mean? How can I protect myself from unhealthy ingredients not even listed on the label? Oh dear! The word "Natural" has no meaning. There are thousands of so-called “Natural flavors” used in processed foods ...

6 Ways to Activate Stem Cells Naturally for a Long Life

To discover the secrets to longevity, we need to re-imagine our biology, our health. We can slow aging and heal most diseases with dietary, lifestyle, and specific longevity strategies. We can rebuild our organs, our blood vessels, and our neurons to a superior level of wellness. You can buy expensive supplements too. However research shows countless ways to "hack" the body’s age-clock and activate stem cells naturally. Science continually reveals new techniques to reverse aging, avoid ...

AVOID! The Toxic Truth About Stevia

By Jane Barthelemy. Stevia is marketed as a healthy sweetener. But surprising new evidence indicates all stevia sold in grocery stores is highly processed with methyl alcohol or other toxic chemicals. Healthy Solution: Look for my top natural non-toxic sweeteners. Do you know if your stevia is pure? Or is it mixed with other sweeteners, sugars, and chemicals? Do you wonder how your stevia is refined? What does “natural” mean, if anything? Where is your stevia produced? You ...


Your LUNGS are your primary DETOX organ. On every inhale your lungs take in oxygen and transfer it to your blood which carries it to your cells. On the exhale, the lungs release CO2 and toxins from the blood into the air. Of course, clean air and good oxygen levels are essential to wellness. These 24 techniques are my top keys to resilient health - right up there with a positive attitude. Where do you live? What's the air quality in your neighborhood and in your home? Sometimes we need to ...

Still Counting Calories & Carbs?

We love to measure things. We hope by counting Nutrition Facts we can know how GOOD a food is for us. But how effective is it? What about the vast nutritional gap between the three realms of food: Organic vs. "Conventional" vs. GMO? What's the effect of chemicals on complete nutrition? Obviously, this will vary depending on the type of seed, minerals and microbes in the soil, growing conditions, and freshness of the food. Ha Ha! Did you know that calorie and carb counts are based on average ...

Are You Taking Your Vitamin D?

During the winter months, low Vitamin D is associated with much higher risk of disease, especially viruses. Vitamin D is critical in protecting immunity, and most of us are extremely deficient in this vitamin. Now is the Fall season, so I'm posting an article about it by one of my favorite MD's, Dr. Christiane Northrup: Why You Need Vitamin D "Vitamin D is necessary for the health of every cell in your body. Yet, vitamin D deficiency has reached epidemic proportions. Overall, vitamin D ...

Maple Syrup LOADED with SUGAR! The devil is in the details.

We LOVE to drizzle gobs of maple syrup on Paleo Pancakes! Because it's pure sap from maple trees - Right?  Uh Oh!  Sorry, the answer is NO!  But maple syrup is unprocessed - Right? The answer is again NO!  Maple syrup low in sugar - Right? NO NO NO! Maple won't acidify my body pH like sugar.  SORRY, IT ACIDIFIES THE SAME AS SUGAR!  As usual, the devil is in the details. This won't be my most popular post. Ha Ha! Here goes! Here's the ELEPHANT in the Room! As we generously smother our ...

BOMBSHELL! INFLAMMATION Causes Disease, NOT Cholesterol

WHY do so many people eat a "healthy" diet yet have high cholesterol? What exactly is cholesterol, anyway? Is it BAD, BAD, BAD like we hear? Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by every cell of the body. It holds our cell walls firm. In fact, without cholesterol we would be soft and fall apart. One of cholesterol's roles in the body is to travel to inflamed areas to repair tiny breaks or lesions that irritate tissues, internal or external. For example, cholesterol makes a hard scab on ...

Living with Nano Bots. How to AVOID and CLEAR them!

More and more people are waking up to the realities that our modern world, our weather, food, air, water, and medicines are not what they used to be. How can we inform ourselves carefully without getting overwhelmed with fear and trepidation? It is now crystal clear that nano-particles are here in our bodies and our everyday environment. Since this topic is well over my head technically, I am posting a few videos and a composite article from The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.  It contains ...

Are You Taking Your Mineral Drops?

People with diabetes often have a deficiency of chromium and zinc. Low magnesium has been linked to myocardial ischemia and cancer. Microbiome imbalance is everywhere inside us and around us. Much of this comes from chemicals in industrial food and soil. Minerals are often a forgotten element, yet they are fundamental requirements for life. Years ago, our soil was rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes. Modern chemical farming kills soil microbes and depletes minerals in plants. To make ...

Chronic Inflammation – The Way Out of Epidemic of Disease with Zach Bush, MD

This is an inspiring and informative lecture by Zach Bush with art by "After Skool". What's at the root of our growing chronic disease and soil degradation? What is our best path back to health? Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and ...