Celiac, Gluten-free 32 results

3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Arteries Sparkling Clean

Heart Disease is the top cause of death worldwide. This is especially critical in the light of medical treatments. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, is entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible. It turns out nutrient deficiency in our modern diet is the first and root cause. Today I'm excited to share the precise medical explanation by Dr. Linus Pauling, 2X Nobel prize winner and biochemist. He brilliantly discovered the specific cure to Heart Disease decades ago, and it ...

High Fiber Foods Keep Your Gut Clean!

I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. FIBER is essential and DELICIOUS! There are so many wonderful ways heal yourself every day. A healthy intestine improves your blood sugar level, blood pressure, brain cognition, immune system, and oral health. YES! Let’s take a look at the BEST and WORST foods for dietary fiber. What Is FIBER?  FIBER is a harmless carbohydrate that cannot be turned into sugar. It usually passes through the body intestinal tract intact. Insoluble Fiber ...

What Favorite Foods Convert to SUGAR in Your Blood?

Shall we do some MYTH BUSTING? We all know sugar is BAD. And whole foods are GOOD. Yep, we've got that. But WHY do many people eat a whole food diet but still end up with diabetes and heart disease? Maybe it's not BAD vs. GOOD foods. Maybe it's that HIGH-CARB WHOLE FOODS CONVERT immediately to sugar in the body? AHA!! These foods may not TASTE sweet, but too much of them CAUSES DISEASE because they IMMEDIATELY become SUGAR. This means we have to re-think the whole food pyramid! The biggest ...


DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a "Perfect Storm" for Depression. What are the ...

6 Ways to Squeeze More Nutrition Out of Your Food Dollar

This won't be my most popular post. However it might revolutionize your health while saving you money! Ten years ago I suffered a terrible loss, and the emotional stress led to total digestive collapse. I'll save you the details, except to say I couldn't digest anything anymore. All the food I ate went straight through me, like into a black hole. I became emaciated, thin, and exhausted for months. Then a miracle happened. I met Will, a 6' 6" weight lifter who enjoyed clean food. It ...

Beware of Nightshades

By Jane Barthelemy. Do you suffer from gluten or dairy intolerance, mood swings, indigestion, arthritis, or an auto-immune disease? If so, the hidden culprit could be nightshades. Nightshades are a group of vegetables in the Solanaceae family including Tomatoes, White Potatoes, all Peppers, and Eggplant....

10 Steps to Say Good-Bye to Belly Fat

Is it normal for our bodies to expand every year? I don't think so. Weight gain is NOT not a necessary part of aging. We sometimes think of midriff fat as negative only for outer appearance. But in fact the midriff bulge hides invisible health risks inside your body in both men and women. There are myriad causes and cures for the expanding midriff. It's a poorly understood topic that affects millions. In this heavily researched article I'm offering a multi-leveled approach to causes and ...

Be a Ninja Grocery Shopper!

A Ninja grocery shopper knows how to read labels and can see through spurious claims in fake foods. Most people in grocery stores are unaware, guided by cravings, colors, or store layout. Uh Oh! Sometimes I wonder - how did that food get in their cart? How do YOU shop? What's your thought process as you go through a store? If you follow the store layout like most people, you'll spend a lot more $ dollars, and get less nutrition. OR you can become a Ninja shopping warrior! Aha! Awareness is everything. Knowledge is power. Armed with clear understanding of your health goals, you're empowered to choose the healthiest, most nutritious foods. My advice: Bring a LIST, and stick to it. Buy local organic fresh fruits and vegetables, and just skip the packaged foods altogether. Ha Ha!...

TOP-10 Tummy-Shrinking Tips

I used to dream of having a flat tummy. Now I have one, and yes, it makes me happy. The big step was to stop following the crowd. All those "healthy" cookies and crackers are for other people to enjoy, not me. Nope. It's a tiny sacrifice. It hurts a little bit for just a moment, and then I'm fine. For me happiness is simple. Happiness is feeling an even metabolism, smooth digestion every day, and a flat tummy. I'm going to tell you how to do it right now. But sadly, this won't be my most ...

Chronic Disease is Just Nutrients Lost in Processed Food

Four-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling once said: “Every sickness, every ailment, and every disease can be traced back to an organic trace mineral deficiency.” And it’s still true. What is ONE SINGLE thing that could end chronic disease? All of them: Diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, malnutrition, etc? It is THIS: Eat whole foods, unrefined. Instead of processed grains, eat dark rice and whole wheat flour. Forget white rice and white flour. This study below shows ...

Will the true Paleo Diet please stand up?

What is the authentic Paleo Diet? Myriad interpretations, diverse rules, and disagreements surround the oldest diet on the planet. Other "Paleo experts" relax the rules to the point where we lose the benefits altogether. Perhaps the whole point of Paleo is to be inspired by our ancestral diet, to take the positive points as wisdom and leave the rest. Many people ask me questions: What kind of flour should I use? Are sweeteners that raise blood sugar Paleo-approved? Why aren't grains and legumes ...

7 Most Addictive Foods, How to be free of bad habits

By Jane Barthelemy. Starting over means we can  question our old patterns, lifestyle, and especially habitual thoughts. When stress is high, there's greater need to be vigilant about your health and balance. We often choose  momentary joy that harms our long-term health. If you notice yourself craving "comfort foods" like cookies, energy bars, or chips, you're already familiar with that strange unconscious appeal. Something about that food makes you always want more. This is a specific neurological response purposely created to charm you into consuming it. Oh yes! Countless studies show that certain foods stimulate ...

Did you know there are more Suicides than Covid deaths in the world?

Greetings to you all from Bali, where all is well. I'm so excited to unveil my new video series. I'm a peaceful person, however when backed into a corner, as we all are now, I take action. In researching the world health situation, I suddenly noticed that suicides are more than double Covid deaths this year. WHAT? It seemed unbelievable, but I checked and re-checked the figures on the W.H.O. website, and they're as clear as day. Check it out. My last post was an earlier version. This one is a ...

AVOID! Top 10 Gluten Cross-Reactors

By Jane Barthelemy. Is your digestion stressed even when you avoid gluten? Do you notice emotional ups and downs that could be related to diet? Yes, certain foods cross-react with gluten. This means they create adverse reactions by themselves, or they make your response to gluten even worse....

How to Eat Monsanto-Free in Restaurants

Eating out is a time to enjoy a meal with friends. A few leading edge restaurants serve GMO-free, local, organic, or Monsanto-free food. If they don’t, they might be interested to learn how. Remember that eating GMO-free is nice, but it doesn’t rule out toxic pesticides and herbicides on conventional crops. To protect yourself from all industrial food chemicals, you've got to ask for 100% Organic. If you're in Los Angeles or NYC, just use the handy Clean Plates App on your smartphone to find an organic meal! ...

Is GMO-free Safe to Eat? NO! Many non-GMO foods harvested with Glyphosate!

Is GMO-free food safe? The shocking answer is NO. Sadly, GMO isn't our only health risk. Monsanto's toxic pesticides and herbicides like Glyphosate are widely used on both GMO and non-GMO foods. To be safe and chemical-free, we need to eat 100% Organic. This article shows surprising new scientific research, clearly linking many common chronic diseases to Glyphosate. ...

Should You Go Gluten-Free?

By Jane Barthelemy. Are you ready for a new perspective on gluten? Bread is the staff of life. And money! Gluten-free is the fastest growing niche in grocery stores. The gluten-free market was recently valued at $4.63 billion per year, and projected to grow to $7.59 billion within a short time. While it is true that gluten reactions are increasingly common, ...

A Paleo Traveler’s Secret – Healthy Meals in a Hotel Room

Some people say they can't eat healthy away from home. Every frequent traveler knows the challenge of eating well on the road. If you're doing gluten-free, Paleo, GMO-free, or any healthy diet, you can solve that with a bit of planning. It's all in the preparation. I recently took a trip and photographed my hotel kitchen set up. Here are my 6 steps to eating healthy in a hotel room: ...

Gluten-free Flours, Best & Worst for Weight Gain

By Jane Barthelemy. What are the best gluten-free flours? Which flours are Paleo? Compare these gluten-free flours by carb content and risk of weight gain. Weight gain is associated with carbs, which convert to sugars during digestion. Check it out for yourself. Which gluten-free flours will help you most in weight control?...

Top 10 Triggers for Gluten Inflammation

By Jane Barthelemy. Gluten-free is hot these days. We'd like to blame gluten for all our woes, inflammation, indigestion, headaches, and emotional blues. While it is true that gluten reactions are more common, perhaps we're falling into wishful thinking that simply removing gluten from our diets will solve ALL our problems....