Digestive Health 125 results

Time-Restricted Eating for Weight Loss & Anti-Aging

Did you know the best way to detox the body and get rid of spike proteins is through Time-Restricted-Eating? We already know WHAT you eat is important. WHEN you eat is equally important for health. Also called "Intermittent Fasting", it boosts immunity and allows the body to detox naturally. The modern lifestyle accumulates toxins. But detox is not a complicated process. The body naturally gets rid of debris and spike proteins through a process called autophagy. The cell places unwanted ...

Tea Tree Oil – My Everything Remedy!

I love to simplify. Now my kitchen has just one cleaner. It's in my bathroom too. And the medicine cabinet. And the first-aid kit. Yep, my go-to non-toxic pharmaceutical. It's my ONE EVERYTHING REMEDY for cleaning, prevention, healing, beauty, and body care. Yes, amazing TEA TREE OIL!  Even better, research shows that a simple diffuser with tea tree oil can purify the air in your home of bacteria and viruses in a few minutes. Tea Tree Oil is one of the world's most useful essential oils. ...

MORE Music to Lift Hope

Are you taking enough time to rest? Listen to this expanded music playlist beyond words. Music helps us embrace the moment with JOY. Do you sometimes feel your nervous system melting away? Change is stressful. Maybe it's OK to relax. Can you trust? Can you be vulnerable? Do you have the strength to let go of the old self you knew? Who knows what kind of wings you will have? The caterpillar doesn't know it's about to transform, it's just flooded with a cascade of hormones. Do you think a ...

TOP-10 Tummy-Shrinking Tips

I used to dream of having a flat tummy. Now I have one, and yes, it makes me happy. The big step was to stop following the crowd. All those "healthy" cookies and crackers are for other people to enjoy, not me. Nope. It's a tiny sacrifice. It hurts a little bit for just a moment, and then I'm fine. For me happiness is simple. Happiness is feeling an even metabolism, smooth digestion every day, and a flat tummy. I'm going to tell you how to do it right now. But sadly, this won't be my most ...

Chronic Disease is Just Nutrients Lost in Processed Food

Four-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling once said: “Every sickness, every ailment, and every disease can be traced back to an organic trace mineral deficiency.” And it’s still true. What is ONE SINGLE thing that could end chronic disease? All of them: Diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, malnutrition, etc? It is THIS: Eat whole foods, unrefined. Instead of processed grains, eat dark rice and whole wheat flour. Forget white rice and white flour. This study below shows ...

Dietary Roots of Hypertension Increase Covid Risk?

Hello friends, This week I'd like to share with you an exciting new study that crossed my desk from the Salk Institute, a highly respected medical institute. It was founded by Jonas Salk, virologist, medical researcher, and developer of the first polio vaccine. Many pundits are hailing the study as proof that the vaccines are dangerous, and that may be true. While I choose not to take the "vaxine", my purpose today is different. It's always about DIET, DIET, DIET. The study published April 30 ...

Warning! GMO-Free Foods Contain Glyphosate

Eating GMO-free? That's great! But if non-GMO is your main guide, here's a wake-up call flying under the radar. Surprise! A whole new generation of fake foods certified GMO-free has just arrived in your favorite grocery. Learn these four food types and how to recognize them: GMO foods are to be avoided of course. To learn them see the graphic below. These contain genetically modified ingredients, Glyphosate and the most chemicals. Glyphosate foods are toxic everyday foods, some ...

Will the true Paleo Diet please stand up?

What is the authentic Paleo Diet? Myriad interpretations, diverse rules, and disagreements surround the oldest diet on the planet. Other "Paleo experts" relax the rules to the point where we lose the benefits altogether. Perhaps the whole point of Paleo is to be inspired by our ancestral diet, to take the positive points as wisdom and leave the rest. Many people ask me questions: What kind of flour should I use? Are sweeteners that raise blood sugar Paleo-approved? Why aren't grains and legumes ...

How Much of Your Food Do You Actually Absorb?

You spend time and money on the healthiest foods. But how much of it do you actually absorb into your cells? Turns out food combining has a major effect on your digestive efficiency. Foods that digest well together make for a healthy inner ecology. Smart food combining makes your tummy happy. Poor food combining is a major cause of sluggish brain, heartburn, GERD, flatulence and emotional stress. If you want to optimize your health and save money, food combining is your secret friend....

How Much Life Force is in Your Food?

Is your food glowing with life force? Or is it lifeless? When a food has just been picked, it's ALIVE with life force and nutrients! Life force is vital energy or Qi. After harvesting, the life force gradually declines. At the very last stage of decline, microbes take over, it disintegrates, dies and gets recycled back into the earth. When food is processed at high heat, it loses life force, so high temperature baking, frying, and irradiation cause a loss in nutrients. When raw foods are dried or dehydrated,...

7 Most Addictive Foods, How to be free of bad habits

By Jane Barthelemy. Starting over means we can  question our old patterns, lifestyle, and especially habitual thoughts. When stress is high, there's greater need to be vigilant about your health and balance. We often choose  momentary joy that harms our long-term health. If you notice yourself craving "comfort foods" like cookies, energy bars, or chips, you're already familiar with that strange unconscious appeal. Something about that food makes you always want more. This is a specific neurological response purposely created to charm you into consuming it. Oh yes! Countless studies show that certain foods stimulate ...

A Forgotten Pandemic: Body Toxicity

The 8th Forgotten Pandemic to Eradicate is Body Toxicity. These inflammatory and auto-immune diseases are primarily caused by exposure to toxins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgO2jZrK_T0   The Body Toxicity Pandemic is where stress and chemical imbalance hit the wall. After years of slow DNA damage from constant minute exposure to toxins like chemicals and heavy metals, the body systems begin to function unpredictably. Symptoms may appear suddenly, but they've been ...

Healing the Forgotten Pandemics: Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

This is part four of my video series on how to eliminate the Forgotten Pandemics (which are also the top Covid comorbidities.) This article is about Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis which affect 550 million worldwide. This is all about flour, sweets and sugar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUxgIXaOVp4 Bone diseases are a major health threat worldwide. Osteoarthritis, means "joint inflammation". Osteoporosis means "porous bones", or low bone density affecting many women. Ancient ...

The TOP Forgotten Pandemic: Low Nutrients, Mineral Deficiencies

Hello friends! I'm featuring the TOP Forgotten Pandemic from my video series. Enjoy! Pandemic #1 is so invisible we almost missed it, yet it harms 7.9 billion people, everyone on Earth. Low Nutrient Food and Poor immunity, from eating food that has been processed, but loses nutrients each step along the way. We start with original food, but by the time we eat it, we’ve lost 70 to 90% of the nutrients. DNA modification, Farming chemicals, heat, milling, transport, storage, mixing, baking, ...

Did you know there are more Suicides than Covid deaths in the world?

Greetings to you all from Bali, where all is well. I'm so excited to unveil my new video series. I'm a peaceful person, however when backed into a corner, as we all are now, I take action. In researching the world health situation, I suddenly noticed that suicides are more than double Covid deaths this year. WHAT? It seemed unbelievable, but I checked and re-checked the figures on the W.H.O. website, and they're as clear as day. Check it out. My last post was an earlier version. This one is a ...

10 Steps to Smart Anti-Viral Foods & Lifestyle

By Jane Barthelemy. Our immune system is our most precious resource. In the past century, changes in the global micro-biome have challenged our delicate internal eco-systems, precipitating many of the major health issues we face today. Our environment is continually infused with new chemicals, viruses, ...

Sugars and Refined Carbs, the Root of Body Acidity and Bone Disease

By Jane Barthelemy. Viruses thrive in an acid environment. Millions of people suffer from acidic body ph, which make them more at risk for coronavirus. Sugar and refined carbs are the #1 contributor to body acidity. This article explores the specific link between sugars, body acidity, and bone maladies. Arthritis affects 1 in 5 adults. Bone loss, or osteoporosis affects approximately 54 million Americans. Studies show that both these bone diseases are directly linked to chronic acidic body pH.  This article highlights the root causes of bone disease, which sadly many doctors do not address, ...

What is the Immune System Anyway?

By Jane Barthelemy. When millions of viruses are present for all, why do some people tend to come down with an illness? Why are certain people always the first to catch a bug? Coronavirus is a modern variation on the common cold. Our common understanding of the immune system is mostly based on traditional beliefs, our doctors advice, our parents, the media, pharma ads, and anecdotal sources. This article explores Chinese medicine on the immune system. Moreover, an exciting new world of ...

AVOID! Top 10 Gluten Cross-Reactors

By Jane Barthelemy. Is your digestion stressed even when you avoid gluten? Do you notice emotional ups and downs that could be related to diet? Yes, certain foods cross-react with gluten. This means they create adverse reactions by themselves, or they make your response to gluten even worse....

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Walking

Trekking on the Camino in Spain, I learned an important lesson. I walked 125 km of the trail in 8 days, which means about 15 km per day. Some days it was 25 km, some days just 8. My body was weary, however my mind and spirit felt total joy and freedom! My skeleton and musculature were gently realigned each day. Even better, I enjoyed a time of peace, a chance to be with myself away from WiFi, computer, and cell phone. Yes, I was tired, however when I arrived in Santiago de Compostela and the Finisterre ocean at the end of the trip, I felt AWESOME! ...