Salads 28 results

Grated Beet and Carrot Salad

Today is a potluck meeting with neighbors. What to make? I've got 2 beets, 2 carrots, some herbs and baby spinach in the fridge, all organic. Well, I guess it's time for my favorite grated beet & carrot salad! This is a super-healthy side dish that's yummy with everything. It's also a perfect choice if you have a food processor with a grating blade - you'll be done in 10 minutes. If not, I'd make something else! Ha Ha! If you DO have a grating blade, that's wonderful! Just grate the beets ...

Paleo Caesar Salad – Mamma Mia!

I can't keep my finger out of this authentic Caesar dressing – it’s that yummy! Made it in less than 5 minutes! There’s something magical about 100% natural ingredients like pure artisan olive oil, lemon and garlic that make Caesar dressing irresistible. But this Paleo dressing is also Vegan, free of anchovies, eggs and dairy! Yet, it tastes just like authentic Parmigiano Reggiano dressing. Ha Ha! Instead of cheese, it uses lemon, nutritional yeast and coconut butter. So it's dairy-free, ...

Rainbow Salad with Herb Dressing

My body is asking for veggies today - and this crunchy mixture is my absolute favorite! Quick, colorful, and unbelievably delicious with this blended Yogurt Herb Dressing. If your digestion is delicate, you can steam the raw veggies lightly in a steamer for 2-3 minutes, so they're partly cooked and still crunchy. Then drizzle them with this very special dressing and enjoy! Use any leftover dressing with everything!. Serves 4....

Hiziki Seaweed Carrot Salad

Here's a tasty way to get your sea vegetables. Hijiki seaweed is a delicious nutrient-dense superfood, high in fiber, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. Especially Vitamin K is critical, as it’s the single vitamin almost all of us are lacking! Grated carrots, sesame, ginger and lime compliment hiziki's rich, nutty flavor. Serve this versatile salad alone, on a bed of greens, or over zoodles! Store for up to 4 days in the refrigerator. Serves 4. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe...

Zesty Mexican Sweet Potato Salad

A tasty variation on potato salad! Serve warm at at room temperature. This twist on a traditional potato salad explodes with Latino flavors with sweet potato, red bell pepper, and spices. Like a Niçoise salad with authentic Mexican character, I made it for an office party, and it was a huge hit. This is delicious and radiantly healthy with ZERO PROCESSED INGREDIENTS. It's perfect for gatherings because it is so unique and it doesn't need refrigeration, since it CONTAINS NO MAYO! Try this ...

Avocado Cilantro Detox Dressing

Quick. Delicious. Detoxifying. Yep, in 1 minute your tasty nutrient-dense dressing is ready. With only 5 ingredients, try it on everything! Salads, sandwiches, wraps, vegetables, quiche, crackers, chips, crudités, or as a mayo. Fresh food tastes better than store-bought dressings! Now we can clear those bottles out the fridge and enjoy real flavor. I could go on and on about the health benefits of this dressing. Cilantro and parsley are potent detoxifiers of heavy metals stored in the body. ...

Fermented Veggies 101

This is the easiest and healthiest superfood you can make! Your microbiome is the root of your immune system, your brain function, and therefore your health! Fermented veggies are a natural probiotic that build healthy intestinal flora. And since the immune system relies on plenty of friendly bacteria in the gut, this is central to your health each day. This is a great way to use up leftover raw veggies. Have fun experimenting with different vegetables and low-sugar fruits, creating new ...

Curried Red Bean Dip with Veg Slices!

Everybody goes crazy for this spicy, high-protein dip! At a recent gathering, every person asked me for the recipe - so here it is! Sliced veggies are easy, economical and beautiful in rainbow colors. That's because crackers are not allowed in my kitchen these days, nor are nutritionally empty chips and processed dips. Ha Ha! Instead of dead, processed foods, I love to serve colorful sliced radishes, turnips, daikon, yellow beets, zucchini, peas, etc. They're all wonderfully ALIVE! These ...

Wild Salmon Salad with Fennel

This zesty Asian-style salad is loaded with flavor and omega-3 nutrition. Steaming is a quick and gentle way of cooking salmon that retains enzymes and never exceeds 212°F. Serve this salad warm or cold, either as a lunch or a light main meal. Fennel's delicious flavor compliments the salmon, avocado and crunchy almonds. I suggest wild Alaska salmon as the safest fish, to avoid toxins in farmed fish and "Atlantic-raised" fish. To maximize health benefits from fish, I believe it's important ...

Sprouted Quinoa Salad with Avocado

This is my favorite way to eat quinoa, because it is delicious, high in fiber, nutritious and super-quick! Quinoa is a gluten-free, celiac-safe complete protein, which makes it an ideal nourishing vegetarian meal. Quinoa is an ancient Incan plant related to beet and chard. Since it's not a grass or a grain, I guess it sort-of qualifies as "Paleo". Quinoa has countless health benefits: It is high in magnesium, fiber, minerals, and it acts as a natural pro-biotic to promote intestinal health. ...

Beet Goji Salad with Wild Blueberries

Anti-oxidant, nutrient-dense, and delicious! Today I combined these tasty superfoods to make a surprising flavor harmony. Beets contain valuable nutrients used to help lower blood pressure, boost stamina, and support body detox. Wild blueberries are one of nature's most potent superfoods. With a tantalizing tart flavor, they're said to possess the power to prevent every human malady including cancer. Wild blueberries are smaller than their larger, cultivated cousins, and vastly higher in ...

Nori Wrap, a Meal in Minutes

When I want a healthy meal in a minute, I grab a seaweed wrap. Seaweed is a superfood loaded with healthy Vitamins B12, C, D, E and K. It is rich in minerals such as potassium, selenium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. Oh, and even better, it boosts energy levels and libido in both men and women. Nori sheets can be expensive, so I look for those thick nori packs in some healthy grocery stores, or Japanese markets. One pack lasts me 8-12 months. You can put just about any filling you ...

Favorite No-Peanut Sauce in 1-Minute!

Who ever heard of a fabulicious Thai Peanut Sauce with no peanuts! Ha Ha! Instead of peanuts it uses nut butters. Choose between almond, cashew, or sunflower butter, whisk with a few spices and you have a divine sauce in less than a minute. Tasty, sweet, and slightly spicy, it makes an incredibly delicious dip for Chicken Satay, sautéed veggies, spring rolls, or a raw vegetables. Use it as a marinade or dressing for chicken and meats. Unlike most peanut sauces, it's free of sugar and ...

Paleo Pumpkin Seed Pesto

Alive with flavor and life force, this pesto is an easy nutritional powerhouse you can enjoy in 2 minutes flat. It looks and tastes just like authentic Pesto Genovese, but it's dairy-free with pumpkin seeds instead of pine nuts. For this vegan pesto, I used lemon juice and nutritional yeast to give a tangy parmesan taste. You'll need a food processor. Pumpkin seeds are a true superfood loaded with a wide variety of healthy nutrients from magnesium to copper, protein and zinc. ...

Brain-Boosting Beet Salad with Omega-3’s

Healthy food should be simple and delicious. With just 4 ingredients, you'll get your omega-3's, raise your brain function, and build your immune system. Yay! This salad tastes amazing with my Easy Flax Oil Dressing! Beets are loaded with immune-boosting, anti-cancer nutrients, and vitamin C. They're rich in essential minerals like potassium for healthy brain and muscle function. Omega-3 fatty acids in flax oil are incredibly important for your body and brain. DHA is a type of omega-3 ...

Adzuki Bean Salad with Butternut Squash

The earthy flavor of adzuki bean with vibrant lime and basil make this a zesty bean salad, delicious at room temperature or slightly warm. Adzuki beans are valued in Chinese medicine for a rich earthy flavor, detoxifying the blood, clearing congestion, and aiding in weight control, Their high iron content enriches the blood and prevents anemia. Soak adzuki beans 8 - 12 hours before cooking; or you can go all the way and sprout them, for even more nutritional value and digestibility...

Rainbow Shaved Root Veggie Salad

Refreshing and alkalinizing, try this tangle of multicolored root vegetables - turnip, radishes, golden beet and carrots, tossed with basil, lemon-dill dressing. Since the veggies are raw, they need to be sliced very thin with a sharp knife or a peeler. This makes a gorgeous colorful salad any time of year. Use any toasted nuts you like. Pumpkin seeds are especially high in protein and magnesium. Even better, they're the only seed that is alkaline-forming in the body. And that's a very ...

Alkaline Watercress Salad with Cucumber & Avocado

Today I found organic watercress at the local grocery! So I made this super-easy salad with all high-alkaline veggies, like cucumber, sprouts, kelp, and avocado. Watercress, with its pleasantly pungent flavor, is helpful in reversing acidity and purifying the blood. It has been used as a healing food for thousands of years. Watercress is especially high in anti-oxidants and Vitamin K (that’s the one most of us are lacking). Dr. Mercola says watercress contains over 15 essential vitamins and ...

Coconut Cucumber Greek Tsatziki Dip

Traditional Greek Tzatziki is famous all over the world, made with yogurt and cucumber. But what if you're off dairy? This dip is every bit as delicious as the original. It's a Paleo-Vegan version is made with coconut cream and lemon juice instead of yogurt. Just blend the sauce and pour over cucumber. Yep. It's that easy! Cilantro is a liver cleanser and heavy metal detoxifier. This is also loaded with nutritious superfoods, like hemp nuts high in Omega 3's and all 20 amino acids!...

Easy Flax Oil Dressing for Two

How fast can you stir together 4 ingredients? Yep, in one minute or less, your delicious dressing is ready. BTW, they don't sell this stuff in a bottle. You'll get more flavor, fresher ingredients, and pure organic flax oil for less money with homemade! Flax oil has a mild taste, and it's loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, critically important for your body and brain. Omega-3's are said to calm anxiety, improve eyesight, and even reduce symptoms of ADHD in children. Oh! It tastes yummy on Warm Beet Salad. ...