Immune system 89 results

What Favorite Foods Convert to SUGAR in Your Blood?

Shall we do some MYTH BUSTING? We all know sugar is BAD. And whole foods are GOOD. Yep, we've got that. But WHY do many people eat a whole food diet but still end up with high cholesterol and heart disease? Maybe it's not exactly BAD foods vs. GOOD foods. What about HIGH-CARB WHOLE FOODS that CONVERT immediately to sugar in the body? AHA!! These foods may not TASTE sweet, but they CAUSE DISEASE because they IMMEDIATELY become SUGAR: Wheat,  Rice,  Corn,  Potatoes,  All ...

6 Keys to Cleanse Your Bone Marrow

Bone Marrow may be your #1 TOP secret to health and longevity. Deep inside your bones is a busy factory of new cells, life-giving health, and rejuvenation. The marrow produces blood cells and stem cells. It creates DNA for new healing and cellular defense. What makes the bone marrow so special? And how can we harness this miracle to improve health and wellness? Executive Summary:  Bone marrow creates new cells. It produces three general types of cells: Red blood cells carry oxygen to ...

AVOID: Top 3 Foods of Inflammation & Heart Disease

Shall we play a game? In a small bowl mix together a few teaspoons of sugar, a handful of any flour, and a splash of vegetable oil. Add a few drops of water and stir well. Let your slurry sit at body temperature for a few hours. It will harden into a perfect rubbery superglue. These three foods accumulate in your body as sticky mucus that makes you old and tired. THIS is the root of inflammation and auto-immune disease. These three ingredients contain no nutrition, and are the #1 cause of our ...

What’s Going on in your BONE MARROW?

Could bone marrow hold the secret to longevity?  There's a miracle of life going on in your bone marrow every day. This may be the #1 TOP secret to health, cell regeneration, longevity, and immunity. Medical science is learning fast about DNA stem cell creation, and how healing happens in the body. A great deal of medical industry literature deals with high-priced bone marrow stem cell replacement for the sick. And much genetic research has been devoted to profitable shots in the SARS-Covid ...

The Libido Diet: Asian Medicine Secrets

Your sensuality is one of your most powerful resources. Passionate emotion is a strength, not a weakness. I believe "Libido" is not exactly a desire for physical sex. Maybe it's much more vast. Libido is our desire to be ALIVE. It is our roots in the oceans of time, our link to the past and future. It is the source of fruitful imagination and JOY. Sensuality is part of our path to freedom. What are we doing to nourish it? Now's the time for us to support our own balanced health alongside ...

Why I Became Paleo-Vegetarian

I am a NATURE GIRL. There’s a perfection in NATURE. The complex eco-system of LIFE on our planet is so wondrous, especially the way it is able to maintain BALANCE. Anything leftover, Nature intelligently recycles into herself with ants or bacterial decomposition back into the Earth. So, even if our human activities twist Nature out of whack, the pendulum of fate will always miraculously bring it back to a balanced state. Ha Ha! I'm waiting impatiently for that right now! Why did I become ...

6 Ways to Activate Stem Cells Naturally for a Long Life

To discover the secrets to longevity, we need to re-imagine our biology, our health. We can slow aging and heal most diseases with dietary, lifestyle, and specific longevity strategies. We can rebuild our organs, our blood vessels, and our neurons to a superior level of wellness. You can buy expensive supplements too. However research shows countless ways to "hack" the body’s age-clock and activate stem cells naturally. Science continually reveals new techniques to reverse aging, avoid ...

How does the EGO separate the MIND from the HEART?

It’s just a tiny layer.  A mind implant we picked-up in early childhood. This invisible idea separates you from your inner self. Once this mental layer is planted, it tells you that YOU are a separate entity, unique, and that you are the center of the world. It is my opinion that the EGO is an AI Implant that does not belong to humans. When this selfish awareness is OVER-developed, it becomes a dangerous selfish pathology suffered by most of humanity! In beings with higher levels of ...


Your LUNGS are your primary DETOX organ. On every inhale your lungs take in oxygen and transfer it to your blood which carries it to your cells. On the exhale, the lungs release CO2 and toxins from the blood into the air. Of course, clean air and good oxygen levels are essential to wellness. These 24 techniques are my top keys to resilient health - right up there with a positive attitude. Where do you live? What's the air quality in your neighborhood and in your home? Sometimes we need to ...

Why Would Anyone Censor the Web?

I'm passionately interested in health, and I use the internet for research. While I don't consider all web info reliable, many studies and research articles are fine sources. I use a variety of search engines: Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yandex, Brave, and Gibiru. I like to compare results on different search engines - and recently noticed huge differences! What's really happening there? I'm not sure yet, but my eyes are open, so I'm sharing it with you all. How would a search engine try to ...

Are You Taking Your Vitamin D?

During the winter months, low Vitamin D is associated with much higher risk of disease, especially viruses. Vitamin D is critical in protecting immunity, and most of us are extremely deficient in this vitamin. Now is the Fall season, so I'm posting an article about it by one of my favorite MD's, Dr. Christiane Northrup: Why You Need Vitamin D "Vitamin D is necessary for the health of every cell in your body. Yet, vitamin D deficiency has reached epidemic proportions. Overall, vitamin D ...

Best SEARCH ENGINES for Independent Thinkers

    We live in a world on fire with differing opinions. What do you look for in a search engine? If you're intent on seeing all sides of an issue to make up your own mind, you'd better be VERY selective. Are you guided by your own inner compass and integrity? Or do you prefer a "sanitized" search that follows the government or MSM party line?  I'm keenly interested in health. When I'm doing in-depth research, which search engine should I use? I value my personal thoughts. I ...

Maple Syrup LOADED with SUGAR! The devil is in the details.

We LOVE to drizzle gobs of maple syrup on Paleo Pancakes! Because it's pure sap from maple trees - Right?  Uh Oh!  Sorry, the answer is NO!  But maple syrup is unprocessed - Right? The answer is again NO!  Maple syrup low in sugar - Right? NO NO NO! Maple won't acidify my body pH like sugar.  SORRY, IT ACIDIFIES THE SAME AS SUGAR!  As usual, the devil is in the details. This won't be my most popular post. Ha Ha! Here goes! Here's the ELEPHANT in the Room! As we generously smother our ...

What Are Autumn Medicinal Foods?

It's amazing! 4,500 years ago, the oldest book on medicine suggests we "Heal the body before illness can come." A truly cutting-edge, breakthrough idea! The Yellow Emperor Huangdi (2717 -2599 BCE) said: “In the old days, smart people prevented disease before it began, just as a good leader averts war before it starts. If someone digs a well only when thirsty, or forges weapons during battle, one might ask: Aren’t these actions far too late to be effective?”  Health is Listening ...

Are You Taking Your Mineral Drops?

People with diabetes often have a deficiency of chromium and zinc. Low magnesium has been linked to myocardial ischemia and cancer. Microbiome imbalance is everywhere inside us and around us. Much of this comes from chemicals in industrial food and soil. Minerals are often a forgotten element, yet they are fundamental requirements for life. Years ago, our soil was rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes. Modern chemical farming kills soil microbes and depletes minerals in plants. To make ...

Chronic Inflammation – The Way Out of Epidemic of Disease with Zach Bush, MD

This is an inspiring and informative lecture by Zach Bush with art by "After Skool". What's at the root of our growing chronic disease and soil degradation? What is our best path back to health? Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and ...

High-Sugar Forbidden Fruits, Which Ones Make You Fat?

What's the worst food for weight gain? Sugary fruit! Surprising new studies show high-fructose fruits are top culprits in weight gain. Due to a genetic mutation 40,000 years ago, the fructose you eat goes immediately to fat. To lose weight, skip these high-sugar fruits: Bananas, Grapes, Pineapples, Mangos, Oranges, Dried fruits, Raisins, Dates, Melons, Peaches, Sweet apples and juices. Instead eat tart low-sugar fruits: raspberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, strawberries, and ...

Time-Restricted Eating for Weight Loss & Anti-Aging

Did you know the best way to detox the body and get rid of spike proteins is through Time-Restricted-Eating? We already know WHAT you eat is important. WHEN you eat is equally important for health. Also called "Intermittent Fasting", it boosts immunity and allows the body to detox naturally. The modern lifestyle accumulates toxins. But detox is not a complicated process. The body naturally gets rid of debris and spike proteins through a process called autophagy. The cell places unwanted ...

Brain Balancing for Mental Clarity

This is your 2-minute self-care moment. Brain-balancing resets your nervous system so you can stay relaxed and grounded all the time. It helps give you access to a larger part of your brain. The video will show you how. Whenever the "Shirt Hits the Fan" or whenever you feel "off", do not hesitate! Do this exercise! It is critical for the left and right cortices of your brain to be synchronized. This immediately boosts brain function, calms emotions, and resets the nervous system. This ...

How to Balance Your Meridians Every Day with Acupressure and Walking!

Step 1: Massage these top 12 points for 10 seconds each. Step 2: Go for a walk in nature to reset your Qiao Mai Meridians. Step 3: Study these links to learn diet and lifestyle solutions to strengthen all organs. Step 1: Massage These 12 Points.  Amazingly, the simple act of pressing these TOP 12 POINTS will reset your body’s subtle energy system to allow Qi, health, and wellbeing to flow more easily. These essential points are almost universally needed by EVERYONE on EARTH to balance ...