garlic 47 results

Paleo Chicken Parmesan

I used to love my Mom's baked chicken parmesan because it was crispy, flavorful, and the whole house filled with delicious aromas. This easy recipe is Paleo-adapted, free of gluten, grains, dairy, and I promise you'll love every bite. Instead of cheese, it uses lemon, coconut butter, nutritional yeast and ...

Paleo Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie has been my favorite since I was a little girl. This is an easy Paleo Pie baked in a skillet with a top crust only. The delicious crispy crust is gluten-free, grain-free, and low-carb. However it rolls out so easily and tastes so rich, you’d never guess it's "alternative". ...

No Tomato Sauce

This is a fabulicious sauce for anyone who loves Italian food and doesn’t tolerate nightshade vegetables, which are common allergens (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplant). Instead of tomato, this recipe uses carrot, beet, sweet potato, and lemon. However you’ll never know when you taste it...

Gluten-free No-Cheese Crackers

These yummy crackers taste even better than goldfish. People go crazy for the rich cheese flavor. Amazingly they contain no cheese, dairy, or flour. They're Paleo, gluten-free and grain-free, made with coconut, almond meal, arrowroot, and nutritional yeast. I ate them with Vegan Herbed Creme Cheese Dip! Yummy!...

Paleo Maple Glazed Wild Salmon

Here's a quick and easy way to make fantastic maple glazed salmon. The sauce is mildly sweet with a pungent kick. Most barbeque sauces are high in carbs and sugars. But if you use the zero-sugar sweeteners suggested, it makes a sweet glaze that is simply delicious and gives your blood sugar a break. ...

Steamed Okra & Lime Calypso Dip

This is the most delicious way to cook okra. And the quickest - it takes just 10 minutes to prepare. Many people dislike okra’s slimy quality. But I recently found the most beautiful fresh okra in the market, and now my mind is changed forever. Okra offers so many unique health benefits: it helps heal intestinal walls,...

Artichokes di Campagna, Tarragon Dip

In the Italian countryside, or “campagna”, everybody knows how to cook artichokes. This is the quickest and one of the most delicious ways to prepare them. When I have only 15 minutes, this is my favorite vegetable. Artichokes are one of the best foods for liver health and to balance blood sugar. ...