5 Ingredients or Less 115 results

My 7 Nut Milk Experiments: Which is Best?

Wow! Once you've tasted the original flavor of homemade nut milk, you'll never go back! I've always been curious to compare flavor and nutrition in nut milks. Today's experiment was to compare seven nut milks made with the same easy recipe - see it below. I used Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Coconut flakes, Hazelnuts, Hemp seeds, and Pumpkin Seeds. The results were amazing, and I hope you find them helpful. For yummy flavor additions, see my recipe post: Spike Your Nut Milks! Not...

Brain-Boosting Beet Salad with Omega-3’s

Healthy food should be simple and delicious. With just 4 ingredients, you'll get your omega-3's, raise your brain function, and build your immune system. Yay! This salad tastes amazing with my Easy Flax Oil Dressing! Beets are loaded with immune-boosting, anti-cancer nutrients, and vitamin C. They're rich in essential minerals like potassium for healthy brain and muscle function. Omega-3 fatty acids in flax oil are incredibly important for your body and brain. DHA is a type of omega-3 ...

Paleo Chocolate Mousse

When I need a luscious snack or dessert in 5 minutes, this is my favorite treat. Creamy, rich chocolate is not only a gentle aphrodisiac. It also contains natural mood elevators such as Theobromine, and Phenethylamine, often called the “Love” chemical. Avocado lends a beautiful smooth consistency, and its taste disappears in the mix of chocolaty flavors. BTW avocado vitamins and minerals are off the charts. Not only does it top the high-potassium foods list, but it’s also a great ...

Dairy-free Hazelnut Hot Chocolate, Mmm…

Whip up a hazelnut hot chocolate and it will change your whole day. My love affair with hazelnuts has gone to new heights of expression. Everyone knows that hazelnuts, coconut milk, and chocolate are a special combination, rich and satisfying. Even better, this is a super-easy, high-nutrition snack. The creamy, real-food taste of homemade nut milk is so superior to expensive store-bought carton beverages, you'll never want to go back. Why do we pay more for imported chemical dilutions, when we ...

Instant Pumpkin Spice Latte

Paleo Pumpkin Latte is a quick and satisfying pick-me-up. It's also a great breakfast! This Vegan latte uses non-dairy milk, such as coconut or almond milk. It's also a Paleo recipe, free of gluten, grains, processed ingredients, GMO's, and extracted oils. Real original whole foods are satisfying, flavorful, and healthy for the body. Frankenfoods are low in nutrients, with less flavor, but far more profitable to sell. Starbucks sells millions of Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I wonder what ...

Fermented Mango Carrot Relish

This refreshing relish adds zingy flavor and vibrant color to any meal. It takes 5 minutes to prepare and 1-2 weeks to ferment. When it's ready, every bite feeds your healthy micro-biome. Carrot, mango, and fresh ginger root combine well with many dishes, like Sweet Potato Hash for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Store your fermented veggies in the refrigerator up to 4 weeks, and serve with any meal to boost to your intestinal health! ...

Old-Fashioned Bali Fried Rice

Delicious! Did you know that the original ancient rice in the world was dark red in color? This nutrient-dense, low-carb meal was common in Bali before colonial times, called "nasi goreng".  For me it was an eye-opening discovery that red rice has over 5X more nutrients than white rice. Yikes! That's because polished rice is stripped of its nutritious outer layer of vitamins and minerals during processing, which makes it white. Red rice is so filling, you'll eat less and be more satisfied. ...

My 1-Minute Turmeric Shot!

When I need an instant energy boost, I stir together this tasty mixture. These 4 ingredients in combination are SO uplifting! Mix together in a glass: 6 oz hot water, 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon honey, Stir and enjoy! Turmeric could be the most powerful herb on the planet for building a strong immune system. Turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin are the main spice in Indian curries. The health ...

Wild Blueberry Mousse with Avocado

OK, let's call it "Blue Mousse". My favorite 2-minute uplifting snack is refreshingly smooth and anti-oxidant with heavenly flavor. This nutrient-dense treat gives you everything you need – vitality, yummy texture, and sublime taste. Just blend and enjoy! It could be your easy breakfast, snack, or dessert. The thick texture comes from natural pectin in blueberries and creamy avocado. Wild blueberries are small with a slightly tart, deep flavor. Wild blueberries may be the world’s most ...

Spanish “Tortilla de Patata” Frittata with Cauliflower

Easy "Tortilla de Patata" is a favorite meal-in-minutes from Barcelona to Madrid to Seville. This recipe is a cauliflower take-off on that national dish of Spain. Cauliflower is an ideal substitute for potatoes, because it's delicious, a highly nutritious cruciferous veggie, low in carbs, and so quick to cook. It can be ready in a snap fo breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Potatoes and peppers are not on my diet, as they're in the nightshade family, which causes intestinal problems for some people - ...

Zoodles with Butter, Garlic & Herbs

This 5-minute meal that Italians call "Spaghetti con Burro e Salvia" or "Spaghetti with Butter and Sage" is a standard everyday favorite. My adapted recipe is even more delicious, and super-low in carbs, so it won't go to your waistline - Hooray! Zoodles are a favorite  5-minute veggie - much quicker than spaghetti, gluten-free, and grain-free. The easy herb sauce is just butter with your favorite fresh herbs. Sage is traditional in Venice, but feel free to use any herbs you like, such as basil, thyme, tarragon, or oregano. Grass-fed butter is packed with nutrients...

Sprouted Hummus, Original Lebanese Recipe

This homemade hummus is quick to make, tasty, super-nourishing, and EASY TO DIGEST. Hummus is supposed to be a healthy snack, a staple of the Mediterranean diet. Every Lebanese grandmother knows how to make old-fashioned hummus with sprouted chick peas. Traditional soaking and sprouting makes beans sweet, digestible, healthy, and quick to cook. Otherwise, beans are simply indigestible, if you know what I mean! Soaking and sprouting dissolves the indigestible natural coatings on beans. ...

Probiotic Chocolate Banana Smoothie

Here's a quick snack with high-protein nutrition. Even better, yummy probiotics will keep your inner micro-biome running in top condition. This is basically a chocolate-banana-coconut milkshake, with my favorite probiotics. We get extra kudos for chocolate, because chocolate is actually a fermented food! Ha ha! And chocolate is one of the highest anti-oxidant foods on the planet. Hooray! However, chocolate must be 100% and sugar-free to reap the benefits, because sugar causes body acidity and disturbs gut microbiome. ...

Roasted Garlic, Aluminum-free

Toasting gives garlic a deep, rich, yet delicate flavor. Raw garlic is crunchy, pungent, and fiery. However once roasted, it transforms magically into a golden soft buttery spread. Roasted garlic is delicious on meats, veggies, breads, and it tastes divine in my Virus-Busting Garlic Soup! Roasting garlic is super-easy, and you don't need aluminum foil. BTW my kitchen is 100% aluminum free. Warning: Roasting garlic will fill your entire home with indescribably tantalizing and ...

My Favorite Breakfast Parfait

Healthy food can be easy and delicious. Just layer in a glass and enjoy! Yep, this quick breakfast is from Dr. Johana Budwig's famous anti-cancer protocol. However, it's a favorite meal or snack anytime! Dr. Budwig was a brilliant German doctor with a 95% success rate healing cancer. Wow! Nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times, she discovered that when unsaturated fats and protein are exposed to sunlight, it activates vital healing solar electrons in the body. Hmmm... tell me more. The food industry did not take kindly to her discovery, which was hidden in the hype promoting modern processed vegetable oils. I've been following her amazing book: The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook ...

Chocolate Banana Nut Pile-Up

This healthy breakfast-in-a-glass consists of bananas and nuts piled up together with an easy chocolate ganache. It’s super quick to stir together, pile up in a glass and eat! Non-glycemic sweetener won't spike blood sugar or cause weight gain. Almonds are high in protein and fiber. Unsweetened chocolate contains anti-oxidants and theobromine, ...

Asparagus Gremolata

Wow! Want an easy and delicious way to eat asparagus! "Gremolata" sauce sounds fancy - but how simple is lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic and parsley? No equipment required. I like asparagus steamed al-dente, so it's sublime flavor comes through. Asparagus is a rich source of glutathione, a detoxifier and antioxidant that helps break down free radicals. It powerfully prevents diabetes by helping to balance insulin levels. It is a natural diuretic, promoting kidney health. We wouldn't want to ...

OMG – Heavenly Carrot Soup!

On a trip to Paris years ago, I ordered a simple bowl of carrot soup, Potage Crécy, in a fine restaurant. The first bite was so delicious, I nearly fell out of my chair with joy. OMG - the taste of LOVE, velvety smooth with heavenly flavor and deeply nourishing. Amazed, I asked the waiter what was in it. He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with the chef, who politely said: "Madame, this is the easiest dish we make. It is simply carrots, butter, chicken broth, and heavy cream. But of course, it all depends on the broth." ...

Easy Flax Oil Dressing for Two

How fast can you stir together 4 ingredients? Yep, in one minute or less, your delicious dressing is ready. BTW, they don't sell this stuff in a bottle. You'll get more flavor, fresher ingredients, and pure organic flax oil for less money with homemade! Flax oil has a mild taste, and it's loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, critically important for your body and brain. Omega-3's are said to calm anxiety, improve eyesight, and even reduce symptoms of ADHD in children. Oh! It tastes yummy on Warm Beet Salad. ...

Cream of Asparagus Soup, Vegan, in 10 minutes

With only 5 ingredients, this nourishing potage is ready in a snap. All you need is asparagus and an immersion blender! Use your favorite milk, such as coconut, almond, cashew milk. Yep. Or even real milk. Today I used Edward & Sons coconut milk powder dry-stirred into the soup, and it was fabulicious. Check it out! Found in any healthy grocery, this versatile  coconut milk powder adds vegan richness to many dishes.  Asparagus is rich in folic acid, or vitamin B9 needed to synthesize ...