Love Yourself 100 results

What is the Immune System Anyway?

By Jane Barthelemy. When millions of viruses are present for all, why do some people tend to come down with an illness? Why are certain people always the first to catch a bug? Coronavirus is a modern variation on the common cold. Our common understanding of the immune system is mostly based on traditional beliefs, our doctors advice, our parents, the media, pharma ads, and anecdotal sources. This article explores Chinese medicine on the immune system. Moreover, an exciting new world of ...

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Walking

Trekking on the Camino in Spain, I learned an important lesson. I walked 125 km of the trail in 8 days, which means about 15 km per day. Some days it was 25 km, some days just 8. My body was weary, however my mind and spirit felt total joy and freedom! My skeleton and musculature were gently realigned each day. Even better, I enjoyed a time of peace, a chance to be with myself away from WiFi, computer, and cell phone. Yes, I was tired, however when I arrived in Santiago de Compostela and the Finisterre ocean at the end of the trip, I felt AWESOME! ...

How’s Your Drinking Water Quality?

By Jane Barthelemy. I believe that body fluid clarity and lymphatic drainage are synonomous to health. That's a strong statement. If true, it would follow that the quantity and quality of your drinking water are essential to health. Tap water has its problems - we can sense a melange of toxins. However today, instead of that age old topic, I will outline the two most important aspects of water for it to truly clean and benefit your body tissues. ...

21 Ways to Find Balance in Stressful Times

By Jane Barthelemy.  Can you train your mind to relax and let go of thoughts that block your happiness? Yes you can. No matter what your background or persuasion, most of us might agree these are turbulent times, and we're moving in an unknown direction. How does that make you feel? Well, here are a few tips and tricks to help you balance your strength and harmony, which helps everyone around you. This won't be my most popular post - some of these methods are non-traditional. Ha ha! Here goes:...

How to Eat Monsanto-Free in Restaurants

Eating out is a time to enjoy a meal with friends. A few leading edge restaurants serve GMO-free, local, organic, or Monsanto-free food. If they don’t, they might be interested to learn how. Remember that eating GMO-free is nice, but it doesn’t rule out toxic pesticides and herbicides on conventional crops. To protect yourself from all industrial food chemicals, you've got to ask for 100% Organic. If you're in Los Angeles or NYC, just use the handy Clean Plates App on your smartphone to find an organic meal! ...

Uh Oh! Big Loopholes in Organic Regulations

Yep, expect a few surprises here. What does it really mean to be certified organic? Who are the BIGGEST producers of organic foods? What are the 3 levels of organic? Are "organic" farms tested by the USDA? How is increasing demand for organic causing more lenient enforcement? Are there stiff penalties for failing to meet requirements? What about international organic foods - are they actually reliable?...

Food affects your body, mood & life quality!

Guest post by Dr. Eva Selhub, MD, Harvard Health Publications. I'm glad the research is finally IN! Yes, think about it. Your brain is always “on.”  It takes care of your thoughts and movements, your breathing and heartbeat, your senses — it works hard 24/7, even while you’re asleep. This means your brain requires a constant supply ...

Emotional Eating? 5 Reasons You Can’t Stop

Many people believe that emotional eating is due to a lack of self-control. However studies suggest this is simply not the case. Here are 5 factors that contribute to emotional eating, and 5 practical solutions! Guest post by Jennifer Kromberg, PsyD, Psychology Today...

6 Surprising Tips to Lick Colds & Flu

By Jane Barthelemy. Any change in the weather can shock your immune system. That's when we get sniffles, colds, and flus. Microbes are everywhere, just waiting for opportunities. They float in the air, we share them with family and friends, spreading them with our hands. We spend good money on medications, and we lose time from the things we must do....

A Paleo Traveler’s Secret – Healthy Meals in a Hotel Room

Some people say they can't eat healthy away from home. Every frequent traveler knows the challenge of eating well on the road. If you're doing gluten-free, Paleo, GMO-free, or any healthy diet, you can solve that with a bit of planning. It's all in the preparation. I recently took a trip and photographed my hotel kitchen set up. Here are my 6 steps to eating healthy in a hotel room: ...

5 Steps to a Year-round Herb Garden

Fresh herbs are surprisingly easy to grow, they add aromatic flavor and beauty to your homecooked meals. Another bonus, they contain vitamins and minerals in higher concentrations than many other plants. I find that every dish tastes better with fresh herbs, and the most convenient way to get them is from your own garden, right? ...

Are You Alive? A Questionnaire

By Jane Barthelemy. Yes, I'm asking: Are you truly alive? Are you experiencing your life fully? Do your senses fill you with joy? How vitally alive are you on a scale of 1 - 10? This article explores deeply personal questions. Why is that important? Because your health, your success, and your destiny depend on how you answer. ...

Thinking of a Spring Cleanse?

A Spring Cleanse can make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow. Even better, it can boost your energy levels, improve digestion, aid sleep, and help you shed a few unwanted pounds. Spring is the perfect time to start over. But what exactly do you want to accomplish? ...

My Surprising Journey to Health

Why on Earth did I become a Paleo/gluten-free chef? Well, here's my surprising story. I come from a long line of nature enthusiasts, artists, and foodies. I’ve done many creative things in my life – this may be my 9th career – I lost count...

14 Fabulous Birthdays, Paleo & Gluten-free!

By Jane Barthelemy. When people invite me to birthday parties, I always ask to bring the cake. Oh yes, I love to cook, but I also LOVE TO EAT. Most cakes are simply not safe to eat - they contain sugars, processed ingredients, and flours that make people sick. Commercial or cake-mix cakes may look beautiful, but they have no life force or nutrition in them. ...

Your Body Never Lies

Our Paleolithic ancestors had to hunt and gather for their food – it wasn’t always within reach. In modern times, we are surrounded by food and in some ways it has become a kind of entertainment. We have separated ourselves from Nature and from our most basic physiological needs....

My Best Breakfast Parfaits!

It's a tough job, writing a book, inventing 165 original recipes with pure and simple foods. But hey! Someone has to do it. The truth is, I never had so much fun. Today I made Breakfast Parfaits! It was an unforgettable day, and felt like I was on a roll. The recipes are available in my book Good Morning Paleo. ...

Traveling on a Healthy Diet?

By Jane Barthelemy. Anywhere you travel, whether it's London, or Los Angeles, eating healthy is a challenge. If you’re on a special diet, or if you just like to eat decent food, planning ahead is a requirement! Tomorrow I'm flying cross-country to a family reunion. I have just a few minutes to prepare a good meal...

12 Healthy Tips for Enjoying Parties

By Jane Barthelemy. Everyone loves to go out and relax with friends. However when you go to a gathering, do you feel challenged to stay true to your diet and eat healthy? Sometimes we are offered a scary array of delicious food. It's easy to give in to temptation and suffer weight gain or digestive consequences later. ...

The Skinny on Obesity – Video Series

By Jane Barthelemy. The data is in. Sugar causes fat deposits and obesity. Sugar causes diabetes. It's that simple. Here's an amazing new video series from the U of C showing clear scientific evidence that obesity, diabetes, and many diseases are caused by sugar and ...