All Health Tips 187 results


DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a "Perfect Storm" for Depression. What are the ...

Top Ten Recipes for Fermented Foods

One of the easiest and most economical ways to boost your health is FERMENTING! In stressful times when your digestion is under attack from processed food, undisclosed additives, and GMO's, these old-fashioned fermented foods like sauerkraut and yogurt can offer your gut a life-saving break. Fermented foods are high in fiber. They contain more beneficial bacteria than most probiotic supplements, and they're cheaper than store-bought pills. Make them easily in a variety of flavors, just 2 ...

Gender Dysphoria Caused by Pesticides?

Three critical articles crossed my desk this week and made a synapse connection. ZAP! It doesn’t take a genius to see that gender identity confusion and chemical exposure are two growing issues for our society today. Are these two issues interrelated? I know that industrial chemicals disrupt our digestion, our nutrition, emotional state, microbiome, and ALL body functions. It could be more than the new pharma gender benders.  Could growing gender confusion in teenagers be related to ...


Takeaway: Is your body pH Alkaline or Acidic? An alkaline body feels healthy. Acidic feels tired and stressed. Your body pH determines your chances of getting sick. An alkaline pH can most likely help you skip diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and most chronic diseases. We can control our body pH. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cucumber, and green beans, fresh vegetables are usually very alkaline. See the list below. Acidic foods shorten your life such as sugar, processed ...

Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically optimize intelligence, body meridians, and organs, allowing us to integrate time, space, and multidimensional realities. Our left and right brain hemispheres have very different abilities. You need both functions in harmony, because together, they can reflect ALL your ...

5 Top Healthy Sweeteners

Top ratings go to 1) Raw Honey, 2) PureLo by Swanson, 3) Swerve Sweetener, 4) Lakanto, and 5) Raw Stevia leaves, the only healthy sweeteners I can find. My criterion are purity, stable blood sugar, and balanced metabolism. With a world epidemic of diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorder, we need sweeteners that stop the sugar cycle in it's tracks. Sadly, grocery stores do not carry healthy sweeteners, so we buy them online. We don't really need sweeteners, but some of us got used to a ...

Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue? 6 Natural Solutions to a Global Epidemic

The Short Story:  Possible Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Include: Exhaustion, Insomnia, Weakness, Poor immune system, Poor Blood Circulation, Allergies, Apathy, Depression, Hair loss, Food cravings, Mood swings, Skin eruptions, Autoimmune disorders, PMS or menopausal symptoms, Low libido, Lightheaded when getting up, Can't handle stress, Mentally distracted, Brain fog, or Hard to concentrate. 6 Quick Solutions to a Global Epidemic:   Reduce Stress and Rebalance the Kidney Meridian: ...

Adaptogenic Herbs, Nature’s Stress Busters

If you want to reduce stress and feel more energy in your life, these adaptogens are the perfect natural solution. Top trainers and athletes call them "synergistic meds for healthy people" because they can powerfully boost stamina and recovery without side-effects of pharmaceuticals. What's an Adaptogen? Adaptogens are a special class of plant tonifying herbal medicines used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries to promote total wellbeing. In those traditional healing ...

6 Ways to Build Your IMMUNE System

Yep, it's all about BALANCE. Your immune system is EVERYTHING these days, pretty much synonymous to OVERALL HEALTH. But what is the immune system, anyway? What we call the IMMUNE SYSTEM is actually a group of six intimately related body systems that work together to optimize your health: Blood Circulatory System, Bone Marrow, Lymphatic System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Nervous System. How Can we Promote Perfect Balance within these Six Systems? Let's break it ...

6 Ways to Squeeze More Nutrition Out of Your Food Dollar

This won't be my most popular post. However it might revolutionize your health while saving you money! Ten years ago I suffered a terrible loss, and the emotional stress led to total digestive collapse. I'll save you the details, except to say I couldn't digest anything anymore. All the food I ate went straight through me, like into a black hole. I became emaciated, thin, and exhausted for months. Then a miracle happened. I met Will, a 6' 6" weight lifter who enjoyed clean food. It ...

Best Depression Med? 100% Chocolate!

Pure 100% chocolate is my favorite food in the world. And for good reason. Pure unsweetened cacao gives me a lift! It is higher in antioxidants than grapes, blueberries, or green tea. Maybe that’s why ancient cultures called it “Food of the Gods.” Who needs meds when we have the REAL STUFF? But there's a catch! If it has sugar added, it's partly toxic. Why ruin the healthiest food by mixing it with the most unhealthy toxin? Sugar acidifies the body and causes inflammation. Cacao, when ...

Turmeric: Huge Health Benefits? or Hype?

Turmeric is all the rage. It's in everything from smoothies to chai, curries, and of course Golden Milk. Turmeric is packed with earthy, pungent flavor. This bitter, yellow, peppery root contains the active ingredient curcumin which can support health in many ways. I believe perhaps the modern world is finally rediscovering the value of this plant, used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Turmeric as an herb stimulates blood circulation. It is a powerful anti-inflamma...

3 Techniques for Self-Balance Under Duress

How to be calm in a storm. Whew!  THIS is a skill everybody needs! Here are my three favorite self-balancing tools. I don't know about you, but my moods swing like a pendulum every day. The WHY doesn't even matter. If I'm upset, angry, afraid, or worried, I am off-kilter and I cannot be my best self. So, every day BALANCE is PRIORITY ONE. Perhaps our single-most important responsibility is to be present in the moment to uplift our physical-mental-spiritual frequency. HEALTH is never a mystery ...

How NOT to Surf the Web – Finding TRUTH on the Internet in 2024

Happy New Year! Top internet tools to find to find TRUTH in 2024. Major predictions include: AI expansion, crazy Election on Social Media, Web 3, and "Spatial Internet of Bodies" linking humans to the web (which will challenge everything we know about how to communicate, interact, and control society). As expected, the battle between AI, humans, and the digitized human body WBAN Network will accelerate this year in profound ways.  Suggested DO's and DON'Ts for Finding True Knowledge on ...

VIDEO: How to Detox & Balance Your Microbiome Consciously

How does our self-awareness and self-love affect our microbiome? Aha! That's the BIG question. This video is a guided meditation to reset the gut-brain axis and balance the microbiome. In this fast-changing world, we need a smart, multi-dimensional approach to health. Your microbiome is the root of your immune system. It rules your digestion, and therefore your nourishment. That means this tiny environment of bugs effectively determines our health and future happiness! Wow! A new ...

Vegetable Oils: Good, Bad and Deadly

Have you ever wondered what's at the root of our world cancer epidemic? Like all disease, there are MANY, MANY contributing factors. However, the elephant in the room I'm highlighting today is our modern synthetic vegetable oils. Does anyone still remember before the 1950’s, butter and lard were the go-to cooking fats in America. Our human diet has changed radically in the past 100 years, not always for the best. Now, GMO vegetable oils are everywhere, in many prepared foods, and so cheap ...

GROUNDING in 30 Seconds: How to Be a Spot of Calm in the Midst of a Storm

What is Grounding?  This technique is incredibly important for your health, strength, and clarity. Some call it Rooting or Earthing. It just means anchoring yourself energetically into your true home. You can be a pillar of sanity when everyone around you is going crazy. We see huge CHANGES in the world. We know that nature has cycles - like day and night. We get Expansion and Contraction. However, some cycles are MUCH LONGER. Like once in a lifetime, or once in thousands of years. ...

How to DETOX Your Inner Eco-System: Parasite Control

DETOX is not something you do once a year. Your body is busy detoxing every day. How can you support it? What's a Parasite?  It is an organism that lives and feeds on (or in) a human, and causes harm. Parasites include: 1) Single-celled (Protozoa), 2) Worms (Helminths), 3) Ectoparasites that feed on the skin (fleas). And now 4) Synthetic Parasites with Artificial Intelligence! Ha Ha! Let’s take a moment to dive into the WILD WILD world of PARASITES! How many different parasites exist in ...

Avoid Processed Foods and Eat Homegrown!

A few days ago a friend sent me a video of instant noodles under a microscope. What I saw shocked me and opened my eyes to the brave new world, in which our food, air, water, even our own bodies, blood and DNA are weaponized against life without our consent. The videos I'm sharing below outline the challenges we face. I've always cautioned folks against eating processed foods, however now the situation is more serious. I see clear evidence of toxic nano particles, black threads of graphene ...

Brain Balancing Unifies Science & Spirit

Brain balancing may hold the key to the mysteries of higher awareness. By synchronizing both left and right brain cortices, we are able to re-charge the pineal gland to enliven the "SWEET SPOT" of Zero-Point consciousness. This 2-minute taping merges precise logic on the left with big-picture awareness. It's as natural as breathing. You can enhance both left and right brain functions, as they both reflect your innate abilities. Breathe quietly as you tap, to align the meridians, and find ...