High-Protein Quinoa Olive Bread – YUMMY!

Are you sick and tired of high-carb breads that add to your waistline? This easy gluten-free, grain-free bread is just the opposite. It is full of nutrient-dense superfoods and black olives. It's a quick bread with baking soda, so there's no need to wait for yeast to rise. And the main ingredient is quinoa! Other high-protein ingredients ...

Coconut Oven-Fried Chicken with Herbs

Absolutely the best 'fried' chicken I've ever tasted! Just dip, roll in shredded coconut, and bake. It's a super-easy comfort food favorite. Even better, it's gluten-free, grain-free, Paleo, with no GMO's or processed ingredients. You'll love how fast this dinner comes together, and how simply delicious. I serve it with a vegetable such as Broccoli with No-Cheese Sauce, or Asparagus Gremolata and Fermented Veggies. ...

Golden Milk with Sweet Potato and Turmeric

Relax and de-stress with Golden Milk. It's a delicious way to get your daily dose of turmeric. Quick to prepare, this spicy chai will uplift your mood, warm your heart, and stimulate total vitality. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory that destroys many types of cancer cells. But it is difficult for the body to absorb. This Golden Milk recipe is especially formulated to help you assimilate ALL the health benefits of turmeric. Sweet potatoes are yummy, high in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, and copper. They get their orange color from beta-carotene, an antioxidant. Homemade Golden Milk is way healthier than any store bought beverage, as it's free of dairy, sugar, GMO's and chemicals. ...

AVOID! Truvia Toxic Sweetener

Uh Oh! Bad News. Truvia kills fruit flies. A not-so-sweet marketing ploy by Cargill, Truvia has zero calories but sadly is loaded with toxins. Ingredients: GMO corn erythritol (with Monsanto's glyphosate), Rebaudioside-A (chemical extraction, nothing to do with stevia.)...

The BIG Blind Spot – What is the top carcinogenic food worldwide?

A great big blind spot worldwide is carcinogenic cooking oils: Soybean, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Safflower, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Rice Bran, and Peanut oil. These toxic seed oils, sometimes innocently marketed as "vegetable" or "refined oils", are some of the most poisonous ingredients in the modern human diet, increasing your risk of Cancer, ...

Avoid GMO Beet Sugar in Restaurants

The very worst sugar for your health is GMO beet sugar. Innocently called "sugar", sadly almost all restaurants use it. GMO beet sugar represents 55% of all sugar consumed in the USA. But like a double whammy, it gives you a dangerous blood sugar rush, with a toxic side of GMO's and Monsanto's herbicide Glyphosate. A known carcinogen, Glyphosate has been proven to cause Autism, Parkinson's disease, and Obesity....

Low-Carb Rosemary-Walnut Bread

Looks like bread, tastes like bread, but NO refined carbs. Hooray! A full-bodied Mediterranean-style bread with amazing flavor, you can taste the olive oil and black pepper in every bite. High-protein, gluten-free, grain-free and Paleo, it's made with almond meal, chia seeds, egg, and walnuts. This EASY bread tastes scrumptious with my Vegan ...

1-Minute Vegan Herb Butter Spread

With only 5 ingredients, this instant herb butter packs more freshness and zing than any store-bought concoction. It's incredibly quick - just throw everything into a blender and WHIZ! Tastes fantastic on my Rosemary Walnut Bread, or Flourless Almond Blender Bread, or veggies, asparagus, etc... Hey! Put spread it on everything! Hint: This is so ...

Alternate Nostril Breathing: 2-min Balancing

This is the first in a series about OXYGENATION. Are you getting enough oxygen to your cells? If you're feeling tired or on edge, the first question to ask is: How is your breathing? This 2-minute breathing will oxygenate your blood, balance your brain hemispheres, boost brain clarity, and calm your mind. Alternate Nostril Breathing is called ...


DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves. It ...

Fiddleheads! What to do?

Today I had just 10 minutes for lunch. These coiled-up fern shoots showed up at my local organic market. They come up in the forest in the spring. Their taste is sweet - something like wild asparagus and green beans. Since I love asparagus omelets, I thought I'd experiment with fiddleheads, throwing in a few shiitakes and garlic. Yummilicio...

Say Good-Bye to Stress with Chocolate Golden Milk & MCT Oil

YUMMY! Dissolve stress with this Chocolate Golden Milk! Turmeric is an uplifting, anti-inflammatory supplement. Turmeric helps to heal and nourish the organs to keep the body systems functioning properly. Yep, turmeric just might just be a major BOON for healing many modern chronic diseases on the rise. But it is not easily absorbed in the body. ...

Boost Your Nut Milks with Flavorful Superfoods!

Boost your nut milk with delicious superfoods! These are my favorite flavorings to boost your nut milks tor tate and nutrition! Today I'm in love with Eggnog, and my friend Chris went wild for Mayan Mocha. They're all yummy, and so easy! Start with my basic nut milk recipe: My Nut Milk Experiment, Which is Best? After straining the 'nut mylk' ...

AVOID! New GMO Potato Chips

Potato chips, America's favorite high-calorie, low nutrient snack will now be available in a genetically modified version! The all-new GMO potato doesn't turn brown when cut open, which is expected to save food manufacturers $55 million dollars each year! ...

AVOID! Whole Foods GMO Apple Pie

Whole Foods Markets Apple Pie looks enticingly "home made". But the ingredient list leaves their options open to allow them to use the most toxic, cheap ingredients. When you see "Apples", you can assume it's the new GMO apples. When you see "Sugar", know that it is probably cheap GMO Beet Sugar. ...

Chocolate Marble Cheesecake, Paleo, Vegan, Sugar-free

This "no-cheese cake" tastes like PURE LOVE! My ideal cheesecake is rich, dense, and creamy, with a perfect balance of sweet and tart. Since I love chocolate, this has a dark chocolate marble swirl and a chocolate crust. Oh yeah! It's dairy-free, made with coconut butter and lemon instead of cream cheese, but you'd never guess. And unlike tradit...

Top Ten Recipes for Fermented Foods

One of the easiest and most economical ways to boost your health is FERMENTING! In stressful times when your digestion is under attack from processed food, undisclosed additives, and GMO's, these old-fashioned fermented foods like sauerkraut and yogurt can offer your gut a life-saving break. Fermented foods are high in fiber. They contain more ...

Superfood Hot Chocolate Chai with Turmeric

A smooth and creamy snack with irresistible flavor, easy to make, and so full of superfoods! Spicy Hot Chocolate Chai will nourish your soul, and keep your body running on high-energy fuel for hours, while promoting long-term health. Just look at the list of superfoods in this recipe! Raw cacao has one of the highest scores on flavonoids. ...

AVOID! Genetically Engineered Salmon

Bad news! The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the first genetically modified food animal, an Atlantic salmon that grows twice as fast as natural salmon, with the insertion of genes from Chinook salmon and eelpout, an eel-like fish. Healthy solution: Buy wild Alaskan salmon....

AVOID! Aspartame Re-Named AminoSweet

The Next Chapter in Aspartame’s Dangerous History, from LivingTraditionally.com. It’s important to know that toxic aspartame may be disguised as a new name in your favorite foods – Aminosweet. Healthy solution: Use zero-glycemic natural sweeteners instead....