Paleo Auto-immune 155 results

Grated Beet and Carrot Salad

Today is a potluck meeting with neighbors. What to make? I've got 2 beets, 2 carrots, some herbs and baby spinach in the fridge, all organic. Well, I guess it's time for my favorite grated beet & carrot salad! This is a super-healthy side dish that's yummy with everything. It's also a perfect choice if you have a food processor with a grating blade - you'll be done in 10 minutes. If not, I'd make something else! Ha Ha! If you DO have a grating blade, that's wonderful! Just grate the beets ...

Creamy No-Tomato Soup, NIGHTSHADE-FREE!

Just 5 ingredients and 10 minutes is all you need for this creamy potage. My guests slurped it down with delight! They couldn't believe it has no tomatoes! The tart tomato flavor is so convincing, no one will ever guess it's made with nourishing sweet potato, beet, lemon, and coconut milk. Yep. If you're one of the 40% of Americans that are nightshade-intolerant, this easy soup is for YOU. Just boil, immersion blend, and enjoy! ...

Zoodles in 1-minute flat

How to make zucchini noodles? Zoodles are a guilt-free, no-weight-gain solution to authentic Italian dishes like Pasta AlfredoWay better than rice, corn, quinoa, and other high-carb, processed noodles, nothing beats fresh vegetable spaghetti! Once you try zoodles you'll never go back! ...

Low-Carb Cauliflower Risotto alla Milanese with Saffron

When I lived in Venice, Italy, I enjoyed risotto almost every day. Ha Ha! But sadly, it's loaded with carbs and I gained a lot of weight. Traditional ingredients for Risotto alla Milanese are arborio rice, aged Parmiggiano Reggiano, and saffron. Oooh! I love saffron! I've resolved the carb problem with this Paleo-Vegan adapted recipe, so you won't gain weight like I did. It's super-low in carbs and even quicker to make. With Cauliflower Rice, you don't have to stand over a hot stove stirring ...

Addicted to coffee? This healthy brew will protect your Kidneys!

85% of Americans use caffeine daily, although coffee is by far the # 1 biggest drain on your Kidneys and Adrenals. In fact, we gulp down over 400 million cups of Joe every day. Our coffee obsession is a roaring $30 billion industry! However, if you're an independent soul like me that wants to be truly healthy, here's a delicious alternative. I'll cut to the chase: Coffee is addictive. It slowly depletes the kidney energy, according to Chinese Medicine, which means it's VERY bad news for your ...

15-Minute Green Goddess Detox Soup

Pamper your taste buds with this rich, detoxifying soup!  "Only the pure in heart can make a good soup." said Ludwig von Beethoven. This satisfying soup is the perfect nourishment AND detox medicine, using the magic of pure vegetables. The recipe makes a big pot, and it’s very flexible - feel free to use any veggies on hand. I love green beans, asparagus, and zucchini. (But, if you don’t like asparagus, just use another veggie!)  For a beautiful green color, I used mostly green ...

Paleo Caesar Salad – Mamma Mia!

I can't keep my finger out of this authentic Caesar dressing – it’s that yummy! Made it in less than 5 minutes! There’s something magical about 100% natural ingredients like pure artisan olive oil, lemon and garlic that make Caesar dressing irresistible. But this Paleo dressing is also Vegan, free of anchovies, eggs and dairy! Yet, it tastes just like authentic Parmigiano Reggiano dressing. Ha Ha! Instead of cheese, it uses lemon, nutritional yeast and coconut butter. So it's dairy-free, ...

Top Ten Recipes for Fermented Foods

One of the easiest and most economical ways to boost your health is FERMENTING! In stressful times when your digestion is under attack from processed food, undisclosed additives, and GMO's, these old-fashioned fermented foods like sauerkraut and yogurt can offer your gut a life-saving break. Fermented foods are high in fiber. They contain more beneficial bacteria than most probiotic supplements, and they're cheaper than store-bought pills. Make them easily in a variety of flavors, just 2 ...

6 Healthy Alternatives to Mashed Potatoes!

Jane-Icon-2Everyone deserves fluffy mashed potatoes! But sadly, potatoes are a high-carb, low-nutrient trigger for elevated blood sugar and weight gain. Nightshade intolerance is common. Here are six healthy alternatives to mashed potatoes to breathe new life into our classic favorite. Six new flavors, ALL fabulicious!

Top row: Cauliflower, Japanese Sweet Potato, Celery root Bottom row: Parsnip, Garnet Yam, Broccoli


Bye-bye Colds and Flu, Virus-Busting Garlic Soup

Say hello to delicious wellness! Say good-bye to any virus with this powerful immune-boosting soup. My personal favorite high-potency cold and flu buster ingredients are: Garlic, Coconut oil, Ginger, Reishi, Astralagus, Calendula, Oregano, and Schizandra. This recipe uses the first six, however feel free to make your own variation, as it's very flexible. If you don't have any one ingredient, just skip it and the soup will still be divine. Read more about how to use all these virus-busting herbs ...

Pumpkin Eggnog, Vegan

This creamy spiced eggnog is dairy-free, and guaranteed to warm any holiday gathering. Entertaining is challenging when you're balancing dietary restrictions. However this delicious recipe solves that, as it is compatible with most special diets! Your guests will be guzzling it, and no one will ever guess it's free of gluten, grains, dairy, eggs, sugar, and tree-nuts. ...

Baked Eggs in Avocado

Even when you're in a hurry, it's always possible to enjoy a nourishing meal. Simply crack two eggs into a sliced avocado and bake. When you finish getting dressed and checking your messages, breakfast is ready. Wow, was this delicious! Choose a large size avocado with a large seed and hole, so there's room for the egg without spilling over. The best choice is a Hass avocado. Not a Pinkerton or Fuerte avocado - as they have very small seeds, i.e. small holes. You may need to hollow out the ...

Rainbow Salad with Herb Dressing

My body is asking for veggies today - and this crunchy mixture is my absolute favorite! Quick, colorful, and unbelievably delicious with this blended Yogurt Herb Dressing. If your digestion is delicate, you can steam the raw veggies lightly in a steamer for 2-3 minutes, so they're partly cooked and still crunchy. Then drizzle them with this very special dressing and enjoy! Use any leftover dressing with everything!. Serves 4....

Sparkling Virgin Pomegranate Punch

Like spiced wine, this zingy raspberry pomegranate punch is quick to make and perfect for any holiday gathering. The flavor is deep and refreshing. Just blend, add sparkling water, and serve. It's filled with with vitamins and anti-oxidant nutrients from berries, pomegranate, and cherries. Makes about 3 quarts punch. Serves about 20 people. You can always dilute it to make more by adding more sparkling water. I made it virgin, without alcohol, however you can spike it as you please. ...

Spiced Beet Elixir – A Fermented Holiday Treat!

This warm non-alcoholic punch will warm the hearts of a holiday gathering! It's made from spiced ginger tea, pomegranate, and fermented beets! The flavor is exalting, the feeling uplifting and enlivening. Warm spiced punch with cinnamon and cloves is a comfort food for me. This elixir combines delicious flavor and invigorating medicinal qualities. Of course, you can always add your own spirit essence if you like. I made it with fermented beets from my local market, and served it at a holiday gathering. Organic ingredients made it pesticide-free without Monsanto's herbicide glyphosate. Hooray! ...

Instant No-Tomato Red Sauce, Nightshade Free in 5-minutes!

In a panic running late, I needed a quick sauce for dinner. This miracle happened, and it's a winner! Blend the veggies, pour into a pan, heat, stir, and serve! Ha Ha! Looks and tastes like Italian tomato sauce, except it's pure blended veggies I already had on hand. Wow! Pour it on Zoodles, or Crispy Baked Coconut Chicken, or Meatloaf. It's nightshade free and deeeeelicious! I love my old-fashioned satisfying No-Tomato Sauce Recipe, however it requires time and patience. This one is ...

Make Your Own Curry Powder – Nightshade-free!

I love spices! Here's how to make your own homemade curry powder that's easy on the digestion. Curry powder is a mix of Asian spices. Years ago every Indian household had their own special spice mixture, giving their family cuisine a unique characteristic flavor. Nowadays we buy curry powder in little jars from mega grocery corporations. It's still wonderful and can be used in so many dishes! Commercial curry powders almost always contain nightshades like red pepper and cayenne. Many people ...

Paleo Guacamole, Nightshade-free

My favorite avocado snack is usually made with tomatoes, cayenne, and jalapeños. So here's a traditional Mexican recipe that'e easy on your digestion. Nightshade vegetables are a common allergen (tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, eggplant). Many popular foods contain nightshades, like pizza, potato chips, and salsa. But they're notorious for causing digestive problems in about 35% of humans, particularly Caucasians. Nightshades work slowly, their negative effects often delayed ...

Papaya Tangerine Smoothie

Today's breakfast was a refreshing flavor treat of creamy, luscious papaya. I added tangerine, coconut milk, and strawberries for a WOW! Intensely luscious smoothie! Look for the healthy organic, non-GMO papaya with real seeds, as many papayas are genetically modified. (If they have NO SEEDS, how can they reproduce?) This papaya milkshake tastes like the papaya "batido" beverages I used to buy on the street in Mexico, except those are usually made with (uh oh!) sweetened evaporated milk ...

Instant Cacao Spiced Detox Tea!

This uplifting beverage beats coffee hands down! Cacao is a top anti-oxidant that detoxes body chemistry and uplifts the spirit any time of day. It's an ideal antidote to modern bio-warfare. These days we need to bolster our immunity and resilience more than ever. Pure cacao is your friend, if it contains no sugar. Cacao is a medicine, non- addictive, and has no negative side effects for most people. Chocolate contains a bit of caffeine, but far less than coffee. When you creatively mix ...